My Girlfriend Is So Beautiful Quotes

Once you’re in a relationship, you tend to be more open and forthcoming with your feelings. It can be hard to keep things bottled up, especially when you’re dating a girl who seems to get all the good qualities you love in a girl. It’s easy for you to fall in love — and sometimes hard for you to let go.

This is what makes it so great when your girlfriend says something that makes you realize she is just as perfect as you always thought she was.

If you’re a loving boyfriend, you’ll probably want your girlfriend to think the world of you. You would want her to be happy and feel proud you’ve chosen her over all the other girls, and she should admire how much value you place on her. That is why it’s so important to express your love for your girlfriend through the right words.

The following are some of my girlfriend is so beautiful quotes that can be used to tell your girlfriend how beautiful she is.

My girlfriend is so beautiful from the head down to her toes, every inch of her is beautiful. She is the most amazing girl I have ever met. She lifts me when I’m down and always makes me smile. Her love makes my life complete and I can never be without her.

1. You are beautiful to me; inside and out, in ways, you may never realize. You’re my best friend, my soul mate. And I just want the world to see how amazing you are.

2. We may not be the best at showing our love and appreciation, but I want you to know that you are always on my mind. You light up my life and I am always thinking of ways to make you happy. Thank you for being there for me.

3. Hey honey, don’t mind me just looking at you. You make my heart skip a beat and the butterflies in my stomach go nuts whenever you are near me. Your hair, your eyes, your lips – everything about you drives me crazy. I want to wake up to you every morning for the rest of my life.

4. My love, I want to be able to kiss you as soon as I open my eyes, to feel your warm embrace when we hug and kiss goodbye each morning, and to fall asleep with a smile on my face. I love you because you are so beautiful.

5. I’ve never been so happy before you came into my life. You are my happiness wrapped around me like a warm blanket. I love your smile and your laugh, they make me feel at peace. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Thank you for making my every day so much brighter.

6. There is nothing in the world more beautiful than you are. You are smart, funny, and beautiful. You’re my model of perfection.

7. I love looking into your eyes and hearing your thoughts. I love just being with you, knowing that I’m safe in your arms. I love you. I can’t stress it enough.

8. Even if my words aren’t enough to reach you, know that I cherish and value your presence in my life. I am so glad you are mine and I am yours. The reason I smile, the reason I laugh, the reason you have friends is because of you.

9. How can I ever get enough of you? You are the first thought on my mind when I wake up, and the last thought as I drift off to sleep. Your eyes and smile light up my world brighter than the sun, and your skin is so smooth, that it feels like silk under my fingertips.

10. You are beautiful, not just on the outside but inside as well. Every part of you is uniquely you and that’s what makes you beautiful. Your smile, your laugh, your frown, your silly jokes, even the way you can chew food with your mouth open and not know it. All these things make me happy.

11. I remember when I first saw you and wondered what it would be like to walk alongside you. I will never forget the day that I did. How I felt on the inside is exactly how I feel today. You have a gift of making me laugh at everything and anything. I love you.

12. It’s your eyes that make me smile, your smile that makes me laugh, and the only thing that stops my heart is the thought you will always be mine. I love you more with each passing day.

13. I love you more than anything in the world. You are my everything and I never want to lose you. I just want to let you know how much I think of you.

14. You are so beautiful. I just wanted to express my feelings, it gets harder every day to find the right words. You are a magnificent creation, a true wonder of the world. There is no one in this world as beautiful and cherished as you. I love you with every cell of my being and will never stop telling you how gorgeous you are.

14. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. Your heart is pure and your mind brilliant. The perfect girl for me. If I have to spend the rest of my life with someone, you couldn’t be anyone else. I love you.

