My First Love is My Father Quotes

When your father is your first love, everything is beautiful in your world. Not because things are always rosy; rather, it’s because your dad’s love is priceless. Besides, his was the first love you ever experienced ever. A love so total, unconditional, pleasing, protective and lovely!

Fathers are underappreciated in our society today. Break the norms. Underneath that gruff exterior is a tender heart that feels every love or hurt. Your dad has always been your biggest supporter. He encouraged you to be the best you can be and helped you in thousands and one way to be the man/woman you are today. Your dad may still be up and about, frail or out of the picture, but the awesome memories will never fade away. Your father is a rare gem, he gave you a good name and legacy. He’s not a deadbeat dad.

Want to appreciate your father, your golden mirror? Want to leave your dad in no doubt as to how you feel about him? Care to let your precious dad knows he’s the absolute best in the world? Care to give honour to the man who made you into an amazing person? Do you want to appreciate the first man who generously showered you with so much love and affection?

Here we are! Dad has feelings, too!! These touching my first love is my father quotes will do the job perfectly.

My first love was my father who is the most important person in my life. He taught me everything, gave me directions and instructions, he always encouraged me to achieve what I wanted. When I grow up, I will create a home filled with the warmth of his love.

1. My father is my hero. He raised me to be the man I am today. He taught me all about God and instilled in me the values that made me who I am. He blessed me with a wonderful family and gave me everything. He always smiled and laughed without a complaint, even when things go awry. I love my father, he’s my first love.

2. My first love is my father. Flexing and cruising because I’m his little girl. Not a day goes by, without us loving each other.

3. My first love is my father. He left my mother to be with me. My father, my one and only father. You taught me how to love, and gave me the gift of life.

4. I always feel so safe with my father. When I am in need, he always shows me, great love. My father, my first love.

5. My first love is my father. He is my hero and my mentor. Best of all, my friend. Dad, I love you, always and forever.

6. My dad is my dearest. He is my everything, the uncontested love of my life.

7. I love my father. He has taught me so much. His patience, love and most of all his humour.

8. My only father, my love! He gave me everything and I lacked nothing.
He loved me unconditionally and showed me what true kindness is. I adore you, him.

9. My first love is my father. Happy birthday, daddy. I love and appreciate you.

10. My father is the one who has shaped my life and I love you. He taught me right from wrong. He has been there for me in ways no one else can.

11. My first love is my father. My father taught me so much. My father taught me how to love. He gave me life and taught me how to live.

12. My father is my first love. His love for me is unconditional, total and unwavering, and always will be.

13. My father is my greatest admirer. My true love and best friend. I cherish him.

14. My father is the first love of my life. My first date, the one who takes care of my every need. My hero, the one who protects and watches out for me. My father is awesome!

15. My father, is the best father any child could wish for. He literally gave his life for me to have the best. You brought so much love and joy into my life. Though you weren’t in my life long, you made me feel wanted and loved.

16. My father, my bae, my everything! You have taught me well. Your guidance and grace, open my heart to the good and valuable things of life. I love you.

17. My first love is my father. He is my mentor and he shows me the way. He is the one who got me started, and set me on a straight path. Those who know my father, know he is one of a kind.

18. My father is the man behind my ease and smartness. The man who taught me to love. The one who taught me to fight. The one who taught me to be strong. He is the one who made me who I am today. I cherish him.

19. My father, my hero. My first love is my father. The big man, who’s always strong. He dreams for his son, to give him the world.

20. My father, my first love. I love how he always treated me. He always told me to do my best. For that, I thank and love him.

21. My love, my father. He is my everything. His love warms my heart every day. He is just the best!

22. My darling father. He is my hero. He is my inspiration and my anchor. He is the best father in the world.

23. My father, I love you dearly. I wish I could apologise for all the times I misbehave. I am very sorry, and I love you still.

24. My father is my first love. I owe him so much for his love and staunch support. I thank him for teaching me to fly.

25. My dearest father is kind, loving and good in every way. He has given me life and taught me how to grow up and get a grip. I’ve grown to be a man, love you dearly.

26. My first love is my father. Since I was young, I loved and admired my father.

27. My father is my forever bae! I thank him for teaching me about life and its realities. He is an amazing man and I cherish him.

28. My father is my first and best love. He thought me the real meaning of love. He is considerate, kind, supportive and firm. I Thank you for always having my back.

