My Dad Is a Soldier Quotes

Having a dad that is a soldier can have both its ups and downs. While on the one hand, your dad instils in your self-discipline, leadership, and resilience — on the other, he can be gone for weeks at a time. A dad who is a soldier is someone who has dedicated his life to the safety and protection of others. This means that he will be away from his family for long periods, and sometimes even have to put his life in danger if he needs to protect those he loves.

It can be very difficult to know what it feels like to have a dad who is a soldier, especially when you don’t get to see him as often as you would like. You never get used to seeing him leave, but it gets easier with time. As a soldier’s child, you learn to appreciate the little things.

As the child of a soldier, you always know that even though your dad is there physically, he is not in your head. He is often a figure you see out of the corner of your eye, or hear late at night, surrounded by crowds of people but always smiling and laughing as if he’s simply having a blast. One never knows what it is like to have a military dad.

However, there are many things that you can say to your father to let him know how much you love him, even when he is away from home.

I have created this collection of my dad is a soldier quotes that show what it means to have a soldier Dad. As you read each quote, I hope many of you will be able to relate and find comfort in knowing you’re not the only one who sometimes feels blue and lonely.

My dad is a soldier who fought in a war, and has been through some really bad times but came out stronger than ever. My dad has always been there for me when I needed him most. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be here to write this right now. Thank you, daddy.

1. My dad is a soldier. He’s the best dad in the world.

2. I love my dad because he is an awesome father, soldier, and great husband. I’m so proud of him.

3. My dad is a soldier. He has been in the army for over 20 years. He has served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Korea. He has seen many battles.

4. My dad is a soldier, and he works hard every day to keep our country safe from bad people who want to hurt us. My dad fights for me and my brothers and sisters so that we can live happily and safely without fear of danger or war.

5. My dad is proud of what he does because he knows it is important to work that makes people happy and keeps them safe. His job makes him feel important too because he knows that people rely on him to make sure they are safe from harm at all times.

6. My dad is a soldier because he loves his country.

7. My dad is a soldier because he loves his family.

8. My dad is a soldier because he loves his friends.

9. My dad is a soldier because he loves his countrymen.

10. My dad is a soldier because he loves freedom and democracy.

11. My dad is a soldier because he loves peace and prosperity around the world.

12. My dad is a soldier. He fights for freedom, and he will never stop fighting. I am proud to be his daughter.

13. He taught me how to fight for what I believe in, and to never give up when the world tries to take me down. My dad is a soldier.

14. He fights for his country, and he will never stop fighting. I’m proud to be his child.

15. My dad is a soldier. He fights for our country and his family. He is the strongest man I know.

16. I have the best dad in the world. My dad is a soldier; always there for me and makes me feel safe, loved, and happy.

17. My dad is a soldier, and he’s currently fighting on the front lines. I know that he misses me, and loves me very much, but it’s hard to see him so far away from home when I need his support so much right now.

18. My dad has been gone for two years now, but he still writes me letters every week to let me know how much he misses me and loves me more than anything else in this world. I am so lucky to have such an amazing father like him in my life.

19. My dad is a soldier, he fights for what’s right, not for what’s wrong. He stands up for truth and justice, and he never gives up until he gets it.

20. My dad is a soldier because he taught me how to be strong.

21. I have a soldier, and he is my dad. He taught me how to be brave and strong. He taught me how to be tough when times get tough. He showed me how to be a good person, someone who helps others in need. He showed me that being nice doesn’t mean you’re weak.

22. I am the daughter of a soldier, and I will always be proud of him.

23. My dad is my hero, he’s the best Dad in the world, no matter what happens he always makes me smile.

24. My dad is a soldier, and I love him so much! He has been away for 13 months and I miss him so much but I’m so proud of him for fighting for our country.

25. My dad is a soldier, and he is my hero because he fights for our country every day. He has been away since January but I know that when he gets back home, we will have so much fun together.

26. My dad is a soldier, he works hard to keep us safe so that we can sleep at night without fear of war or bombs falling on us. My dad protects us from evil people who want to hurt us by putting themselves in harm’s way every day.

27. My dad is a soldier. He fights for my rights, my freedom, and my future. He does this because he loves me, even though I can’t imagine what it must be like to leave his family behind and go off to war.

28. My dad is a soldier. He fights for what he believes in and fights for the people who can’t fight for themselves. He does this because he loves his country and wants to protect it from harm.

29. My dad is a soldier. He risks his life every day so that I can live mine in peace and security. He does this because he loves me more than anything else in the world, and wants me to know just how much he cares about me by putting his own life on the line to make sure that I have everything I need to be happy and healthy.

30. My dad is a soldier. He’s in the army, and he has to fight for our country. That’s why I’m proud of him, because he’s fighting for our freedom, so we can live in peace and safety.

31. My dad is a soldier, and I am proud to have him as my dad. He has taught me many things in life, and I love him. He has helped me be the person I am today. My father is a soldier, and I love him with all my heart.

32. My dad is a soldier. He is my hero and my protector. I love him because he has taught me to be independent and strong-willed. If he wasn’t in the army, I wouldn’t know how to take care of myself or make sure that I was safe.

33. My dad is a soldier. He has taught me what it means to be a man through his example. He has shown me how to respect women, treat them with kindness, and love them for who they are.

34. My dad is a soldier. He is so great because he always tells me how much he loves me, and how proud he is of me no matter what I do in life.

35. My dad is a soldier, and he’s not just any soldier. He is the best soldier. I am proud of him.

36. My dad is a soldier, he has saved lives and has seen so much bad in the world but still, he believes in good people and good things.

37. Being a soldier means being there for your family no matter what happens, even if it means risking your life for them. My dad showed me that when he was away from us because of work.

38. My dad is a soldier. My dad taught me how to be brave, strong, and independent when I was little and I still need those lessons now that I’m grown up.

39. My dad is a soldier. He fights for my freedom, my rights, and my future. He’s not just a hero, but he’s also the best dad anyone could ask for.

40. My dad is a soldier, and he is the best dad in the world. He is my hero.

41. My dad is a soldier, and I love him very much because he protects us from bad people and keeps us safe at night. I know that if anything happened to me or my family, he would be there for us.

42. My dad is a soldier. He fights for our freedom, and I love him with all my heart.

43. My dad is a soldier who fights for our freedom every day, but he still has time to make me feel like the most special girl in the world.

44. My dad was not here when I needed him most, but that does not mean he does not love me. He fought for our freedom so we could live without fear or want. I am proud of him.

45. My dad is a soldier. He will always protect me with all his heart. He is the best father in the world, and I can’t thank him enough for everything he has done for me.

46. My dad is a soldier, but he is not just a soldier. He’s my hero, my inspiration, and my best friend.

47. My dad is a soldier. He is the best person I know. He fought for our country, and he also fights for me and my family every day.

48. My dad is a soldier. He makes me feel safe when I’m scared, strong when I’m weak, and brave when I’m afraid to be myself.

49. My dad is a soldier. He fights for freedom, but more importantly, he fights for me and my family every day so we can live in peace with each other in the country that we love so much.

50. My dad is a soldier, he has been fighting for our country since before I was born, and he will continue to fight for our country until he dies. He’s the bravest man I know.

Hello there. I hope this meets you well. How did you feel about going through the collection of my dad is a soldier quotes up there? Please, provide an answer in the comment section. Don’t forget to tell others about this page. Thank you.

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