Motivating Texts: The Secret to Conquering the Hearts of Thousands of People

Now there are many forms of copywriting and copywriters are both experienced professionals whose texts bring tens of thousands of dollars in profit and beginners who just finished registration at the exchange and proudly call themselves “content generators”. Each form has its own characteristics, and each has a specific task, the solution of which guarantees success.

Today we will consider a special category of texts, the mastering of which is directly related to the success and allows you to manipulate your target audience with maximum efficiency. So, the texts that touch a nerve and make people follow you. Texts that allow you to gather like-minded people around you who are grateful for what you do. Finally, texts that raise you to the Olympus of recognition by winning people’s hearts. In short, make yourselves comfortable, today we’re going to talk about motivational texts and the principles the thesis writer can help you with creating them…

The difference between motivating and selling texts is, of course, is conditional, but it is there. Pay attention: the purpose of selling texts – is to sell a product or service. The task of motivational texts – is to inspire the reader, to create a motive in him, and have a double effect:

Encourage him to perform certain actions that are beneficial to the author.

It is noteworthy that the reader, after reading the text, decides on his or her own action. In any case, he thinks so, not even suspecting that he is being manipulated.

A quite logical question arises: if the reader does everything himself, but the text does not sell anything, then why such a text is created, and why it cost so much? The answer is simple: such texts imbue the audience with confidence in you. As a result, readers see you as their friend, follow your recommendations and buy the goods or services you recommend. These kinds of texts are widely used in email marketing.

Thus, it turns out that the sales text – is one of the varieties of motivational text because it is a motivation to buy. However, motivational texts can also have other goals: to get the reader to try something, to make him register or subscribe to a mailing list, to move the audience to the next phase of psychological processing, etc.

Unlike purely selling texts, motivational texts are not always created according to a particular model. Instead, motivational texts use a subtle psychological tweaking, which allows for achieving a maximum response.

It is also worth noting that motivational texts can be created not only for people to read them but also for them to be read out in a speech format to the audience, inspiring them and resonating in their minds.

People very often develop trust when they communicate with a person who is not only willing to offer them a solution to their problems, but who understands their problems, their condition, and ideally, has been through the same things as they have. The explanation is simple: the more points of contact, the greater the degree of trust, and the stronger the influence of the text.

The most obvious example – is when a person tells you that he was just a mediocre bank clerk, but really did not want his whole life to move papers from call to call, found his way, founded his own company, and anyone can achieve the same results, you just need to start, believe in yourself and act. In fact, many people are intrigued and inspired by other people’s success stories, because for many people the dream of financial independence is a cherished one, and the belief in its realization opens a second breath in a person. 

Each person has his own flaws. One lies, another – drinks when it’s dry, a third – lazy, a fourth – too proud, a fifth – envious … You can list as much as you want, but most people have one thing in common: everyone wants to get everything without making any effort. Of course, such an outcome, by definition, is impossible, but, nevertheless, most of humanity does not lose hope in it and humbly waits for manna from heaven to descend on their heads.

Don’t believe it? Look for yourself: one is waiting for his undeniable merits to be noticed by his superiors, and he will go for a promotion. The second is waiting for the prince on a white horse, rejecting all the “unworthy”. The third sincerely believes that if he had the initial capital, he would create a financial empire or become a high-ranking official … And so on …

The funny thing is that there are far fewer vices than there are people in the world, and people with common flaws just become the target audience for the next motivational text.

For example, remember how often you’ve seen texts describing the fabulous success of high school students playing Forex and the opportunities open to them. Many people think it’s unfair that some people get everything, doing nothing, while others have to work hard all their lives, but remain with nothing, and many people are not only angry but also pushed to the “right” actions.

This principle uses a very powerful, extended emphasis on the problem to provoke righteous anger and response, both emotional and action. It is very popular in speeches in which the speaker creates indignation among the masses at some injustice and then urges the audience to take action.

As a rule, motivational texts based on this principle contain a detailed description of a problem specific to the target audience. For example, it is winter, it is icy, and the maintenance service shows no action to reduce the danger of falling. On the one hand, you could simply mention in the text that it is not safe outside, but that would not be as effective. On the other hand, one could expose in great detail the consequences of the most unfortunate falls, shifting the blame to the maintenance service and calling for the whole friendly community of neighborhood residents to go and dot the i’s and cross the t’s.

No matter how you look at it, people were, are, and will continue to be social creatures. It is an instinct, and it is inherent in most people. People need to belong to a community and have like-minded people, otherwise, they feel unprotected, vulnerable, or, even worse, needless. When you, as the author of the text, sincerely support the position of the reader, you become “your own” in his mind, and, therefore, cause trust. Moreover, on a subconscious level, if your position initially coincided with the position of the reader, then everything you say to him (within reasonable limits) at a subconscious level begins to be perceived by a person as his own thoughts, which gives you a wide scope for manipulation.

Of course, in order to support someone’s position, you need to weigh all the pros and cons and study the reader thoroughly, but the payoff from using this principle can be very, very high.

Authoritative people are trusted by default. For example, if a reputable stockbroker would write in a personal letter that buying a certain company’s shares at a certain moment would allow the buyer to make a fortune, it would be a very powerful motivating text for his target audience.

In fact, it will be nothing more than a revealed secret. By the way, secrets have a truly magical effect on readers and motivate many by default, even when the action is not explicitly stated.

Motivational texts have a strong psychological impact on readers and are usually created with the principles outlined in this article in mind. However, they do not necessarily require the audience to do something immediately: in some cases, the ultimate goal of the text is hidden in several steps of step-by-step influence.

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