29. My father is my first and eternal love. He taught me the true meaning of love and sacrifices.

30. My father is my first love. He loved me first and he will always be my one true love and best friend.

31. My daddy, my father, my first love. My hero, my teacher, my guide. He taught me the world and the way of the world. All I am and will ever be is because of him.

32. My first love is my father. He taught me well: to treat everyone right. He taught me right from wrong, he taught me to be honest, and he taught me to love.

33. My father is my dearest love. I love him because he made me who I am today.

34. My father is the most precious gift God ever gave me. He has taught me, not by words, but by his actions.

36. My dad’s laps are my first school, where I learnt life’s valuable lessons from a young age. He is my first friend and my very first love.

37. My father is a smart and strong man, my strength and number one fan. He has taught me more than I will ever know.

38. My beloved father is very wonderful. He taught me all of life’s great lessons. He didn’t allow me to learn the hard way. He instilled in me the value of giving and taught me how to work hard. Though he raised me alone, I’m blessed to have him as my father.

39. My father is my hero, my best friend and so much more! I love him so much.

40. My father is my hero. His love inspires me and he is the best dad anyone could have.

41. My first love is my father. I call him my sugar daddy. He’s my knight in shining armour. I call him every day, just to tell him everything on my mind.

42. My father, my dearly beloved father. No matter how old I get,
I’ll never forget you. I love you so much.

43. My father, my hero, my champion, my everything. You are the reason I have a life.

44. My first love is my father. He has taught me a lot, he taught me how to love, how live, survive and thrive. He’s always been a part of me. When I need him, he’s always there.

45. My father, my love. Everything good in my life, I owe to you. For everything I am and will ever be, you take the credit.

46. My earliest memory, is of my father hugging me, with so much love in his eyes.

47. Whenever I think about you, I picture what life would be like
without the unique love that we share. The bond we share gets stronger as I grow older and wiser. My father, I love you.

48. My daddy, my father, my buddy for life. I love and adore you more than you’ll ever know. You’ve done so much for me, I love you father.

49. My darling father, I love you. Through the storm, you are my strength, my true friend.

50. My first love is my father, and he was the first one to hold me tenderly and kiss my tears away.

Daddy is my first love quotes

Daddy is my first love, and I can never forget this one. Even when I’m old and have grandchildren, I’ll still remember the day you came into my life. There are many other things that make me proud of being your daughter, but none of them compares to the happiness of having you as a father

51. My sweet daddy, your love was everything I long to feel. Your loving hand to hold you tight.

52. My first love is my dad. My hero who protected me. He stayed by my side, as my life was turned upside down. He never left me until things turned out right.

53. My first love was my beloved dad. He taught me to love, to always forgive, to be strong, and to do my best.

54. My dad’s love has shown me the greatest thing: that love can be selfless. Totally.

55. My sweet daddy, you are my loving father and mother, my two in one and so much more. You held me close when I cried. You told me stories of long ago and a sense of belonging, a lasting gift. Your love is like a constant flame which lights my heart with love daily.

56. I met my first love shortly after I was born. My daddy, my hero, and my angel. He’s always there for me. I look up to him as my role model.

57. My precious dad, the one that generously lavishes me with love. The one that sets the standard and raised the bars high. My hero, my guide, my world.

58. My super duper daddy, my Sunshine, my world. You’re the one who brings me up, teaches me right from wrong, and loves me forever more.

59. Maybe I should call him father: of life, love, good sense, grace, patience and of dreams. That’s my dad.

60. My dearest dad, thanks for being there for me. You’re my role model. You set the example. Your love and encouragement are what pushed me to be…me.

61. My first love is my darling daddy. He’s an enigma. As soon as I was old enough to demystify him, I vowed to be just like him.

62. Daddy, you’re my first love. After my mother, you’re my closest friend.

63. My daddy, my first love and superhero. You are my everything.
Your love was never-ending. You are my earliest memory. You are the reason I cry. My first smile, my first everything.I love you, Daddy.

64. Daddy dearest, when you become old and frail, I’ll hold up your hands. I’ll cherish the memories of those strong fingers, I’ll smoothen the lines and the wrinkles. My dad took such good care of me and hand held me close to his heart. My dad, my love.

65. Daddy is my first love. He’s my refuge in this world of strife. Your presence is the air I breathe, and love is not in my vocabulary.

66. I love you, daddy. You’re my first love, my light, and my everything. You aren’t just my father, you’re my best friend too.

67. Daddy, you’re my first love. Always have been, always will be. You are my everything!

68. I love you, daddy. You constantly always stay on my mind. When I see your face, I can still feel your warmth. I’m sending you loads of love with tons of kisses. I love you, daddy.

