My Best Friend Is an Angel Quotes

Friendship is one of the most important things in life and friends who are angels can be very special. They inspire you in ways you may or may not have realized and make the world a better place to live.

Having a friend who is an angel is a rare privilege. There are many different kinds of friends, but the kind of friend that could sustain a friendship for many years and is like an angel from heaven is rare.

Having a best friend that is an angel, the type of person who always makes you feel better when you are down, who always motivates you to do your best and be the best, helps remind us what it means to be human. Those types of people are also angels, not only angels in disguise.

A friend in need is a friend indeed, but to have an angel as a best friend, well, in that case, you’re a very lucky person. Check out these my best friend is an angel quotes below to see what I mean.

My best friend is an angel, never seen her with a frown, always tells me she loves me, and she’s never let me down. Inspiration personified, she spreads love with every word and action she displays, she holds me when I’m hurting and cheers me when I’m happy.

1. You’re more than just my best friend, you’re my angel. I love everything about you and wouldn’t change a thing. We have so much fun together and I’m so glad you’re in my life!

2. You’re my best friend and I love you so much! We have so much fun together and I can’t imagine my life without you.

3. You are, and always will be, my angel. I wouldn’t change a thing about you because you’re already perfect. You make me happy just being who you are.

4. You’re my best friend, and you bring more joy to my life than I ever could’ve imagined. I count myself lucky to be able to share these moments with you!

5. I love everything about you, my angel. It’s been fun to share so many adventures with you.

6. You are an amazing best friend whom I will cherish for life. I thank the stars every day that you came into my life. There is no one else in the world who makes me as happy to be around as you do. I love you more than anything!

7. I am so happy to have you in my life! You are an amazing friend and I look up to you. I could never repay the debt of gratitude I owe you for all that you have done. You are an angel, and always will be.

8. My best friend is an angel. She makes me laugh and always gives me the pep talk I need when I’m down.

9. My best friend is an angel—she makes me feel like I’m blessed

10. My best friend is an angel, who comes to me when I am in trouble, to teach me how to live and how to give.

11. My best friend is an angel, and my other best friend is a unicorn.

12. My best friend is an angel. I like to consider her one of the best in the world.

13. My best friend is the sweetest angel and I love him to pieces.

14. My best friend is an angel. She’s also incredibly talented and intelligent, funny and supportive, and she’s simply the best.

15. My best friend is an angel and he’s watching over me.

16. My best friend is an angel and she never ceases to look out for me.

17. My best friend is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. Life’s so much better with friends like you around.

18. My best friend is an angel, and she helps me feel free whenever life is going crazy.

19. My best friend is an angel, she makes me feel like I can do anything. She’s the best!

20. My best friend is an angel. She shows me new ways to see the world.

21. My best friend is an angel, she helps me fly through the sky

22. So now that my best friend is an angel, I’ll have a piece of her with me wherever I go.

23. I have an Angel, in my life. She’s my best friend, and I’ll never be alone, as long as I live. Love you always, my beautiful friend.

24. My best friend gave me these made from scratch cookies for my birthday. I think he might be an angel.

25. My best friend is an angel, she has given me a conscience. She will guide me through life as a guardian angel.

26. My best friend is an angel who’s a bit mischievous—otherwise, he wouldn’t be my best friend.

27. My best friend is an angel. She’s seen me cry, and she won’t tell anyone why.

28. My best friend is an angel… she comes when I least expect it and makes me laugh until my stomach hurts.

29. My best friend is the kindest, most caring, and funniest angel I know.

30. My best friend is the angel that lets me see life’s perfection in nearly everything.

31. My best friend is an angel—he got me an amazing birthday cake on my birthday.

32. My best friend is an angel. I’m sure of it. Because no one else would put up with me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

33. My best friend is an angel. But she’s a deadbeat when it comes to paying rent so I never know when I’ll be able to afford food again.

