Motivational Quotes to Send to Your Best Friend

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of this post, I just want to say that if you’re reading this, you’ve probably already got the best friend. You do.

I don’t need to tell you that life isn’t always a ride in the park. Even if you’re fortunate enough to live in a park, you might have too many rain clouds ruining your picnic.

Life can be tough sometimes. It can be draining, hurtful, and even confusing. We all go through some form of it at some point. More reason why it’s nice to have someone cheer you up or give you words of encouragement; inspiring quotes are great to send to friends in message threads and during chats.

If you have a friend that could use a little motivation today, why not send them these quotes? We all need a dose of inspiration from time to time.

Here is a list of motivational quotes to send to your best friend that you can send to your best friends to cheer them up; I hope these quotes inspire them to keep going, even during difficult times.

We’re all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously permit other people to do the same. As we liberate from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

1. Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. I’m proud of you; you’re growing and becoming such a wonderful human being, and I wish you nothing but the best.

2. You are never too old to set another goal or dream of a new one. Chin up, believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable!

3. Put your goals in front of you, and see them. Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable!

4. You can never be too old to dream a new dream or set another goal. Believe in yourself, and you will see it through to the end.

5. Old is just a number, and numbers don’t mean anything. Don’t let age stop you from reaching your goals or discovering new ones. Believe in yourself, and you can accomplish anything!

6. If you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything! You can do anything if you have a dream and set goals to achieve it.

7. You are unstoppable, and it’s never too late to pursue a dream or start a new goal. Don’t forget to believe in yourself, and never stop dreaming.

8. Life is about setting goals and striving for perfection. You’re never too old to make a change in the world, and eventually, you will be successful in your endeavours with persistence and dedication.

9. You are one of a kind, absolutely amazing. You deserve to be happy, and you’re going to get there. If you’re feeling down, remember that everyone is fighting a battle. Keep up the good fight!

10. You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe and trust the universe. And If you ever fall, I’ll be there to lift you.

11. I know you can do it! I’m always here for you. Don’t give up because you never know how close you are to achieving your dreams!

12. Keep your head up and keep moving forward. Don’t let the small stuff get to you. I know you’re nervous, but you got this!

13. Sometimes, you just need to stop and smell the roses. Take a moment for yourself to appreciate all that you have truly. You’ve got this!

14. You were set up to succeed because you have what it takes. I believe in you, and I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished!

15. Surround yourself with people who will challenge you to be better, not just in the things that matter to you most but also in things that matter to them. Never stop growing.

16. Don’t you dare to surround yourself with people who are unaware of your greatness for one more second.

17. If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes; only then will you realize how special you are to me.

18. Just remember that you’ll make it through. Take things one step at a time, and don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s worth hanging in there!

19. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Remember, you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.

20. Getting out of bed makes you a champion. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. Just do it!

21. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try, and everything will be fine; you only need to keep moving!

22. There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. One day you will thank yourself for all the tough decisions you made.

23. When you feel like hope is gone, look inside and be strong, and you’ll finally see the truth: A hero lies in you.

24. Remember that you are a unique, exceptional and wonderful person. You deserve happiness and success in your life. Believe in yourself, don’t let others’ beliefs limit who you are and what you can accomplish.

25. If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick up one of those pieces and begin again. You can get through this. I know you can!

26. You’ve always been there for me. I hope you know how much I appreciate you and believe in your dreams, buddy. You are so smart, kind and brave. I’m lucky to have you as my best friend.

27. Whether you’re a 25-year-old unemployed MBA grad or a CEO of a Fortune 500, it’s never too late to start something new. Believe in yourself, and you’ll be unstoppable!

28. It’s never too late to set another target or dream a new one. You create your opportunities and possibilities when you believe in yourself.

29. If you wake up every day and battle your doubts and fears, you will be unstoppable. Never give up on your dreams. You never know who’s waiting for you at the finish line.

30. Don’t contradict the way you feel. You’re so beautiful, strong and brave, and I’m so proud of your accomplishments this year! Exciting times ahead.

31. Remember, you can always make the best of any situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. You’re tougher than you think!

32. You are a gift to this world. You make life more beautiful, and you’re fun to be around. I hope every day is as magical as you are.

33. You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. It may be necessary to encounter the defeats to know who you are, what you can rise from, and how you can still emerge from them. In a way, this is good for me.

