My Aunt Is My Best Friend Quotes

The relationship between an aunt and her niece or nephew is something special. Whether it’s a little sibling chaos or a teensy bit of competition, it all adds up to a lifelong bond. But everyone knows that aunts are special and unique.

Every one of us has that aunt we truly love. Whether she’s your mother’s sister or dad’s sister, whether she lives far away or lives down the street, you certainly have an awesome aunt. This is someone who is always there for you when nobody else is.

Don’t you love those times when your aunt makes you feel like you are her favourite niece/nephew? Who else would you want to go on adventures with? And isn’t it nice when she makes you feel like the most important member of the family?

Sometimes, we forget to appreciate the people that mean a lot to us for what they do for us. These my aunt are my best friend quotes are a good way to tell your aunt how much you appreciate her being your best friend and for her willingness to help you any time of the day.

My aunt is my best friend. She has been with me since I was born. When I had a hard time learning to walk, she was always there to cheer me up when I fell down. She talked with me when I felt sad and she made me laugh when I had nothing else to do.

1. My aunt is my best friend and has always been one of the most positive people in my life. She’s also wicked smart and can play a mean game of Scrabble.

2. The only one who really knows me is my aunt because she’s my best friend while the rest of my family says I’m a mystery.

3. I’m pretty lucky to have my aunt, whom I’m also best friends with. She and I both love a good party and love seeing other people happy.

4. I’m so lucky to have such a supportive aunt! Thank you for always being there for me.

5. My aunt is my best friend, she’s always there when I need her and even when I don’t.

6. My aunt is my best friend, I just don’t tell her that much. But she knows still.

7. My aunt is my best friend. She’s more than a great teacher, she’s a mentor and a guiding light. She’s taught me so much about living, passion, and family.

8. My aunt is my best friend. She has taught me many important lessons, including how to live a passionate life and the importance of family.

9. My aunt has always been like a mother to me, she fills my life with love, laughter, and style.

10. My Aunt is my natural mentor. She’s not just my best friend and teacher but also a family guide, mentor and friend to me.

11. I love my aunt. She’s like my sister, my mom and my best friend all in one. We’ve been through a lot together and she’s always been there when I need her.

12. I’m so lucky to have a bestie, who just so happens to be one of my aunts.

13. My aunt is my best friend. She is the one who knows me and thinks that I am a wonderful woman. She believes in me as I do my dreams. My aunt has always been with me even if she is far away.

14. When we’re together, you’ll never see me without my aunt. I don’t know another better friend than her.

15. Aunt, you’re my soul sister, best friend and favourite person in the whole world.

16. It’s true, my aunt is my best friend. I can’t imagine life without her.

17. We love our friends, we love our family but there’s always that one person who is our best friend and for me…that would be my aunt.

18. My aunt is my best friend. I love her so much and she always makes me laugh. She’s well-known for her sense of humour and her high spirit.

19. My aunt is my best friend, and I am happy to have her in my life!

20. What’s better than having a best friend who is your aunt? Not much.

21. My aunt is my best friend – you can’t choose your family, but you can love them a whole lot.

22. My aunt is my best friend because she’s the only one who sees me and knows me for who I truly am.

23. My aunt is my best friend and I’m so lucky to have her as part of my life.

24. My best friend is my aunt. Since I was about 4 years old she’s been there for me for everything. She’s like my big sister, mom, and best friend all rolled into one. I can’t imagine my life without her.

25. My best friend is my aunt. She’s the one who taught me how to play poker, drink bourbon and be her fabulous self.

26. My best friend is my aunt! I love her to pieces!

27. My aunt is my best friend. This summer she took me to a small fair in her hometown and I got to ride the helicopter ride. She’s the best!!!!

28. My best friend is my aunt. She’s always there for me. Always proud of me, no matter what.

29. My best friend is my aunt, but she is not your regular aunt. She’s the one who taught me how to twirl into a split and ride a bike without training wheels.

30. My best friend is my aunt because she is a great cook, she never rushes me to do my homework and she makes the best cards at Christmas.

31. My best friend is my aunt because she always tells me the truth.

32. I don’t have too many friends. This is why I’m super close to my aunt. She’s my best friend.

33. My best friend is my aunt because she’s a baking genius and quotes movie lines all the time.

34. My best friend is my aunt. She lives with me, cooks for me, teaches me how to make the perfect pie crust, and brings out my softer side with her unconditional love.

35. I don’t know how I got so lucky. My best friend is my aunt and she’s the coolest person in my whole family.

36. She’s my best friend, but she’s also my aunt. What a weird combination!

37. The best thing about having a best friend who’s also your aunt is getting to be the flower girl at their wedding.

38. Feeling lucky because I have my best friend as my aunt.

39. My best friend is my aunt. After all, she sewed all of my clothes when I was growing up.

40. My best friend is my aunt, and she reminds me never to forget the small things in life. She taught me how to clean a fish, ride a bike, and fold an origami crane. I look forward to our annual tradition of watching football together—hot chocolate and sticky buns.

41. My best friend is my aunt, who listens to me and understands me without judgment.

42. My best friend is my aunt because she’s the equivalent of an older sister, mother and best friend all in one.

43. Aunt, thank you for being the person who took me to music festivals, encouraged me to share my art with others and introduced me to cute boys. You are my best friend.

44. My best friend is my aunt. She’s the most supportive, generous, kind-hearted soul I know.

45. My best friend is my aunt. I’ve known her all my life and when I was young, I remember being petrified by her. She could be tough but she always had my back and gave me the best advice.

46. My best friend is my aunt. She has always been there to listen and guide me through life. I love her dearly.

47. My best friend is my aunt, she always told me that if I’m stuck, she’ll be around.

48. My best friend is my aunt! True friendship is when you can ask for anything and your friend will deliver.

49. My best friend is my aunt. I love her so much and she’s always been so supportive of me.

50. My best friend is my aunt. I love her just as much as I do my mum. I would do anything for her.

51. My best friend is my aunt. Because she shares the same interests as me and doesn’t try to steer me away from them as some people do.

52. My best friend is my aunt. Best friends are family after all.

53. My best friend is my aunt, she’s the best. She’s smarter than me, she’s cooler than me and she smells like vanilla.

54. My best friend is my aunt. She lets me eat as much ice cream and chocolate as I want.

55. My aunt is my best friend, she has been there by my side since I can remember, and continues to be a part of my life.

56. My aunt is my best friend. She lights up my life with her love, laughter, and wisdom. And she’s not just my aunt, she’s my hero too.

57. My sister is my best friend. We love, laugh and live life to the fullest!

58. My best friend is my aunt. She’s part of the reason I feel so confident and open to expressing myself.

59. My best friend is my aunt. She raised me, and I couldn’t imagine what it’d be like without her.

60. My best friend is my aunt and she’s always there for me whenever I need her.

61. My aunt is my best friend and one of my biggest supporters. I couldn’t have asked for a better person in my life.

62. My best friend is my aunt. She’s the coolest person I’ve ever met, and I have a million stories that prove it.

63. My best friend is my aunt. Only my family could ship me with someone I’ve known since I was born.

64. My best friend is my aunt. She keeps me on the right track and never hesitates to give me advice.

If you are blessed to have an aunt who doubles as your best friend, then I hope these my aunt is my best friend quotes above were able to help you express that beautifully. I hope you found this collection of quotes helpful. Please let me know how you feel about this post in the comment section. Thanks for reading.

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