My Boyfriend Makes Me Happy Quotes

Making someone feel happy and relaxed is not an easy task. You have to keep in mind how important this person is to you, how much you love them, and what is the best way to show them that through actions.

Love is a beautiful thing. It makes you feel excited and fulfilled, radiating a radiant glow that makes it the perfect weapon to use against those stormy winter nights. And if you’re in love, your boyfriend should make you even happier. You should feel so damn good that it’s almost sickening, only because of him and how he makes you feel.

Are you dating someone who makes your heart flutter and your head spin? Do you want to show the world how much they mean to you? Look no further than my boyfriend makes me happy quotes. These quotes are sure to tell the world how great he truly is.

My boyfriend makes me happy, he’s my greatest blessing, and he always makes me happy. When I wake up in the morning, I look over to see his handsome face and instantly smile. I love him so much.

1. My boyfriend makes make me happy in ways I never knew were possible. He is so thoughtful, kind and loving. I love how he wants to spend every moment with me and how he puts me first. My life is better when we’re together.

2. He is my love, my life! He lights up my world. I love everything about him. He is my soul mate and the keeper of my heart.

3. I don’t know of another time that I have ever been this happy. Every day and night lately, all I can think about is him. He is the love of my life, my dream come true. I wish that I could express to him how happy and thankful I am to be his girl.

4. My boyfriend makes me laugh, smile, and feel great. I am so glad I found him and can hold him tight and make a home with him. He is my heart, my soul, my life. My love for him grows within me every day.

5. I never want to lose him. I want to be in his arms forever. I can’t imagine my life without him. He makes me so happy.

6. I have never been so happy in my whole life. He is the reason for that. I love him with all that I have, and I am going to make sure he knows it every day for the rest of his life!

7. He is the most amazing man I know. I think of him constantly, day and night.  I love him so much.

8. My boyfriend makes me happy. I realized a long time ago that I don’t need to be in love with the love of my life, but simply to love the love of my life.

9. What can I say? I know that I love him, and I’m so thankful to have him in my life. He makes me so happy. No matter what, he’s always there for me, which means everything. His love has brought so much joy into my life, and I will do whatever it takes to ensure we’re together forever.

10. I cannot imagine my life without my love. I’m so glad we found each other in this big and beautiful world. His smile brightens up my darkest day, his kisses heal all of my worries, and the warmth of his heart mends all the troubles in my life. I love him!

11. I don’t know why I never told him this: he is the best boyfriend on Earth. No one will love me as he does, and no one will ever treat me as well or better than him. He makes me feel so secure, and I couldn’t possibly be happier at this moment.

12. He makes me smile. He brings out the best in me and has made my dreams come true. I can’t imagine life without him, and I love him more and more every day. I thank him for making my life so great and for making me happy.

13. I love him because he is the first person I think of when I wake up and the last person I think of before I go to sleep. He gives my life so much meaning, happiness, and excitement. He is a dream come true, a blessing, and the most passionate man I’ve ever met. Because of you, my life will never be boring!

14. My boyfriend makes me so happy. I never thought I would ever meet someone so perfect for me. I love him so much, more than he will ever know. He is such an amazing boyfriend, and I am so lucky to have him in my life!

15. I’m so happy to have him in my life. He is always there for me, and I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. I am truly blessed to spend so much time with such an amazing guy. So, I thank him for all he does to make me happy!

16. I am so lucky to have the most amazing man in the world by my side. He is the love of my life, my best friend, and I couldn’t imagine life without him. I pray that we will be together forever, and I promise to spend every day showing him how much he means to me! Thanks for making me happy!

17. I am so lucky to have met him, to call him my boyfriend and to spend every day with him. He brings light, laughter, joy and happiness into my life every day, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

18. My boyfriend makes me happy, he makes me smile, and he makes everything in my life worth it. I’m so glad I found someone that I enjoy so much. I don’t think words can express how I feel about him. He is the love of my life, and I don’t ever want to be apart from him.

19. His love makes me happy in a thousand little ways. He is my best friend and my soul mate. I thank him for bringing more love into my life. I am so lucky to have him!

20. I thank him for making me happy. and also, for showing me that I deserve love and that I deserve to be treated well. I thank him for showing me what love is supposed to feel like. I appreciate him for loving me so well. And for the beautiful life, we are building together. I look forward to building many more memories with him forever.

