Monday Attitude Quotes – Motivation and Love

Monday is the start of the working week after a relaxing weekend. One thing about Monday is that it comes with its kind of attitude or vibe; good or bad.
Mondays have often been called the day of bad moods and a psychological state that afflicts most people at the start of each working week.

A lot of people dread Mondays because it’s the start of a new week — one in which you need to work or go to school or any other type of job. As individuals, how we approach our day on Monday can make or break how we are for the rest of the week. If we start the week off on a positive note, good things tend to build up and before we know it, we’ve had an awesome day and week.

Whether we realize it or not, how we feel when we wake up on Monday morning has a huge impact on our attitude for the day. These Monday attitude quotes below Xrays the different attitudes portrayed by people on Mondays.

Monday mornings can be a drag, but that doesn’t mean you have to be! A dash of positive attitude, a sprinkle of the right motivation, and a cupful of laughs will go a long way in making your Monday a great day and one to be remembered.

1. Get your Monday attitude right: healthy, happy, and full of smiles!

2. Make the most of this Monday and every Monday by taking a break for a moment to celebrate life.

3. That fresh feeling you have on Mondays—everybody wants to get some.

4. Cheers to the first sip of a new week. Cheers to Monday.

5. Hello Monday! How was your weekend? We’re ready for what you have in store for us today.

6. Monday is the only day of the week that you can look forward to coming back to work.

7. Dear Monday, thanks for showing up. We’ve been waiting all weekend for you.

8. Don’t hate me for saying this, but you can do Monday. Let’s start it off on the right foot.

9. You know it’s going to be a great week when you wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Have an amazing Monday everyone!

10. Feeling this Monday attitude. It’s a perfect day to slow down and take a deep breath.

11. Mondays aren’t so bad especially when you have a coffee waiting for you in the office.

12. Didn’t get your weekend off to a good start? Feeling sedentary and sluggish after a long work week? Kick-start the week with energy, motivation, and positivity.

13. The best way to start your week is with a smile, a smile and a coffee.

14. Don’t wait for the weekend to have a good time. Happy Monday!

15. Happy Monday. Don’t wait for the weekend to have a good time.

16. Enjoy the day! You don’t have to wait for the weekend to have a good time.

17. The weekend is great, but let’s make some amazing memories today. Happy Monday!

18. Spend today having fun and doing what makes you happy. It’s Monday. Go get ’em!

19. Here’s to making this Monday as good as a Friday. Enjoy!

20. Happy Monday! It’s not just the start of the week – it’s one more chance to spend time with the ones you love.

21. It’s Monday. No one is usually excited, but we think it’s the perfect day to get ready for your awesome week ahead.

22. Mondays. The most hated day of the week, right? And some days, it is not so easy. But we can always find a way.

23. When life starts to feel hard, think about this- every Monday remind yourself it’s only a phase until it isn’t anymore.

24. Every Monday reminds yourself you may feel completely broken, but you are worth it.

25. If you’re dreading Mondays, remember they don’t last forever. Don’t give up on your dreams.

26. On Monday, you just have to keep your head up and remember it’ll be worth it in the end.

27. It’s Monday! Take in the new sunrise and remember, that nothing lasts forever.

28. Mondays are rough. Stay positive, follow your dreams and you’ll be rolling in dough.

29. Mondays can be tough. Just remember: it’ll be Friday before you know it.

30. Mondays are tough. If you find yourself dreading the workweek, it’s time for a change.

31. Even Monday can be a good day when you start it with the right mindset.

32. You know what they say, “Mondays are made for coffee, not for sorrow.” Here’s to having the right attitude all week long!

33. Don’t let a Monday attitude ruin your day!

34. Monday can be rough. Don’t let it ruin your day! Get motivated and crush your week with a cup of coffee.

35. Remember, however you might feel on a Monday, it’s only one day in the grand scheme of things. Don’t let it take away from your week or your whole life!

36. Monday is a cheerful and hard-working day, so try to be Bright and Positive!

37. Put a smile on your face, breathe in the fresh air, and start the day over bright and early.

38. Your life isn’t a job – it’s a journey. Why not enjoy today?

39. No matter what kind of day you’re having, always remember that somewhere someone is working much harder on Monday.

40. Monday is the day we dread, but it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes Mondays are full of surprises.

41. Monday is often dreaded, but it doesn’t always have to be. Sometimes Mondays are filled with surprises that are waiting to happen.

42. Mondays are full of stress, but they don’t have to be that way. Sometimes a little surprise on Monday can lift your spirits.

43. Yes, it’s Monday again! We probably don’t need to tell you that many people don’t enjoy Mondays. But do you know what makes a great Monday?

44. Some days it’s all about the outfit, other days it’s all about the attitude—Here’s to a Monday filled with both!

45. The weekend is over, you’re back to work. Don’t let Monday morning blues get you down.

46. It’s Monday and you’re back to work. You know it’s going to be a great week, but you’re feeling the Monday blues. Cheer up!

47. Even though the weekend is over, you should be excited for the week ahead.

48. It’s Monday morning, and your workday is starting. It’s a new week and a new beginning.

49. Relax! It’s Monday, there’s a whole week ahead of you. Go do something fun!

50. Before you know it, the working week will be over and you’ll be back to having fun.

51. Dreaming of the weekend is the only way to get through Monday.

52. Dreaming about Friday and the entire weekend is the only way to get through Monday at work.

53. No big meetings, no problems. Monday is a blank slate. It’s time to put that seat in the upright position and make it happen.

54. Happy Monday! May this week be as awesome as you are.

55. Are you ready for another glorious work week? Good. Let’s do this thing.

56. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Have a great week.

57. Happy Monday y’all! Here’s hoping for smooth sailing through the week ahead.

Monday isn’t so bad. Let these attitude quotes kickstart your Monday and set the tone for whatever you’ve got on the agenda. I hope these Monday attitude quotes help you get through one of the most difficult days of the week.

If this post was really helpful for you, please don’t hesitate to let me know in the comment section and please don’t forget to share. Thank you.

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