15. You’re beautiful; that’s no word of a lie. It’s the plain truth. Say what you like, I don’t care. You are beautiful. Your beauty lies in your eyes, your heart, and beyond. To me, you are perfect and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

16. My darling, your body overflows with beauty; inner and outer. I feel so lucky that you have chosen to share yourself with me, and the world. The greatest gift you’ve ever given to me is yourself. I love that we have built a safe place in each other’s arms where there is no judgment and only love exists.

17. When I saw you for the first time, I knew that something special was happening. It’s almost hard to believe that we’ve found each other after all these years. You are beautiful inside and out and I’m so lucky to have you. Thank you for being amazing to me.

18. You are one of my best friends, but you make me happy like a giddy schoolboy. You make me feel cherished and loved. You inspire me to be the best version of myself, to over-achieve and embrace every challenge. I can’t wait to see what our future together holds. I am lucky to have met you and love you more than you will ever know.

19. I don’t need your presents, I don’t need to hear you say beautiful things. All I need is for you to simply be here with me.

20. I love how I can be myself around you, I love how you know exactly how to cheer me up and make my day better. I love that we can talk about anything because I know that we’ll always have each other’s back. You’re so beautiful.

21. Even though you are far away from me, I will always spend every day as if it were Valentine’s day. I love you and hope this brightens up your day.

22. You are the most beautiful being on this planet. No one else can hold a candle to you. You’re such a special person and I hope that you have an amazing day.

23. You shine like the sun, so beautiful and warm. Every time I see you, I seem to be lost in your eyes. You are the perfect girl; beautiful, intelligent, and a joy to be around. You are so special to me that I never want to go a day without seeing you again.

24. I am the most amazing boyfriend in all the world because I have a beautiful girlfriend like you. You are so beautiful to me. I just can’t seem to find the words to show you how much you mean to me. I will spend every day for the rest of my life trying to prove that you are my everything, my most prized possession.

25. You’re so sweet and caring. You’re gorgeous on the inside and out. You make me so proud to know you’re mine. I love you. You are beautiful and sweet.

26. You rock. I couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend and I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. Your face lights up my world and I love being able to see it every day. I love you so much.

27. Thank you for holding me when I cry, helping me succeed in school, making me laugh until my stomach hurts, and caring if I am having a bad day. Thank you for always asking me how I feel, how my day is going, and what I am eating. I love you.

28. You are beautiful. I know it might sound crazy, but when I look into your eyes, I see a beautiful powerful soul. It is as if your eyes are holding the secrets to the whole world and they are begging me to unlock them. I love you, baby.

29. When I kiss you, my heart melts. It is like a drug that needs to be taken daily or I will go insane. When we are together, time stands still and the only thing that matters is us, our love, and our happiness.

30. Your heart is a masterpiece, but you already know this. I love you for who you are, and for all that makes you smile. You are my biggest supporter, cheerleader, and inspiration. I am so lucky to call you my girlfriend and best friend, and I wouldn’t change anything about you because you are perfect.

31. I love your beautiful eyes and the way you laugh. I love your sense of humour, your smile, and all the cute little noises you make. I just love your whole self. I am so lucky to have you as a girlfriend.

32. Every time I see your beautiful face and gorgeous eyes, I fall even more in love with you. You are so beautiful and special to me, that I can’t even put it into words.

33. I hope you know how much I love you. I don’t tell you enough, but I wish every day that you could be reminded of it by everyone. You are the most beautiful woman on earth and you deserve to be treated like a queen just because of that fact.

34. I couldn’t ask for anyone better, and neither could my friends or family members. You are my world, my everything, in every way imaginable. Please remember this always, for I will never stop telling you.

35. There are no words to express my love for you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever known. When I look in your eyes, I see a thousand different worlds. If all those worlds were made of diamonds, they would still be worth less than your beauty.

36. I think of you every time I glance in the mirror. You truly are my beautiful angel. There is no one like you. I love you more than words can express.

37. We met in a crowded cafe, with a lot of people around. You had green eyes. Your smile was heavenly. And you laugh when you told me I had something on my nose. I knew right there and then that you were the one for me.

38. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You make me feel so good about myself, it’s crazy. I could stop thinking about you. How can one person make me feel this way? I love you, baby.

39. You are beautiful inside and out. I love everything about you. Your eyes shine bright like diamonds in the sunlight, your hair shines as bright as spun gold. Your beauty goes so far beyond skin deep.

40. I love the way you look at me and can’t get enough of hearing your voice. You are a true treasure, my beautiful girlfriend.

41. You are the most beautiful thing in the world. Your eyes sparkle like diamonds and your smile lights up my heart. Every day I think how lucky I am to have such a perfect girl in my life. You make me so happy. Thanks for being with me and loving me, and for inspiring me to pursue my dreams.

42. You’re so beautiful. I don’t know how to explain it, but every time I look at you, my heart skips a beat. You are special and perfect in every way.

43. There is never enough time to tell you how beautiful your eyes are and how lovely you are. I love your eyes; they drown me in deep love. I could stare at them for eternity. Your smile makes my heart melt and my world turned upside-down. You are too beautiful.

44. When I’m with you, I feel happy. I finally have someone who supports me and helps me become a better person. You are the love of my life and without you, I’d be lost.

45. I could spend all day looking at you, your beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile. You make life so much more enjoyable and I don’t want to miss a moment of it. You have become my world and I can’t imagine living without you.

46. I could stare at you for hours and not get bored. I love everything about you from head to toe, inside and out. You are my life, my role model, and my hero. I owe everything to you for making me so happy.

47. I know you think that I don’t tell you something enough, but really, it’s just impossible for me to express with words how beautiful you are and how I feel about you. You are more than I ever could’ve imagined, and I am so lucky to know you and have your heart.

48. Sometimes, I don’t think you realize how wonderful you are. I love you because of your beauty and grace, but I also love you because of your kind and humble heart. You truly do amaze me every day.

49. Saying that I love you is an understatement. I’ve never used the words “I love you” with anyone in my entire life. Words cannot even begin to describe how much I enjoy every minute with you. You’ll never know what it means to me to have your love and friendship, nor how much joy it brings me every day.

50. Thank you for always being there. Thank you for these “I love you” that pour out of my heart without a reason. Thank you for making me feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I love it when we get along and have fun together. I love you so much.

51. You are the most beautiful thing in my life. Your beauty radiates out of every inch of your body, making me obsessed and flustered. You are one of a kind, a treasure, a gift. I am so lucky to have you as my girlfriend. I love you more than you will ever know.

52. You are breath-taking, the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. You are intelligent, loving, funny and a joy to be around. Every day, I am thankful that you choose me to be your love. I am forever yours.

53. I have never felt more passionate about anyone in my life than I feel about you. You’re the most important person in my life and I just want to be with you for the rest of it.

54. Your laugh steals my breath away and your voice calms my soul. When you are close to me, I feel like nothing ever could go wrong. I just want to be near you forever, so that I can hear you breathe, touch your warm skin, listen to your laugh, and stare at your beautiful eyes.

55. I’ve wanted to tell you how happy I am ever since I met you. I’m happier than I have ever been and it’s all thanks to you. You’re more beautiful than anything in the world to me and I love you with all my heart. Thank you for staying with me; thank you for loving me.

56. There are times I look at you and forget to breathe. You are so beautiful. You make my life worth living. Even when everything goes wrong, the thought of losing you is like a knife through my heart. As long as I have you in my life, everything else seems trivial.

57. You are the best thing in my mundane little life and I thank God every day for bringing you back into my world. You are so special to me, so beautiful and so interesting. You bring so much colour into my life that it would be dull without you. I love you.

58. I love you; I have told you this more times than I can count, and I will continue to tell you this every day until the day that I die.

59. You are beautiful, don’t ever doubt that. Every day with you is amazing and special because I am with you. Thank you for showing me reality, thank you for wearing your heart on your sleeve and putting up with my flaws. I love you.