21. My life used to be so dull. He has changed my life for the better. I am so much happier now that I have him around. I thank him for being you, and making me so very happy!

22. He makes me happy, every day that I’m here, my days get brighter just because of him.

23. I feel blessed to have someone as sweet and kind as my boyfriend. He brightens my day and makes me happy.

24. My boyfriend makes me so happy I want to cry. His love is better than any fantasy, dream or wishes I’ve had in my head. He is the perfect man, and I’m the luckiest girl in the world because he is mine!

25. I am so in love with him. His love brings me hope, joy, and peace. I look forward to spending every minute with him.

26. There is no one else I would rather spend the rest of my life with than him. He is perfect for me and makes me so happy. I love you!

27. My boyfriend makes me so happy, and I know he feels the same. He makes me feel that I can conquer anything like he is my knight in shining armour. No matter what comes up in life we will face it together because I truly believe that as long as we have each other, we can get through anything.

28. I just wanted to tell him how much I love him. He makes me so happy, and every day, I thank God that we have each other in our lives.

29. He makes me happy. He makes me smile whenever I think of him. He is a great boyfriend, and I am lucky to have him. I can’t wait for the future with him by my side, and I hope one day we will get married and have children.

30. He makes me so happy, he brightens my day every day. He makes my heart skip a beat and my knees go weak. His hand feels so perfect in mine, and I can’t believe that he has made me the happiest girl in the entire world.

31. I’ve never felt so loved in all my life. I am so glad we are together and I know that he is the only person I want to be with forever. He made me happier than ever, and I just love him so much!

32. I am a lucky girl to have him, my sweet boyfriend. He makes me happier than words can say. I love his tender kisses, hugs and care. I feel so lucky and happy to be with him.

33. I want to thank him for making me happy. I’m more than excited that we met, and even happier that we found each other. I can’t wait another day without you by my side. I love him so much.

34. There are so many things I love about him, but the words “I love you” stand out the most. He has no idea how happy he made me. His smile is gorgeous, and I fall more in love with him each day. I thank him for being my boyfriend because if it weren’t for him, I would be a very unhappy girl. I love him.

35. The happiest times in my life are the times when I’m with him. He is the best boyfriend in the world! I love how we can just chill, how he always knows exactly what to say, and how he makes me so happy. I love him!

36. I thought I should tell him how happy he makes me every day. I love how he brings out my silly, weird side. He is a wonderful man, better than anyone I have ever known. He made me smile when I thought I would never again. He picked me up and gave me wings to fly. I love him, and I thank him for becoming my best friend and my lover.

37. I don’t know how he does it, but he always seems to make me smile. Our love is so strong that I just want to be with him every second of the day. He thrills me and awakens my soul. I thank him for loving me so much!

38. I need him in my life. He makes me smile and laugh constantly. He is everything I could ever dream of, and he brings me so much joy. He truly makes me happy.

39. My boyfriend makes me happy in ways I could have never imagined. He brings joy to my life that I have never had. I love him more than I ever thought possible and can’t imagine what life would be like without him.

40. He is a wonderful boyfriend, always there when I need him, always ensuring I am happy. There is nothing he can’t do for love!

41. Being his girlfriend is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I’m so happy that he is in my life because he makes me feel loved, safe, happy and secure. I can’t imagine sharing my life with anyone else. He is my soul mate and I love him more than anything else in the world.

42. He makes me so happy. I don’t know what I would do without him here, he is my world, my everything. Words can not express how he makes me feel, but I try to show him each day. He is the love of my life!

43. Being with him makes me a better person. He makes me happy like no one else can. When he’s around, nothing seems impossible. Having him as my best friend has grown our love deeply and I know that my love for him will always grow stronger.

44. He always makes me smile. Even when I’m having a horrible day he finds a way to make it a better day. He is more than I could ever hope for in a man and I am so happy he’s mine.

45. I’m so happy to be with him. Everything that I do and everything that I say is a product of my infinite love for him. I never wanted to have anything this much in my life, and it’s all because of him. He always makes me happy and fills me with joy.

46. I’m so lucky to have him. I am in love with the most loyal and understanding boyfriend in the world. He makes me feel so special that I can’t stop smiling. I love you!