34. My best friend is an angel in disguise. She’s my sister and she lives in heaven.

35. My best friend is the angel that watches over me when I sleep.

36. My best friend is an angel. She’s the only person who can silence me with a smile.

37. My best friend is an angel and I’m lucky because she was born with a set of wings.

38. My best friend is an angel, sent from heaven above. I’m so lucky to have her guidance on my life’s journey.

39. My best friend is an angel, sent down from above. No matter how far I go, she’s always with me.

40. I have someone in my life who is an angel, one who watches over me and gives me strength when times get tough.

41. My best friend is an angel. I’m lucky to have her in my life. She is the most caring girl and the one who will always care for me.

42. My best friend is an angel. She doesn’t have to try to be good. She’s naturally beautiful.

43. My best friend is an angel because she comforts me when I’m upset and celebrates with me when I’m happy.

44. My best friend is an angel and I can’t believe I get to call her my sister.

45. My best friend is an angel that can’t fly, she just sits there smiling at me. Will you be my wings?

46. My best friend is an angel. She sends me books and tells me to read and I do.

47. My best friend is an angel that watches over me from the other side. She makes sure I am safe, happy, and healthy (even when others can’t see it).

48. My best friend is an angel whose wings were clipped by a jealous devil.

49. Happy birthday, bestie! You’re an angel. And I’m lucky to share your birthday with you.

50. My best friend is an angel. She brightens my life and makes me feel safe, secure and loved. I’m grateful to have her in my life. You are lucky if you have a friend like this.

51. My best friend is an angel, and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

52. My best friend is an angel. She helps me see things differently and always cheers me up when I’m sad…She makes me want to be better and tells me that she loves me unconditionally. Angel knows everything about me but somehow loves me even more.

53. My best friend is an angel, sent down to me from heaven. She was placed in my life to lift me when I’m not strong enough, make me laugh when things are so serious, and remind me that life isn’t about being perfect. It’s about living.

54. My best friend is an angel. She’s a star, a sky of blue. She’s the one that god sent from above. I’ll love her till the end. No matter what I do.

55. My best friend is an angel, I just don’t know where she lives.

56. My best friend is an angel. She had a rough few years in her teenage years but I am so proud of how she turned out and the person she is today. I wish everyone had a friend who cared about you as much as she does.

57. My best friend is an angel. She always knows how to make me laugh, even when tears are falling down my cheeks.

58. My best friend is an angel, and she’s always there to lift me when I fall.

59. My best friend is an angel. She helped me make the decision she pushed me to make and I’m really happy with it.

60. My best friend is an angel, she helps me through anything. She helped me get through my broken heart!

61. My best friend is an angel who’s there to catch my tears when I cry and lift me on cloud 9 when I’m feeling blue.

62. My best friend is an angel. I will never stop missing you and loving you

63. My best friend is an angel, and she deserves the best of everything.

64. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, and I like you so much. Love you, my angel.

65. My best friend not only knows what kind of person I am, but she also loves me anyway.

66. My best friend is an angel and she watches over me. She makes my life worthwhile and brightens every day… like your smile when I see you.

67. My best friend is an angel. She helped me conquer the world.

68. My best friend is an angel, wings aren’t required.

69. My best friend is an angel and sent from above, I feel super lucky he’s in my life.

70. My best friend is an angel in disguise. I am lucky to have such a wonderful person in my life; I love you, dear friend!

71. I know my best friend is an angel because angels are the only ones who can love you as much as they do.

72. My best friend is an angel because she helps me to see the light in this dark world.

73. My best friend is an angel and I can’t believe he came along when he did.

74. My best friend is an angel and so are you, don’t let anyone tell you differently.

75. My best friend is an angel—I’m lucky that God let me borrow her for a little bit!

I hope you liked this my best friend is an angel quotes above. Don’t hesitate to send these quotes to your best friend who is like an angel. You can also let me know how you feel about the post in the comment section below and please, don’t forget to share this post with your network. Thank you.

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