60. I love it when you make crazy faces at me. I love that your hair is always in your face at the most inconvenient of times. I love the fact that my clothes smell like your shampoo every morning. I love how beautiful you are, inside and out.

61. It’s hard to see past your beauty, so I just want you to know that there is so much more to you than the physical. Your intelligence and compassion are what drew me closer to you. I love you.

62. You are so beautiful. I love your eyes, your smile, your laugh. But what I love most is you. I’m glad that God let me find a girl like you. I will always look at you with love in my heart.

63. You are the most beautiful girl in the world and don’t forget it. Don’t ever sell yourself short, you’re worth far more than you give yourself credit for. I tell you all the time, how I feel about you, how beautiful and amazing you are. Your heart is so pure and innocent, but strong and determined at the same time, and that’s what I love so much about you.

64. You are truly beautiful. I think that you should know just how beautiful you are. You are my soul mate in every sense of the word. You brighten my day, every day. Your eyes sparkle like stars in the cosmos. Your smile reaches from ear to ear and lightens up my whole world. I love you.

65. Even as we sit here looking at each other, I can’t take my eyes off you for fear that someone might come and steal you away from me; I will never let them. I love you.

66. You are the most beautiful woman in the world and since I met you, I have been the happiest man alive. You are so sweet that I can barely express how lucky I am to have you. You make my life worth living and I love you so much.

67. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. In your eyes, I see the brightness of all the stars in the sky. Your smile lights up my world more than anything. I love you so much, you have no idea how wonderful you truly are.

68. You are my world, my heart, and my soul. My greatest gift in life is that I get to spend every day with you. I feel so blessed to love you and have your love in return. We were meant to be.

69. I think you’re the most beautiful. It’s not just your face or your hair or those luscious lips that I adore; it’s everything about you. Your heart, your sense of style, and your kind soul are just as beautiful to me. I’m so lucky to have found you and I can’t wait to explore the rest of this journey with you by my side.

70. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. Something about you- something wonderful has stolen a part of my heart. I need you every day, and I will never leave your side.

71. I would write a poem but I doubt it compares. You are truly divine, an angel that came from above. Your hair and eyes shine like the stars and your smile is brighter than the sun. You are like a dream come true, you are the inspiration for all that I do. I love you with all my heart.

72. There is no one else in this world like you. You are beautiful, so do not compare yourself to anyone else. Love what sets you apart from everyone else, embrace it, and be true to yourself. Be happy and know that I will always love you.

73. Every time I look into your eyes, I see the love that we share. You are gorgeous and there is no one else like you in the world. I’m so lucky to have someone as amazing as you in my life. Nothing could ever make me love you any less, because you are perfect to me.

74. You are more beautiful than words can say; you are everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Whenever I hold your hand, kiss your cheek or hug you tight, I can’t help but feel lucky to be with you. You are the only one for me and I’ll love you forever.

75. Is it weird that I love you more every day? I never want to not love you. You’re the most beautiful person to me, inside and out. Every day when I wake up next to you, I can breathe again, as if all of my problems were gone when we are together. No one else in the world could make me feel like this. I love you so much.

56. There are times I look at you and forget to breathe. You are so beautiful. You make my life worth living. Even when everything goes wrong, the thought of losing you is like a knife through my heart. As long as I have you in my life, everything else seems trivial.

57. You are the best thing in my mundane little life and I thank God every day for bringing you back into my world. You are so special to me, so beautiful and so interesting. You bring so much colour into my life that it would be dull without you. I love you.

58. I love you; I have told you this more times than I can count, and I will continue to tell you this every day until the day that I die.

59. You are beautiful, don’t ever doubt that. Every day with you is amazing and special because I am with you. Thank you for showing me reality, thank you for wearing your heart on your sleeve and putting up with my flaws. I love you.

