Moving on From Fake Friends Quotes

Let’s face it. True friends should be real, not fake, but sometimes, we find ourselves with a few fake friends of whom we are unaware of their untrue nature, but we find ourselves stuck with them even to our detriment.

It is until they do something very unforgiving to us that some of us have the courage to put them away and forget they were ever our friends.

It’s time to stop making excuses for trying to manage those fake friends in your life.

This lovely collection of moving on from fake friends quotes will help you express how it feels having a fake friend and help encourage you to move on fast and quick.

Moving on from fake friends can be very hard and daunting. But I have to do it to be able to surround myself with people who care about me and want the best for me now and always because the care would be reciprocated.

1. I shouldn’t feel guilty for letting go of someone who isn’t good for me and isn’t making my life any better. I am moving on from fake friends.

2. I don’t need anyone who feels fake or toxic in my life. Not everyone I meet will like me, but a true friend would never intentionally hurt me or make me feel bad about myself.

3. I am moving on from fake friends that betray me or turn out to be someone I never thought they were in the first place. It hurts more than anything els

4. Fake friends: once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you. I am moving on from them.

5. I don’t want to be taken advantage of by a fake friend. I am moving on from fake friends.

6. Fake friends believe in rumours. I am moving on from them.

7. I am moving on from fake friends because they have never influenced me positively.

8. My friend is a fake because she isn’t what she proves to be. She is so full of lies.

9. I am leaving behind all my fake friends because they never added anything worthy to remember in my life.

10. All my fake friends are not even up to one real friend, so I am leaving all of them behind and moving on.

11. My fake friends are like clouds. When they disappear, it’s a brighter day. I am moving on from my fake friends.

12. True friends are like flowers in the garden of life. When fake friends are in your life, they are like weeds that will be removed soon, so I am moving on from my fake friends.

13. Sometimes, I give up on people not because they don’t care but because they don’t add to anything positive in my life.

14. Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour.

15. Fake friends leave when you cry. I am moving on from them.

16. I am moving on from fake friends who only drill holes under my boat to get it leaking, those who discredit my ambitions, and those who pretend they love me, but behind my back, they know they are in to destroy my legacies.

17. I am sick and tired of toxic people in my life, so I will tell them to get lost.

18. It’s time I stop wasting my time on people who make me feel bad about myself and give me doubts about my self-worth.

19. Fake friends are like shadows. They follow you in the sun and leave you in the dark. I am moving on from them.

20. I am moving on from fake friends who will believe the gossip about me.

21. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies but from fake friends. I am moving on from them.

22. I am moving on from friends who only want to hang out when it’s convenient for them or when they want something from me.

23. It is better to walk alone than with fake friends who would only take me in the wrong direction.

24. Fake friends are like two-faced people because they act like your best friend but talk about you behind your back.

25. It’s hard to let go of people that I’ve known for a long time. I know their good sides and their bad sides. But I’ve been seeing the bad side lately, and it’s become too much for me to handle. It just brings me down every day.

26. I’m moving on from fake friends who never talk to me, even though I’ve been there for them.

27. I know these people have problems, but that doesn’t mean I need to surround myself with them. I’m trying to improve myself, and being around them makes it hard to do that.

28. I’m moving on from fake friends who make plans with me, then ditch me when someone better comes along.

29. I don’t have time to fix them or try to make them better anymore. I can only hope that they realize what they’re doing is wrong and choose to change it at some point in their lives. But until then, I’m moving on from fake friends.

30. I’m moving on from fake friends who act like they care about me but don’t even ask how I’m doing.

31. I realized today that I am spending far too much time and energy on someone who is not a good friend to me. It is time to let go of this person because they are not bringing any good into my life.

32. I’m moving on from fake friends who judge everything I do and every choice I make.

33. I have tried very hard to make this friendship work, but it just isn’t working out anymore. The other person is not putting any effort into the relationship and does not care about me or how I feel.

34. I’m moving on from fake friends who make fun of something important to me to get a few laughs.

35. I’m moving on from fake friends who only talk to me when they need something or are bored.

36. I know that some people would say I should stay friends with this person because we’ve been friends for so long, but I don’t think that’s fair to me. I shouldn’t feel guilty for letting go of someone who isn’t good for me and isn’t making my life any better. I am moving on from fake friends.

37. I’m done with fake friends. I’m done trying to fix people who don’t want to be fixed. I’m done making excuses for other people because I never make excuses for myself. I’m done being there for people who don’t appreciate it. I’m done making the first move. I’m done being the bigger person.

38. I’m tired of making excuses for people and trying to figure out what I did wrong when the problem lies in their immaturity and lack of respect.

39. I’ve been hanging onto a lot of toxic relationships that were never meant to work out in the first place, and instead of letting them go, I kept trying to force them to work. But that was a mistake, and now I realize that my time is too precious and valuable to waste on people who aren’t worth it anymore.

40. I won’t feel guilty for not accepting people into my life just because they have always been there. I have a right to be selective about who becomes a part of me.

41. I will not feel guilty for letting go of people who don’t make me happy, lift me up, or encourage me to grow. If someone doesn’t make me smile or add value to my life, that person has no place in it.

42. I’m moving on because I shouldn’t feel guilty for letting go of someone who isn’t good for me and isn’t making my life any better. I’m moving on because even though it pains me to think about the memories we shared, I can never remember what it felt like to be happy with you in my life.

43. I should not feel guilty for letting go of someone who is not good for me and isn’t making my life any better. I am moving on from fake friends.

44. I am moving on from fake friends because if someone really loves you, then they would never hurt your feelings intentionally or make fun of how much pain they know you’re in so that they can feel good about themselves instead of helping out their loved ones

45. We were never really close, but we did share a lot of memories together that I will never forget. I thought they were my true friends, but they were all just fake. That’s okay, though, because I’m moving on from fake friends and focusing more on the ones who are true to me.

46. I am moving on from fake friends. Even though it’s hard, even though I still think about them all the time, even though it feels like a part of me is missing or broken without them in my life.

47. I am moving on from fake friends because I should be able to trust them and talk about anything with them without being judged or feeling like I am being taken advantage of. It will be hard at first, but eventually, it will get easier as time goes by because there are better people out there who care about you more than yourself, even if it seems impossible right now!

48. I am moving on from fake friends because life is too short to worry about what other people think of you

49. I need to let go of fake friends. They don’t care about my happiness, so I shouldn’t feel guilty for removing them from my life.

50. Fake friends make you feel like you’re not good enough. They make you feel like you’ve got no one else to talk to. It’s like they want you to be the person they want you to be, but it’s not friendship if your friend doesn’t accept you for who you are.

51. I don’t want any fake friends. I just want to be myself and find true friends who accept me as I am.

52. False friends are like our shadows, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade.

Moving on from untrue friends may sometimes be difficult, especially if you two have been friends for a long time, but I am sure that the above quotes have made you realize that it is better to be with a few real friends who have your back always than to have many fake friends around you that are not equal to one true friend.

Please share with as many people you know that are keeping enemies as friends. Thanks.

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