Motivational Factors and Teachers’ Effectiveness (PDF)

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This paper discussed extensively Teachers’ Motivation and its influence on Quality Assurance in the Nigerian Educational System.

The Nigerian educational system like wise the school is an arena which accommodates various resources (both human and material). These human resources including students, teaching and non-teaching staff are inputs that operate within the whims and caprice of this arena.

Most essential of these inputs are the teachers that facilitate the teaching – learning process for the achievement of educational goals and outcomes. Given adequate teachers’ motivation will enhance quality instructional delivery, quality output and quality assurance in the school system.

Highlighted in the paper are definitions of some terms and the significance of teachers’ motivation and quality assurance to the Nigerian educational system.

Different motivational theories were also highlighted in the paper in order to show the nexus between teacher motivation and quality assurance.

The paper also analyzed the educational implications of motivational theories and proffers motivational strategies that guarantee quality assurance in the educational system.

Motivational strategies like staff training and development, promotion, salary, remuneration, working conditions, status and participatory decision making, acted as a barrier towards achieving quality assurance in the educational system.

Some challenges that negatively influenced teacher motivation and recommendations were also highlighted. Among such recommendations included: government recognition of teachers motivational needs such as promotion, good salaries and remuneration in order to achieve quality assurance; and staff training, retraining and development as one of teachers’ motivational needs/strategies strengthened in order to promote teachers efficiency, productivity and performance for quality outcomes.

The importance and purpose of this work is to address these issues as it influences quality assurance in the Nigerian educational system.


In this chapter, the background of the study and statement of the problem are presented. Next are the scope of the study and the purpose of the study. These followed by the significance of the study, the researcher’s question and hypotheses.

1.1   Background to the Study

Organization, private and public alike are set up to accomplish their own goals and objectives such as the provision of goods and services.

An organization needs people of diverse backgrounds both skilled and unskilled to exert their energy towards the accomplishment of their goals.

People are the greatest single asset that can work towards an organization goal. In real terms, an organization is people. They constitute the only asset that can work towards an organizational goal.

As a result, one major concern of an employer is to recruit. And retain qualified and dedicated work force that is willing to release its lacteal energy in the service of the enterprise (Cole, 2011).

Bytom and Herbed (2010) wrote that work dominates the lives of most men and women and the management of employees, both individually and collectively remains a central feature of organizational life.

This observation shows why most large organizations depend upon competent workers in the field of teaching profession.

Having spent resources to recruit, train and be with an employee experience, the Akwa Ibom state ministry of education in collaboration with secondary education management board needs to develop some form of motivation plan based on analysis or why the education service is not achieving her objective.

The solution to employees motivation and its relation to productivity is complex, but application of texture to address the issue of motivation in individual organization is often simple, straight forward and effective (Umoiyang, 2012).

Beadwell and Holden (2009) propose that to achieve and maintain success in an organization the manager must acquire appropriate principle and skill in developing employees for the job. This will go a long way to motivate employees in order to give out their best.

In the school system for instance, teachers are the internal social system of the institution, while the type of resources is one over which the school do not have complete control over.

There exists certain instrument to enable management to exert influence in the quality and high performance on which they rely.

There is motivating practice that management adopts which exert influence on quality performance of employees in order to achieve the goals of the school.

In recent years references have been appearing in literature regarding series of motivational practices that are dabbed on high performance, high commitment or innovation and are said to help school to achieve significant improvement in productivity.

For schools in Akwa Ibom State Education Service to increase productivity it should have highly committed teachers with right attitude towards work (Azubuike, 2012). Globally, employers are not just intended in people turning up to work, it is their performance at work that the employer pays wages and salaries for.

The effort that employers put in their work with aim to increase the level of quality output they attain, an effort should be made to the motivation of employees (Bame, 2010).

Teachers occupy such a central and crucial position in any educational system that their attitude and commitment have been of paramount interest not only to educational authority and to other stakeholders.

Teachers are needed in developing countries such as Nigeria but due to poor and unattractive, remunerations some professional teachers have left the schools to seek for better greener pastures elsewhere.

It is against this backdrop that the Akwa Ibom State Education system has instituted some forms of incentive packages for teachers.


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