My Boyfriend Forgot My Birthday Quotes

Relationships are not easily managed, especially when your partner has a sieve-like mind. Nothing stays in; your favourite food, your favourite colour, your middle name, your age. It can get that bad.

When your boyfriend forgets your birthday, you’re not just upset — you’re pissed! He may have apologized for forgetting your birthday, but you don’t know if he’s kidding or not? Not to talk about whether to forgive him or not.

More often than not, men that aren’t the best at remembering holidays or birthdays tend to remember their girlfriend’s birthday and breakups happen from this. So, this is kind of a big deal.

My boyfriend forgot my birthday quotes can give you the chance to vent without sitting down and having a heart to heart with your partner. Use these quotes as you desire.

I won’t lie, I was a little hurt by the mix-up because it was supposed to be a beautiful evening. But he promised to make it up to me by cooking dinner this evening. I’m looking forward to our romantic evening with my love.

1. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I want to give him the silent treatment, but I know it won’t do any good. I’ll just have to pretend he didn’t forget my birthday and pay him back on his birthday.

2. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not mad, but I don’t think we’ll last. I mean, if he can’t remember my birthday, how is he going to remember our anniversary?

3. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m mad at him though I know he’ll do something great to make it up to me. It just depends on if I have forgiven him by then.

4. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I am not surprised. My boyfriend is the type of guy who would forget his birthday. And he’s the only person I know who would be upset about it, the same way he was when he forgot mine.

5. I can’t believe my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I’ve been with him for a few years now, and he forgot it consistently every year. I thought he was the one. Guess not.

6. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday again. I’m thinking about getting him a card that says, “I love you, but if you keep being absent-minded about things in my life, I will do the same to you.”

7. I can’t believe my boyfriend forgot my birthday again. I was so excited to see him this morning, and now I’m just mad. He will have to do something nice to calm me down.

8. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I was disappointed. He gave me a card and a box of chocolates the next day, but I still felt sad.

9. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. It’s not the first time it’s happened. I’m not sure if I should be angry or forgiving. I guess it all depends on what he gets me for my present.

10. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I should have known he would. He never remembers anything. He doesn’t even remember his birthday.

11. I’m not sure why I was surprised when my boyfriend forgot my birthday. He’s never remembered any of the other ones, either.

12. I always get so mad when he forgets my birthday. I can’t believe my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I just don’t understand how he could forget my birthday.

13. I was really surprised when my boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I thought we were closer than that. I was just about to break up with him when he gave me the roses and apologized.

14. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I was so mad I didn’t talk to him for three days. But then I realized he’s only human. He can’t remember everything.

15. I can’t believe my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I know it’s not that special, but still, it’s the thought that counts.

16. I can’t believe that my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I know he’s not perfect, but he’s usually so good about remembering important dates.

17. I know my boyfriend loves me. He always sends me a card on my birthday. But this year, my boyfriend forgot my birthday when I was hoping for a bouquet from him

18. I don’t know what I’m going to do. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I thought he’d remember this year, but he didn’t, and it hurts me.

19. I was pretty upset when my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to be a nag. But I was hurt.

20. I was so mad that my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I kept remembering all the times he said he would never forget my birthday. I felt like such a fool for believing him.

21. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not going to break up with him over it, but I’m still a little hurt.

22. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday, and I am so upset, I don’t know what to do. I can’t believe he forgot.

23. I was so upset when my boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I cried for hours.

24. I can’t believe my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I know he loves me, but it still hurts.

25 I knew my boyfriend forgot my birthday when I didn’t see a single flower on the table.

26. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I feel like it’s his fault, but I’m not sure, and I don’t know what to do about it.

27. I know he meant well, but I still feel hurt that my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I guess I’ll forgive him eventually.

28. I felt unhappy when my boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I know it was not his fault, but I still feel like it is.

29. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I cried and cried, but he didn’t seem to notice. I guess he doesn’t love me.

30. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I always tell him that I’m not worried about him forgetting my birthday. I am, though

31. I know my boyfriend forgot my birthday, but I’m not going to call him on it. I know he’s busy. I understand.

32. I’m not upset that my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I just feel like he didn’t care enough to remember.

33. I don’t mind that my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I’m just glad that he remembered to send me a card.

34. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I couldn’t believe it. I wept.

35. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I don’t want to make a big deal about it, so I will just tell him that I am fine with it. I just hope he doesn’t do it again.

36. So, my boyfriend forgot my birthday, but I guess I will be giving him the cold shoulder until he makes it up to me.

37. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I can’t blame him; it’s hard to remember something, not on your calendar.

38. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not sure if I should be mad or just laugh.

39. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. But he never forgets anything, and I thought we were closer than that.

40. I can’t believe my boyfriend forgot my birthday. He is so sweet; how could he forget? I’m not mad at him, but I am a little hurt.

41. I’m not sure if I should be flattered or angry that my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I guess it’s better than him forgetting our anniversary.

42. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I wish he did not. I know it’s not a big deal, but I always feel like he doesn’t care.

43. It could sound silly, but I was so upset when my boyfriend forgot my birthday.

44. I was really upset when my boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I couldn’t believe he would do something like that. He’s so romantic, I know he loves me, but he hurt me that day.

45. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I was so sad that I didn’t want to go out with him anymore.

46. I am not sure if I should be mad or flattered that my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I guess he’s so used to me being there for him that he doesn’t think about it.

47. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I feel so mad at him. I don’t know what to do. I think about breaking up with him, but then I realize how much I love him and how much he loves me.

48. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m okay with it, though. I think he’s a little forgetful and I’m pretty sure he’s not trying to hurt my feelings.

49. He forgot my birthday. I just want to be mad at him, but I can’t. He’s such a sweet guy.

50. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I always look forward to my birthday. It’s the only time I get to buy myself something. I just wish my boyfriend would remember it.

51. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I hate it when he does. I know he’s busy, but I still think he should remember.

52. My boyfriend forgot my birthday, and I was so mad that he had forgotten. Then I found out he was just trying to be funny.

53. I’m sitting here wondering what I did to deserve this. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I just don’t know what to do with him anymore.

54. I can’t believe my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I mean, it’s not like I’m expecting a diamond ring or anything, but I thought he would at least remember.

55. The first time my boyfriend forgot my birthday, I was hurt. The second time, I realized it was just a mistake. But now, I’m not sure if we will make it.

56. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not mad at him. I know he didn’t mean to forget my birthday. The fact that he did that makes me feel like he doesn’t care about me anymore.

57. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I know he didn’t mean to, but it still deeply hurt my feelings.

58 My boyfriend forgot my birthday. I was pissed off at first, but then I realized that it was not the end of the world.

59. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I hate it when he does. It makes me feel like he doesn’t care about me. I wish he would remember, but I guess it’s not that important to him.

60. I’m not sure why I was so upset when my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I guess it’s because I thought he loved me.

61. I always feel like a loser when I don’t remember my boyfriend’s birthday. I mean, come on, it’s his birthday. How can you forget your birthday?

62. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not mad at him, but I am a little hurt. I guess I could have reminded him, but I was sure he would remember.

63. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not upset about it, but I am disappointed.

64. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. He said he was sorry and that he didn’t know how it happened.

65. I know I should be mad at him, but I can’t help but laugh. My boyfriend forgot my birthday again.

66. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I let him know that I knew he forgot. Then I made him feel guilty about it.

67. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I feel I should have reminded him, but I was afraid he would forget again.

68. I was really mad when I found out my boyfriend forgot my birthday. But then I remembered how much he means to me, which made me feel better.

69. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday, but I don’t care. He’s really cute.

70. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not sure if he just didn’t care. Anyway, I’m not going to let him forget it again.

71. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. He always says he’ll remember my birthday, but he never does. I’m not mad at him, though. It’s just that I wish he would always remember my birthday.

72. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. He’s such a forgetful fellow. I always say that I will keep a diary of all the things he forgets, but I never do because it would be too embarrassing.

73. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I love him so much, but I can’t stand how he forgets to do the simplest things, like remember my birthday, and buy flowers or write a card for me on my birthday.

74. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. He’ll be lucky if he sees me tonight, that is if I’m not still mad in the morning.

75. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. You won’t find me moping about it or crying over the fact that he did not remember what day I was born. The truth is, I am beyond grateful for the life I have.

76. It’s okay if my boyfriend forgot my birthday, as long as he makes me smile the whole day.

77. I am not mad that my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I am happy that I have a boyfriend who would forget his birthday just to spend it with me.

78. My boyfriend forgot my birthday and even the day we met. But I wouldn’t go back and change a thing. Even if we have our ups and downs, I know deep down he loves me more than anyone else ever could.

79. Last year, my boyfriend forgot my birthday. This year, I only want one birthday wish: that he remembers my birthday.

80. I know it’s hard to believe, but my boyfriend forgot my birthday. Luckily, he promised to make up for his forgetfulness by making me dinner tonight. I’m looking forward to some great food and a tons of hugs.

81. I’m having a hard time believing that my boyfriend forgot my birthday. He didn’t even come over or call me. I guess we’re not going to be together anymore.

82. The fact that my boyfriend forgot my birthday this year has created an interesting dynamic. While I’m sure he will remember at some point, the feeling of hurt lingers. While it would be easy to get frustrated or upset that he doesn’t remember such a significant date in my year, I’m trying to remind myself that every day is a gift.

83. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I love him, but he always forgets my birthday. I always remind him, but he never remembers. I’m starting to think that he doesn’t care about me anymore.

84. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not mad at him. I just wish he would have remembered it.

85. My boyfriend forgot my birthday again. The last time he did that, I told him I was going to break up with him, and then he remembered it. I don’t know what to do this time.

86. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I know he loves me, but I can’t help but feel bad that he forgot my birthday. It’s not that big of a deal, and I’m not going to break up with him over it, but it still hurts.

87. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not sure why I thought it would be a good idea to give my boyfriend the responsibility of remembering my birthday. He’s never remembered, and I don’t know what to do.

88. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I don’t care about my birthday, but the truth is, I always get a little sad when my boyfriend forgets my birthday.

89. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I know it’s not his fault, but I can’t help but feel disappointed. I know he loves me; I just wish he could remember my birthday.

90. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I know he loves me. He just forgets my birthday every year. He always gets me a present and makes it up to me somehow.

91. When my boyfriend forgot about my birthday, I was really upset. But I knew he would feel really bad about it. So I told him that it was okay. That way, he wouldn’t be so upset about forgetting my birthday.

92. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I know I should be mad at him for forgetting my birthday, but it’s not like he does it on purpose. He just forgets.

93. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I know he loves me, but I can’t help but feel a little hurt when he forgets my birthday. I don’t think it means he doesn’t love me, though.

94. My boyfriend forgot my birthday, but I didn’t want to be a jerk about it. So I pretended that I forgot it too, and then we had a good laugh about it.

95. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not mad; I’m just disappointed.”

96. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I’m not sure why I’m so upset. I know he didn’t mean to forget, but it still hurts that he did.

97. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. The best thing about having a boyfriend that forgets your birthday is the presents he gives you on the day after.

98. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. I always feel a little hurt when he forgets my birthday. I don’t know why; it’s not like I’m expecting him to get me anything.

99. My boyfriend forgot about my birthday. It’s so cute how he tries to make it up to me.

100. My boyfriend forgot my birthday. I think he just didn’t care, and I should have known that before I started dating him.

When your boyfriend forgets your birthday, it can seem like an obvious sign that they’re not meant to be with you. It can hurt a lot but don’t jump to conclusions right away. It is hard to believe that someone who loves you forgot your birthday. But, sometimes, it happens. I have forgotten what I had for breakfast.

Trust this post filled with my boyfriend forgot my birthday quotes to choose from when you need that festive fill-in to upload on Instagram or Facebook will help you.

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