How to Change Your Mindset to Achieve More Goals

– How to Change Your Mindset –

There are a lot of life problems solvable just by learning how to change your mindset. Might seem hard to believe. but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s true. This article sheds light on methods you can apply to change your mindset.

What Does Mindset Mean?

Your mindset can be defined as a learnt collection of beliefs that actively shape how you analyze the world and yourself. It affects your response to situations regarding, thoughts, feelings and behaviour. 

Types of Mindset

There are two basic mindsets, according to Dweck: fixed and growth. If you have a fixed mindset, you believe that you have limiting beliefs that fixed traits cannot be altered. You may also believe that success is determined solely by your talent and intelligence and that no effort is required.

On the other hand, if you have a growth mindset, you believe that your talents and abilities can be developed over time with hard work and perseverance.

People with this mindset do not necessarily believe that anyone can become Einstein or Mozart simply by trying. They do, however, believe that if people work hard enough, they can become smarter or more talented.

Differences Between Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset

Below is a table depicting the differences between fixed mindset and growth mindset.

Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
“I can do it or I cannot do it.” “I’m willing to learn things I don’t know how to do.”
“I can’t change, that’s who I am.” “I’m constantly evolving positively.”
“If you need to work hard, you don’t have the ability.” “You become smarter as you overcome every challenge.”
“I won’t fail if I don’t try.” “I only fail when I stop trying.”
“No, I can’t fit into that job position.” “That job position is challenging. Let me apply for it.”

Why You Should Change Your Mindset

To have a positive mindset, you need to reflect on why you need that change. That way, your subconscious sees the need and you can actively make the changes. Below are some reasons.

1. You Always Focus on The Wrong Things

Do you have a habit of focusing on your worries and disappointments while ignoring the things that are going well for you? This is a clear indication that your mindset is tainted with negativity. There may be a lot of bad things going on right now, but chances are you have at least some aspects of your life in good shape.

Taking the time to be grateful for those things is important because it keeps the bad from completely overwhelming your perspective. If you become blind to the good things, you may lose them or fail to take advantage of them.

Everyone can become smarter or more talented if they work hard enough.

2. You Dwell on Failures and Never Celebrate Victories

The difficulties and struggles of today are merely the cost of tomorrow’s accomplishments and victories. Do you find yourself getting angry and depressed after a loss, but ignoring your victories?

When you don’t take the time to celebrate when something goes your way, it’s because you don’t believe in your victory, whether on a conscious or unconscious level. You believe it is hiding the seeds of failure beneath it.

Remember that constantly doubting your victories is as ungrateful as taking them for granted, because it isn’t a genuine acknowledgement of them. Believe in your ability to achieve true victory. Some things are built to last.

3. You are Afraid of Facing the Truth

Complaining about reality will not change it. You can rant about the rain clouds all day, but it will not bring the sun out.

But, in some ways, complaining incessantly is a refusal to acknowledge and accept the truth. You don’t have complete control over everything. You feel stuck.

Take action to affect the changes you can. Speak up when you see an injustice, but understand that the world will never be fair, no matter how much it should be. It will never be realistic until you accept that fact and change your mindset, and you will always be plagued by resentment that your expectations are not being met.

4. You Lack Contentment

The disadvantage of ambition is that it frequently blinds us to the wonderful things and people in our lives. Maybe you want a bigger house or a more expensive car, but can you remember when you didn’t even have your current house or car? Perhaps you wish you had more friends while ignoring the value of the ones you already have.

There is always more to strive for, but more will never truly satisfy us. It always leaves a gap that cannot be filled.

You will never be satisfied with what you have until you allow yourself to enjoy what you already have. To take it all in. Enjoy it. This is an excellent time to do so.

5. You are Always Fighting Your Loved Ones

If you are constantly disagreeing with the people you care about, it is a sign that your mindset needs to be adjusted, especially if you trust those people and respect and value their opinions. Your disagreements with them may reflect on you rather than on them. Try to understand where they’re coming from—it might change your mind.

6. You Constantly Play the Victim Card

The issue with seeing yourself as a victim isn’t that it’s always incorrect—sometimes you really have been victimized by bad people or unfortunate circumstances. However, viewing yourself as a victim all the time does not empower you to change or living your life for yourself.

