My Daughter Stole My Heart Quotes

In the world of varied relationships, there exist some special kinds of ones which are particularly known for their extreme purity and innocence. One of them is the relationship which ties a daughter to her parent; a love that is strong and deep.

There is something about daughters which makes parents feel very protective and possessive about them. All such feelings come together to form a bond that is nothing short of magical, pure and heavenly.

There is no greater feeling than having an amazing daughter who knows how to win the heart of her parents. She is a combination of a perfect angel and a lovely child, who makes her parent(s) life colourful.

If you are one of those who feel your daughter is the wonder of the world, the one who has stolen your heart with her charm and personality, then you chose the right page to be on right now. And if you want to take it further to express your feelings in words, then you have gotten to the bus stop. The sweetest and most touching my daughter stole my heart quotes are right here for you.

You have a daughter you love with all your heart. One who means the world to you and you would not pluck a hair from her head for all the money in the universe, make her know what she means to you with the quotes below.

When I look into my daughter’s eyes, I see the deepest parts of my heart. She has a lot of courage, she is not afraid to face challenges. She stole my heart with her great personality and I have allowed her to keep it forever.

1. My daughter may outgrow my lap but she will never outgrow my heart, she stole it from the beginning.

2. My daughter is my greatest inspiration. She fills me with pride and love. My daughter stole my heart the moment she was born, and she has it still.

3. My daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous, full of beauty and forever beautiful, loving and caring and truly amazing. She stole my heart and kept it.

4. The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children. My daughter is my priceless jewel, she stole my heart and still owns it.

5. My daughter is my best friend, my biggest supporter, and the strongest person I know. I’m so proud of the person she is becoming. She stole my heart right from the start!

6. I know that when my daughter was born, part of my heart went outside my body and would forever walk the earth in front of me.

7. My daughter stole my heart. She actually didn’t steal my heart – she filled a place in it that I never knew existed until she came along!

8. You stole my heart the moment you were born and now it beats only for you!

9. You are not only my daughter; you are also a part of me! You are so much like me that it scares me sometimes! But that is a treasure to me.

10. My daughter’s smile always makes me smile. My daughter’s laugh is infectious. Her heart is pure and true. Above all, I love that she is my daughter.

11. I love my daughter with all my heart because she stole my heart, nothing can replace her on this earth. I just want her to have a good life and grow up happy.

12. My daughter stole my heart. Thank you for always being by my side and making me proud to be your father. I know that no matter how old you get, you will always be my little girl.

13. My precious daughter, for as long as there is breath in my body you will always be the girl who stole my heart from the very beginning.

14. My daughter stole my heart. When I see her smile, I can handle all of life’s problems.

15. My daughter stole my heart and my heart is perfect because she is inside.

16. I smile because you’re my daughter; I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it! You stole my heart.

17. My daughter stole my heart and I will do all in my power to make sure she keeps it, to make her know how beautiful, smart, honest and strong she is every day.

18. My daughter is super awesome. She isn’t afraid to tell me when I am wrong or call me on my bull. I’m lucky to have her as a best friend. She totally stole my heart and I wouldn’t mind her keeping it forever.

19. Life has given me the greatest gift I could ever imagine in you, my sweet daughter. You are truly amazing, and I feel so blessed that I get to call you mine.

20. My Daughter stole my heart and ran away with it. I don’t know how to get it back because she is very good at hiding it. The only thing I can do is to make her happy, so she can have a great life!

21. My daughter is my biggest accomplishment, hands down — she makes everything worth it, and she stole my heart.

22. My Daughter stole my heart, she called me Mommy. I love you, daughter and I wish you the best that life can offer.

23. My daughter stole my heart. She is everything to me and more. She is my world and everything else just fades into the background when she smiles at me and tells me she loves me.

24. My daughter has stolen my heart and filled it with so much love that it is impossible for anything else to come close to touching it again.

25. My daughter stole my heart. She calls me daddy like we share a secret nobody else understands.

26. My daughter stole my heart. She is my greatest adventure. She is the peanut butter to my jelly. It’s always better when we’re together.

27. I know you stole my heart, but I will let you keep it if you promise to take care of it.

28. My daughter is God’s way of saying ‘thought you could use a lifelong friend.’

29. I know my daughter stole my heart, but I am pretty sure God sent her down to Earth for that.

30. My daughter stole my heart. She calls me “daddy” and has my eyes.

31. Somewhere between all our laughs, long talks, stupid little fights and our lame jokes, my daughter stole my heart.

32. My daughter is my greatest inspiration, my biggest supporter, my toughest opponent, my closest friend and the best part of my life. I am so proud of the person she’s becoming.

33. Raising daughters is like growing beautiful flowers in the garden of your heart. My daughter has my heart.

34. My daughter is my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is the beating of my heart. She means more to me than the whole world combined.

35. My daughter stole my heart she calls me mommy. The best thing that ever happened to me is being a mom. I love you, princess.

36. With you by my side, everything is perfect in this world — even when things aren’t going our way or when we run into a little bit of trouble. Thank you for being with me through thick and thin. I love you, daughter.

37. My daughter stole my heart, she stole it so fast, I know wasn’t easy, she was always by my side, she knew I needed her, she was always there for me.

38. I never thought a little girl could steal my heart, though she’s only six years old, I thought she couldn’t be better, I thought, how could she be? But my little girl stole my heart.

39. My daughter stole my heart, she’s filled my heart with love, but now she’s gone, I’m missing her I’m not the same, I’m a different person.

40. My daughter stole my heart. She is everything that I wish I would’ve been, she’s my greatest joy.

41. The day you came into the world, I knew that I had found a treasure, the kind of treasure that is rare and to be treasured, and I want you to know that I love you. You stole my heart.

42. My daughter stole my heart before she was born. She stole my heart before the first light of day.

43. My daughter stole my heart, she stole it with a smile that lightens up my world each day.

44. My daughter stole my heart, I never knew it was there, I never knew it was empty.

45. My daughter stole my heart, I didn’t know she had it. She made it her personal goal to win my heart. She got me by surprise I was in the dark. She’s one in a million.

46. My daughter stole my heart, one moment I was lonely and sad, and then she came and filled my heart with love and light.

47. I thought I had a heart, I thought I could beat the pain, but it turned out she stole it so much so that she never gave it back.

48. When my daughter was born, I felt a spark in my heart. I had known nothing like this before. She stole my heart instantly.

49. I can’t explain it, I don’t understand it, but my daughter got my heart.

50. My daughter stole my heart, she made it a place I thought never existed. The beauty of her smile, the way she makes me feel so free, the joy she brings to my life – she stole my heart.

A wonderful daughter is every parent’s pride. She is their treasure, their diamond, their pearl. Having one that has stolen your heart is definitely worth expressing. And the sweet quotes here were compiled perfectly for this purpose.

You can use as many as would be sufficient for you. Do well to make her feel loved and special.

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