34. We all have days when we lack confidence. When this happens, just remember how much your friends love and appreciate you and find an activity that will make you feel good.

35. If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave. Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet. Smile, brave the day, and believe in yourself. You are enough.

36. I know you’re capable of anything, but it never hurts to get an additional reminder. 1: Don’t forget to take a break now and then. Swipe right to see what I mean. 2: Keep your head up, even if it hurts.

37. People are often unreasonable and self-centred. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

38. I always thought I could never be strong to face obstacles in life, but I guess I was wrong. It’s hard to stay motivated sometimes, but with you by my side, I can do anything

39. You can’t keep running away from challenges. Conquer your fears, and you will conquer the world.

40. Don’t be afraid to move on and start a new chapter, and don’t worry about being perfect. Just keep showing up and enjoy the journey!

41. You are stronger and more beautiful than you realize. You got this, and may you find your best self this summer. Love, best friend.

42. Don’t feel like you have to be perfect. It’s the thought behind your actions that counts. If you have a dream, don’t wait. Take a deep breath and go for it!

43. If you are struggling, try: Take a deep breath and remember that you are strong, capable, and will get through this.

44. You are still here; you can do this. You can reach your goals and live a happy life. Stay strong and never give up!

45. At some point, you must stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You are responsible for yourself.

46. You can do anything you set your mind to. I love you and believe in you today, tomorrow and every other day. You’ve got this girl!

47. I know you can get through this! You always find a way because you are strong, and I’m here for you.

48. I’m so proud to see how you never let anything stop you. Sometimes life is tough, but you are tougher. Things will get better, I promise! Never give up.

49. It’s only a few days until you can take on the world. Keep up the hard work, and stay strong!

50. I know you can do it, even if you like quitting. Take it one small step at a time, and remember that you’re awesome.

You are a smart and strong person and when it feels like you can’t get out of bed or even look at yourself in the mirror, remember that you’re going to be okay. You’re going to make it through this rough time. I know you are strong because you’ve been through much worse than this.

51. You can do anything you desire. You deserve the best and should never settle for the second-best. You are beautiful and brilliant. You have so much potential!

52. You deserve the best and should never settle for anything less. You are brilliant, magnificent, and an inspiration to those around you.

53. If you want to get it done, you can. You’re incredible, and you deserve the world. No matter what you’re doing or where you are in life, I believe in you.

54. Believe in yourself! You can do this! You’re talented and smart. You can achieve anything, and you deserve the best.

55. You can do anything you set your mind to. You deserve the world and should never settle for anything less. You are beautiful, intelligent, and talented. I believe in you!

56. Believe in yourself, and you can achieve more than you ever thought possible. Be bold and have faith in yourself, and you will live an incredible life with no limits.”

57. Look in the mirror daily and tell yourself, “Thank you.” Tell yourself that you’re thankful for who you are and all you have. You are loved!

58. I want you to know I’m here if you need a break! Your new job can be demanding, but don’t forget to take time for yourself.

59. Keep your head up and let the good times roll. And remember—no one rolls as you do. Stay focused and grinding; you’ll get where you want to be!

60. I know this new job can be challenging, but don’t forget to take time for yourself to feel fresh day after day. I’m here for you if you need a break!

61. When feeling overwhelmed, remember that I’m always here for you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like a break with an old friend!

62. Now that your new job is starting, I want to ensure you’re taking care of yourself. When work gets stressful, don’t be afraid to reach out for support.

63. Your new job can be exhausting, but it’s important not to forget the little things. I’m here to help if you need a break!

64. I know life has been hard lately, but don’t give up. I hope you keep using your amazing talent to inspire others; it reminds me of myself.

65. I miss you. I know it’s been hard, but your art is such an awesome gift, and I hope you keep being there for others with it.

66. You are an amazing and intelligent individual. You deserve a wonderful life full of love, happiness, and confidence.

67. Hey, you’re amazing. You’ve never settled for anything but the best, and I’m so proud. I love the person you are and all you’ve done in your life.

68. Best friend, never give up; believe in yourself, and you will find a way to make all your dreams come true.

69. If you feel down or have lost motivation, remember to look at your past and see how far you’ve already come.

70. Proud of you for encouraging your friends and spreading kindness around. Keep up the good work, and remember, every day is a new adventure. Keep exploring!

71. You are enough, you have always been enough, and you will always be enough. No matter what your situation is, big or small, you have the power to make or break it. Make it a good one!