60. I love it when you make crazy faces at me. I love that your hair is always in your face at the most inconvenient of times. I love the fact that my clothes smell like your shampoo every morning. I love how beautiful you are, inside and out.

61. It’s hard to see past your beauty, so I just want you to know that there is so much more to you than the physical. Your intelligence and compassion are what drew me closer to you. I love you.

62. You are so beautiful. I love your eyes, your smile, your laugh. But what I love most is you. I’m glad that God let me find a girl like you. I will always look at you with love in my heart.

63. You are the most beautiful girl in the world and don’t forget it. Don’t ever sell yourself short, you’re worth far more than you give yourself credit for. I tell you all the time, how I feel about you, how beautiful and amazing you are. Your heart is so pure and innocent, but strong and determined at the same time, and that’s what I love so much about you.

64. You are truly beautiful. I think that you should know just how beautiful you are. You are my soul mate in every sense of the word. You brighten my day, every day. Your eyes sparkle like stars in the cosmos. Your smile reaches from ear to ear and lightens up my whole world. I love you.

65. Even as we sit here looking at each other, I can’t take my eyes off you for fear that someone might come and steal you away from me; I will never let them. I love you.

66. You are the most beautiful woman in the world and since I met you, I have been the happiest man alive. You are so sweet that I can barely express how lucky I am to have you. You make my life worth living and I love you so much.

67. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. In your eyes, I see the brightness of all the stars in the sky. Your smile lights up my world more than anything. I love you so much, you have no idea how wonderful you truly are.

68. You are my world, my heart, and my soul. My greatest gift in life is that I get to spend every day with you. I feel so blessed to love you and have your love in return. We were meant to be.

69. I think you’re the most beautiful. It’s not just your face or your hair or those luscious lips that I adore; it’s everything about you. Your heart, your sense of style, and your kind soul are just as beautiful to me. I’m so lucky to have found you and I can’t wait to explore the rest of this journey with you by my side.

70. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. Something about you- something wonderful has stolen a part of my heart. I need you every day, and I will never leave your side.

71. I would write a poem but I doubt it compares. You are truly divine, an angel that came from above. Your hair and eyes shine like the stars and your smile is brighter than the sun. You are like a dream come true, you are the inspiration for all that I do. I love you with all my heart.

72. There is no one else in this world like you. You are beautiful, so do not compare yourself to anyone else. Love what sets you apart from everyone else, embrace it, and be true to yourself. Be happy and know that I will always love you.

73. Every time I look into your eyes, I see the love that we share. You are gorgeous and there is no one else like you in the world. I’m so lucky to have someone as amazing as you in my life. Nothing could ever make me love you any less, because you are perfect to me.

74. You are more beautiful than words can say; you are everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Whenever I hold your hand, kiss your cheek or hug you tight, I can’t help but feel lucky to be with you. You are the only one for me and I’ll love you forever.

75. Is it weird that I love you more every day? I never want to not love you. You’re the most beautiful person to me, inside and out. Every day when I wake up next to you, I can breathe again, as if all of my problems were gone when we are together. No one else in the world could make me feel like this. I love you so much.

76. Through all the tears and painful times, you have always been there for me. Thank you for showing me what real love is. You are so beautiful, charming, and adorable. Your smile is my sunrise, your style is my inspiration and your eyes are the stars of heaven. I’m so in love with you that I can’t seem to find the words to say.

77. You have captured my heart. Your smile makes me happy. Your laughter fills my life with joy. Just knowing that you around makes me feel loved, safe and secure. I love you, baby girl.

78. There are so many reasons to love you. Your beautiful smile, your caring eyes, and your kind heart. You’re perfect for me in every way. These reasons alone make me crazy about you. I love you.

79. You are the most important person in my life. I love your beautiful smile, those perfect eyes, and your cute little nose. You make me laugh so hard my face hurts and when I’m sad you give me that warm hug that makes everything okay. Thank you for loving me.