69. Daddy, I’m proud to call you mine. You are my first love, my best friend, and my life coach. Thanks for always being there for me.

70. I look up and there he is! My daddy, his face beaming at me with smiles, he’s the one I love the most.

71. Daddy, you are my first love. From the first time I saw you, I was told I held your fingers in my tiny grip, as to dear life. Your smile is radiant, your voice calm and soothing. Your eyes sparkle, and your embrace takes all my worries away. I love you, dad.

72. My daddy, my first love. You taught me kindness and told me there’s dignity in labour. You taught me not to be a freeloader and be wary of giveaways or free things. You showed me the path to greatness through hard work, smartness and faith. You’re the best dad ever!

73. My dad taught me all about love from when I was little. He taught me how to love, and how to be strong without being a fool for love. True love exists: that’s my precious dad. Daddy, you will always be my first love.

74. Daddy is my first love. All my stars are shining brightly from above to below because I’m my daddy’s daughter.

75. Daddy, you’ve got my heart and I know it’s safe with you. You’ll do everything within your power to protect me. I love you more than anything, and I’ll love you forever.

76. Daddy is my true love, a girl’s first love, first date and forever sugar daddy. You’re my dream and my everything.

77. Daddy, I love you. You are my first love. You instilled the right values in me with discipline. You showed me the power of discipline. You thought Mr street’s sense while protecting my innocence. You’re my hero, dad. I love you.

78. My dad is my first love. The reason isn’t farfetched. He loves me to distraction and showed me every chance he gets.

79. My dad, my hero. You taught me how to love and grow. You taught me to be a man, a real man who doesn’t bow to adversity. You are the reason I laugh and smile when I come home.

80. My daddy is my first love. Hard to find one who measures up to his standard. My dad indulges me without getting me spoilt. My dad rocks!

81. My dad, my first love, my first teacher, my protector, and my entire world. You are my best friend, and I miss you after all these years.

82. Daddy, you’re my first love. With you, I learned to love and be loved. Without you, I’d be lost without love. You are my daddy and I love you.

83. Daddy, you are my first love. You’re my everything. A child could not ask for more. You’re the best father anyone could wish for. I cherish you.

84. World’s best daddy, my first and forever love. I’m so proud you’re my father. I love the legacy you’re building. I love how well brought up I am. I’ve come to appreciate your tough love in instilling good values in me and your tender love that always shines forth. I adore you.

85. You’re my first love, dad. The first to shower me with genuine love and care, without reservation. You’re my true love, you love me so unconditionally. I’ll love you forever, my darling daddy.

86. Daddy, thank you for reading me the riot acts to bring me back to my senses when I was misbehaving with youthful exuberance. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction in making life’s crucial decisions. You are awesome, my first love. You rock!

87. My dad, you and mom are my first love. I always feel safe with you, regardless of my circumstances. When I felt alone, I l trust your guidance and I know I could trust your love.

88. Dearest daddy, I succumbed not to life’s pressure, because your love keeps me strong and on an even keel. Your love is the greatest of love. I love and appreciate you.

89. My first love is my dad. I crave his attention, love and support. My heart feels complete when he’s around. He is the reason why I am strong and find joy in what he does.

90. Daddy, you are my first love. You are my everything. Though I often take you for granted, you’re my forever hero. you have always been there for me.

91. Daddy, I love you. You are my first love. You are my first hero, my champion and my confidence.

94. Daddy, I’ve grown, but I can never outgrow your love. I need it like I need to breathe. You’ll always be my first love. I love you.

95. Daddy, you are the first person I ever met. You showered me with love, and care for my every need. You taught me how to spell, and how to stand up for myself. You are the best.

96. My first love is my father. He’s the one who taught me how to be strong, stand up for myself and help people in need. I can never thank him enough for that.

97. Daddy, you are my first love, my knight in shining armour, my hero. Your arms have protected me from bullies. Your butterfly kisses made my frowns disappear. Your love has kept me safe, even when I strayed.

98. Who is my daddy? The first man I ever loved. The one that I highly respect and cherish.

99. Daddy, you’re my first love, my king, my hero. No one can love me like you.

100. You are my everything, dad. You mean the world to me. I may meet a prince someday, but you’ll forever be my king and hero. You’re my first and forever love.

I hope you were able to get some quotes that resonated with you from this collection of my first love is my father quotes above. Kindly leave a comment in the comment section below and share this post with friends and loved ones. Thank you for reading.

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