72. Hi buddy, I know you’re having a hard time, and life feels tough. I can see how much talent you have, and I want you to keep sharing your gift with the world. You inspire me every day!

73. I know this has been difficult for you. But remember that you have an incredible talent, and you are inspiring others every day.

74. Something always holds us back. The past, negative beliefs, low energy, poor health, lack of money, no support; the list goes on. This year is when you will overcome those obstacles and accomplish your dreams!

75. There’s no better time than now to make some big changes in your life. Let’s do this together – I’ll be with you every step!

76. This is the year you will do all the things you’ve talked about for years, and I will be there along the way, cheering you on!

77. The power of you is amazing. You are the person I look to for confidence, guidance and support. You can achieve anything you want. Get them, tiger!

78. Nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams. You are so strong and amazing, and I’m inspired by you daily. Keep it up, my inspiration!

79. So, let’s get cracking! No more excuses and no more procrastination. It’s time to kill those fears, overcome doubts, and stay the course.

80. When things get tough, I want you to know that I’m here for you. You can always talk to me. I’m your friend first and everything else second.

81. When you’re in paradise, I hope you’ll remember that we are here for you and your family. We are always looking out for you!

82. I know that if you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards.

83. If you believe in yourself, have dedication and pride, and never quit – I guarantee that you will be a winner. The journey will be tough, but the result is worth the time investment.

84. You should never quit, as you are a winner. If you trust yourself, have willpower, and have pride – victory can be yours. The rewards will be worth the journey when victory approaches and you achieve your dreams.

85. If you believe in yourself, you can account for dedication and pride. Never give up, and you will be successful. You will have to pay a lot, but it will take you far.

86. I believe in you. If you have the dedication, courage, and passion for being a winner, keep going despite the obstacles and setbacks, I know that you will achieve your goals.

87. You should believe in yourself and never give up. Even if you don’t win, you will have learned a few things about yourself.

88. If you believe in yourself and make the commitment, you will win. There are no shortcuts to success, but the rewards are worth it.

89. You got this. You are the real deal, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. When all else fails, remember how awesome you are.

90. Believe in yourself, put your heart and soul into everything you do, and you will do exploits. Hard work and faith will lead to victory.

91. It takes courage to get out of your comfort zone. I am so proud of you for not giving up on learning that new skill. Keep going; you got this!

92. Your success in life depends on how much you care about yourself. Make wise choices, have confidence in yourself and your abilities, and dedicate yourself to getting what you want most out of life.

93. I’m sorry you’re going through something so hard. You’re going to get through it, though – I know because I’ve seen you do it.

94. When the world is too much with you and you need a hug, I hope you’ll remember that I’m always here for you, no matter what.

95. Writing to you from the past because I know that right now, in this very moment, you’re facing challenges and feel like crap. But guess what? You got through it, and everything is okay in the end.

96. You have everything it takes to reach your goals and create the life you want for yourself. I love you so much, and I’ll always be there to support you no matter what.

97. I’m proud of the person you are and know that you will do amazing things. And when life gets hard, I hope you’ll remember that I’m always here for you, no matter what.

98. When life gets you down, don’t lose hope. Remember that things will get better, and if you ever need a friend, I’m always here for you.

99. Hey, friend! You got this! No matter how tough it seems, you will make it through this, and I believe in you- Hugs and kisses.

100. Your heart is always in the right place. You only need to be brave enough to follow it. Don’t give up now; you’re where you need to be. You are strong, capable, and enough.

101. I know your new job can be demanding, but don’t forget to take time for yourself. I’m here for you if you need a break!

102. Best friend, you’ve got everything it takes to beat that job interview. Don’t let them see you sweat!

103. Things are tough for everyone right now but know that you’re never alone. And when the world is too much with you, remember that I’m always there for you.

104. You’re the best friend anyone could have ever asked for. Keep pushing through the tough times, and your hard work will pay off soon.

105. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Stay dedicated and make it happen!

106. You are so strong and amazing that nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams. You are my role model; keep going!

107. It’s time to get started living the life you’ve dreamed of. You can do it! I can’t wait to watch you reach your goals.

We can never truly know what someone else is going through. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try to support our friends —and encouraging words from a best friend are just one way to do that.

So when you’re looking for something to forward to one of your besties, send them something from this collection of motivational quotes to send to your best friend.

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