80. You’re smart, beautiful, and funny, everything I could’ve ever asked for in a girlfriend. I love everything about you and without you, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am.

81. You were the very first crush I ever had and the only one I needed. You’re the love of my life and the best person I know. Thank you for being you because, without you, I’d feel so out of place. Thank you for all the memories we’ve shared and for being there for me through everything. You are my world and my reason for living. I love you.

82. When I wake up in the morning, I look at you and smile. When I go to sleep at night, I rest my head on your chest and fall asleep smiling. Every time we are together, my palms get sweaty and my knees get weak You make me a better person; you’re my best friend and the love of my life.

83. You are everything to me – you are the brightest star in the sky, the prettiest flower in the garden, and my dream come true. I think of you every moment of each day and you will never know just how much I love you.

84. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met and having you in my life means everything. You are like a princess to some enchanted castle to happily ever after. I love you and I am so happy you are mine.

85. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. You make my heart skip a beat and when I’m with you, I feel like I’m in heaven. I love how beautiful your eyes are and how perfect your smile is. You are not only the best thing that’s happened to me but also the most beautiful.

86. I’ve known you for a long long time. You are beautiful, and I don’t just say that to every girl. You are beautiful. You are smart and funny, and you have the best personality of anyone I know. I love you so much.

87. I wish I could bring you flowers every day. You deserve the world and I would treat you like it. There’s no one else on this earth like you and I love that about you.

88. Girl, you are so beautiful to me. Every time I see you, my heart does a backflip and my stomach does cartwheels. My knees get weak and I can’t stop smiling. You are the most amazing person I have ever met in my life and I am so lucky that you found me.

89. You are beautiful. I don’t mean just in that movie star way, but in a natural, sweet and feminine kind of way. You are my best friend, confidant, and lover. I feel so lucky to be with you every day. It’s my mission to make you happy each day because you make me happy.

90. You are everything I’ve ever wanted, and you don’t even know. I love your eyes so much, there is a lot of love in them, and I just feel so lucky that you look at me with those eyes every day.

91. I love your smile, there is something special about it. There is something that draws me to you like no other that I can’t explain. You’re the most beautiful woman in the whole world.

92. When you look at my eyes, see yourself. When you touch my hand, feel my heart. When you listen to me, hear all of me. And when you lie next to me, embrace every part of me. I am yours and you are mine. You are just so beautiful to me.

93. You are the sun that warms my cold heart. Without you, it would be like a winter day where no warmth reaches the earth. I will cherish every minute of our relationship and love you forever.

94. When I see you smiling, my heart smiles too. You are a ray of sunshine in a world that’s growing colder day by day. I know how lucky I am to have you as my soulmate and lover. You are the most beautiful woman and I love you more than anything in this world.

95. Tomorrow will be the most amazing day because I get to see you again, hear your voice and feel your touch. You are my world and without you, this life would break me. I love you.

96. I wake up every morning thinking about you, and go to bed each night with your face on my mind. You are the reason for everything in between, the bright light that keeps me smiling all day. More than anything, I cherish every moment with you.

97. There is no end to how beautiful you are and I’m so honoured to be your boyfriend. You make me smile every day with your beautiful heart bigger than the stars in the sky.

98. Girl, you are gorgeous. You’re radiant. You’re like a flower that grows and blooms into a beautiful masterpiece. You have the prettiest smile, the cutest nose, and eyes you can get lost in forever. I love you.

99. Your lips will make my heart skip a beat every single time I kiss them. I love your dimples when you smile because they show how happy you are and make me fall in love with you even more. When I think about the word “beautiful”, you’re the only thing that comes to mind. I love you so much.

100. I think you’re beautiful, inside and out. I’m so lucky to have you; always remember I’d give anything to make you smile and laugh. You’ve made me so happy baby, and I can’t wait to see how much deeper our love will grow.

Hello there. I hope you liked this my girlfriend is so beautiful quotes up there. Try to make your girlfriend happy by sending one to her.

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