Even if you were the victim, you can overcome low self-esteem by deciding to reject that role and begin creating something better. You’ve earned it!


How to Change Your Mindset

Changing your mindset might seem difficult or complicated to you when need is, but trust me, it is one of the most difficult challenges yes! But what do you think will be the outcome if you change your mindset? Let’s see how to change your mindset! 

1. Change How You Talk to Yourself

Conversations with yourself are a direct reflection of your mental state. If you tell yourself, “I am not good enough to achieve my dreams,” your thoughts will create your reality, and your mindset will prevent you from having the life you desire.

Change your negative self-talk into an empowerment speech to improve your mindset. It may sound cliche, but telling yourself “I can do this” or “I got this” works. You need to start paying attention.

2. Work on Communication

Change the way you talk to other people after you’ve changed your inner thought dialogue and the story you’re telling yourself. To encourage a growth mindset, avoid phrases like “I am always like this” or “I am always doing this.”

Furthermore, instead of complaining and discussing your problems, make it a habit to talk about the things that are going well in your life. This will promote a mindset of abundance rather than fear and scarcity.

3. Pick Out Your Desired Mindset and Act It

Choose a goal that you want to achieve and then ask yourself, “Which mindset do I need to achieve this goal?” and “Which mindset do people who have achieved this goal have?”

Healthy and fit people, for example, may have the mindset “I love taking care of my body, nourishing it with whole foods, and exercising every day.” If you want to be healthy and fit, act as if you already have a healthy and fit mindset. You’re basically tricking your brain into adopting a new mindset and reinforcing it with action this way.

4. Place Yourself Among People Who Have Your Desired Mindset

Do you want to improve your money and success mindset? Begin hanging out with people who appear to have an abundance of money flowing their way at all times. Moreover, it is easier to adopt a new mindset when you see how well it is working for others. Learn how they think and modify your daily habits to match.

5. Create Supportive Habits for the Change

Integrate powerful habits into your daily routine that will assist you in changing your mindset and reinforcing your thinking with action. If you’re transitioning from a “fixed” to a “growth” mindset, make time for learning and start keeping track of your accomplishments and learnings every day.

When transitioning from a “destination” to a “journey” mindset, practise being mindful, appreciating the present moment, and celebrating small victories.

6. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

When you put yourself in situations that test you, you have no choice but to rise to the occasion and improve your mindset. It becomes a necessity in order to survive.

So ask yourself, “What situations can I put myself in that will force me to operate on a higher level of consciousness?” Essentially, the goal is to engineer your environment in order to train your brain!

7. Control Your Expectations

In general, having high standards is not a bad thing. However, if you overdo it, it can be harmful.

If you are too hard on yourself, you may suffer from depression and job burnout. If you expect too much from others, they may grow tired of you, become afraid of you, or even avoid you.

Genuinely loving someone – and this includes yourself – can begin only when you stop expecting a specific action, behaviour, or result from yourself or another person, and when you embrace and love the natural flow of events.

Books to Change Your Mindset

A vital aspect of mindset change is learning an application. What better way to learn than by reading? This is a list of books on how to change your mindset you should read.

‣ Mindset: The New Psychology of Success: Dweck, Carol S.

‣ Thinking, Fast and Slow Paperback – Daniel Kahneman

‣ Change Your Mindset Change Your Life – Angelique Bochnak.

‣ The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck – Mark Manson

‣ The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Franklin Covey

How to Change Your Mindset Quotes

Some quotes by influential people can also help you on your journey towards finding how to change your mindset. We listed a few of them.

 1. “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”- Maya Angelou

2. “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” – Lao Tzu

3. “There can be no life without change, and to be afraid of what is different or unfamiliar is to be afraid of life.”- Theodore Roosevelt

4. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Wilson Watts

5. “In a world of change, the learners shall inherit the earth, while the learned shall find themselves perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer

Changing your mindset doesn’t happen overnight, you need work and patience. We trust this article suggestions will help you on the right track to a growth mindset. Remember to share to your preferred social platform.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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