47. I thank him for making me so happy. I love him more than anything in the world, and I always will. I am so lucky to have him!

48. He knows I love him. He makes me so happy. Every time I see him, my heart smiles. His smile melts my heart every single time!

49. He makes me so very happy. I love waking up next to him in the mornings, I love going to dinner with him, and I just plain love spending time with him! He’s my favourite!

50. He makes me happier than any girl could ever dream to be. I feel like the luckiest girl in the entire world to have him by my side. I never thought I could love someone so much. He is always on my mind. I want to spend every minute of every day with him, and every second feels like a moment too long.

51. I love him so much. When we started dating, I had no idea how happy he would make me. It’s been so amazing to have someone by my side who listens to, understands, and supports me in everything.

52. He makes me so happy, he makes my heart race, he fills my days with light and my nights with sparkles. He is my love, my best friend and my other half. I love him!

53. Every day I am so happy to call him my boyfriend. He means more to me than he knows. I love him more than words can explain.

54. He makes me so happy. The first time we met, I thought I knew him from somewhere but couldn’t quite place it. I hoped that he would smile at me again, and when he did, it felt like a dream. I’ve never been happier than the day he told me that he loved me, and we became more than just friends.

55. He brings me happiness. He has a way of making my heart smile. If I could have a wish, it would be for him never to change. He is the perfect man I know. Thanks for being an amazing boyfriend and the love of my life!

56. My dreams have come true, and I have him to thank for them. He is always my everything through rain and shine, good times and bad. I thank him for making me happy!

57. He makes me happy. I could never deny the lift he gives to my mood, and his attraction toward me still surprises me. Even after all this time, it makes my heart race a little faster when he touches me. I thank him for making me feel like a special woman.

58. My life is better because I know him. Thanks for always making me smile!

59. He has truly made me the happiest girl alive. Ever since we first met, he has shown me nothing but love and affection. I couldn’t ask for anything more in a relationship.

60. He makes me happy. He brings a smile to my face. He’s so wonderful, and there’s no looking back. I love him beyond the stars.

61. I never want to be without him. My favourite moments are when we are together. I look forward to going to bed because I know that tomorrow I will wake up and see him there. He’s the one who makes me happy, and I love him so much!

62. His love makes me happy. I can’t begin to tell him how much he means to me. He is my biggest support, and it pains me that I do not express this enough. But, I want him to know how important he is to me.

63. I’m so happy I met him and that we’re a couple. He has brought so much joy and happiness into my life, and I just want to thank him for being in it. I love him so much!

64. He makes me more than happy. I’m glad he came into my life and found me. We’ve been through so much together, and look at us now! He’s the man of my dreams, and I always will love you from the bottom of my heart!

65. He makes me so happy he has no idea! I’m so glad we found each other, and I know this is what love is supposed to feel like. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

66. He makes me so happy. He makes having a boyfriend worth it.

67. Since I fell in love with him, I’ve never wanted to let his hand go. He makes me happy every day. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have someone love me as he does.

68. The person I love most in this world is no one but him! He brightens my day and makes me so happy, and I just don’t know what I would do without him.

69. Despite everything, he makes me happiest when I’m with him. He makes all my dreams come true, and love shines through his eyes. I’m so lucky to have him love me, to have him by my side. I can’t deny loving him.

70. I love him. He makes me feel so incredibly happy, and I know life wouldn’t be near as fun & exciting without him by my side. I thank him for being an amazing boyfriend and making each day a little brighter just by being in it.

71. He is my one true love. The joy that he brings to my life no words could ever express. He makes me the happiest woman alive, and I love him more than anything in the world.

72. He brings me so much joy. I love being with him, and when I’m not, all I think about is our next time together. He is the man of my dreams and the only one who can make me shine brighter than the stars above.

73. He makes me happy when the skies are grey. He brought light into my life and made everything beautiful. I love him!

74. I’ve never been as happy as I am with him. I can’t wait to see him and experience a new adventure together every day. I want to express my feelings for him more often. He makes me so happy, and I want him to know that he is appreciated for all that he does for me.

75. He makes me so happy. He brings a smile to my face every time I see him. I love spending time with him because he is just always so positive and full of good energy.

