Monitoring and Evaluation as Tools for Achieving Success in the Performance of Government Intervention Projects(A Regional Survey)

Monitoring and Evaluation as Tools for Achieving Success in the Performance of Government Intervention Projects(A Regional Survey).


The research centered on “Monitoring and Evaluation as Tools for Achieving Success in the Performance of Government Intervention Projects” (A Regional Survey). The study is empirical in nature and involves the use of both primary and secondary data for the development of the study.

The major problems associated with the study include: project abandonment, which results to poor economic growth rate. Low income per capital etc.

Some of the Objectives of the study include: Identification of the importance of monitoring and evaluation and establishment of the consequences of poor monitoring of government intervention projects. Chi-square, percentages and tables were used in the analysis of the data collected for the study.

The researcher explained the importance of monitoring and evaluation as a way of achieving success in the performance of government intervention projects. The researcher also discussed the effects of poor monitoring and evaluation and how they can result to project abandonment.

Some suggestions were made as solution to poor monitoring and evaluation of government intervention projects which include sticking to project timetable and proper costing of the project. Some findings were made based on the analysis of the data collected.


A well-thought and effectively executed project to a large extent contributes to national development. For a project to be implemented and objective of it realized, a thorough monitoring and evaluation of it has to be carried out.

Any government intervention project embarked upon without adequate monitoring and  evaluation is just like flogging a dead horse as the project is going to be abandoned at last.

So before a project is embarked upon, adequate monitoring and evaluation should be carried out to ensure success in the performance of government intervention projects.

In effect, therefore, project evaluation and monitoring could operate in an interacting manner to ensure that plans. Goals or objectives are attained.

Since monitoring is primarily concerned with accessing the progress achieved in implementing an objective or programme efficiently and effectively, the executors of the project through the monitoring and evaluation process.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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