76. He makes me feel happy, loved, and safe. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without him in it.

77. My boyfriend makes me so happy. I love him more than words could ever express. I am so lucky to have him in my life. A million thanks for always being there for me and helping me through rough times. He is my world, and I love him with all my heart.

78. My boyfriend makes me so very happy. He is the man of my dreams, and I can’t imagine my life without him. He knows just what to say to cheer me up and has such a great sense of humour. I can’t wait till he comes home, because if I have to live one more day without him, I might crack!

79. I love him forever and always. He is my best friend, my soulmate, and my love. I am so lucky to have found someone as perfect as him. I thank him for making me so happy.

80. He makes me so happy. This is the most amazing feeling in the world. The way he holds me and tells me that he loves me reminds me why life is worth living.

81. I wake up happy every day to see his beautiful face. He truly brings so much joy into my life. The only thing that could make me happier is for him to hold me in his arms. I love him!

82. He makes me so happy. He is always there for me when I need someone to talk to or just need a shoulder to cry on. He is caring and always makes time for me and others. I am so happy to have him in my life.

83. He is the light in my world, the love of my life, and the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. He brings me so much joy that I can’t stop smiling.

84. My Baby makes me really happy. I can’t imagine my life without him.

85. He makes me so happy I just can’t stop smiling. His love has given me wings, and my heart can now fly. He is my everything.

86. He is my favourite person in the world, and I enjoy spending every second with you. He makes me so happy, and I love him more than you will ever know!

87. I adore him. I love him. He is the keeper of my heart. It always beats faster when I see him, and I smile when he walks into a room. I just can’t help but grin from ear to ear when we are together. Everything about him makes me happy.

88. Every time he looks into my eyes, I get butterflies in my stomach. My heart beats faster when he holds me. He makes me so happy, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him. I love him!

89. No one else in my life makes me happier than he does. I thank God every day for the blessing of his love. I love him!

90. He is such a wonderful boyfriend, and I love when he smiles! He makes me happy, and we have many good times together!

91. I am so glad he is such a great guy and happy to have him in my life. He makes my days brighter, and I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend than him. I love him so much!

92. I am so lucky to have him in my life. He is more than I ever imagined, yet I couldn’t live without him. His smile makes me smile, and his laugh takes away my worries. I love how he makes me happy and how he makes me feel on the inside. He is the most loving man I know, and I am so grateful for our love.

93. The smile on his face makes my heart skip a beat. His cute laugh makes me want to do anything I can just to hear it again. When I’m with him, I feel like we are the only ones that matter and in our own little world. He makes me happy, and I don’t know what I’d do without him!

94. You make me so happy that I can’t contain myself. I love everything about you, something a day keeps the pain away!

95. Because he makes me so happy, in ways I’ve never known before. He makes all my days brighter, and all that comes after is all the brighter still. I can’t wait to come home to him again. There really isn’t much more to say. Just know that I love him and am sending good thoughts his way.

96. To my love, who never fails to make me happy. I never thought I could ever feel this happy, but thank him for showing me just how good things can be. I love him!

97. He makes me happy. He is my best friend, and I love him so much. He means the world to me, and I hope we never part! He brings light into my life, and I can’t imagine living without him.

98. He makes me happy even when I know he is sad, he makes me calm even when I’m mad, he makes me smile even when I am sad… he genuinely cares about me, and it richly makes my heart skip a beat.

99. He taught me what it’s like to be loved and happy truly. I’ve been with him for two years, and I can’t wait to be with him for the rest of my life. He means so much to me, and I love spending every waking moment beside him. I can’t wait to make him my husband!

100. He makes me so happy. Every day I see a new side to him that I love. He may be goofy, but no one makes me laugh like him. I can’t wait to spend my life with him by my side forever.

101. I’m lucky to have someone that makes me feel this way and whom I love with every piece of my heart. My boyfriend makes me happy!

102. He makes me happier than I’ve ever been. He has shown me what love is, he is the man of my dreams, and I will always love him.

103. I want to tell him how much he means to me, and I want to let him know that I can’t stop thinking about him and how happy he makes me. He is always there for me, no matter what happens, and I just want to let him know that being with him has changed my life in ways I never thought possible before.

If your boyfriend makes you happy, then you should prove it by sending him love messages and any of these my boyfriend makes me happy quotes. Please, feel free to share this post and don’t forget to drop your comment in the comment box below. Thanks.

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