My Heart is Taken Quotes and Sayings

I’m quite sure over a billion people have said, “love is a beautiful thing.” I’m sure everyone I’ve met in my life has said it too. If there’s any cliché that’s true and extra-true, if there’s anything like that, it’s this one.

When your heart has been taken, isn’t what you feel better than the taste of your favourite meal and a visit to your favourite city contained?

Whether you’re in a relationship with the person that has taken your heart or your heart is taken by someone who barely even notices you, there’s an excitement that comes from it. This and more are the idea behind these my heart is taken quotes.

Different ideas of what it means or feels like when your heart is taken from different points of view and more, all in these collections of quotes and sayings I’m presenting to you.

For the quotes and sayings on and around the term “my heart is taken”, swipe up.

“My heart is taken, and the person whom I gave my heart to sees the pure side of me. She understands me. She loves me so much. There’s nothing more I can possibly ask for; she’s the best thing that ever happened to me!”

1. I have my heart taken by her, and I know this is true. So I smile and go about my day with a hint of pride.

2. My heart is taken by someone I have just met, and I pray that all is well and that I will stand with them through all that comes my way.

3. Love and relationships are hard, but they don’t have to be. My heart has been taken by a lovely person, and I couldn’t be happier.

4. My heart is taken, and I sleep better at night. No longer am I alone. My love is here to stay.

5. It’s not every day you find a kindred spirit, let alone have a chance to spend the rest of your life with them. My heart is taken, and I’m cherishing these moments with this special person and appreciating my time with him.

6. Love is a strange phenomenon, but it somehow chose us through sweet humans who take our hearts and treat them right. My heart is taken, and I feel so lucky.

7. My heart is taken. It was taken by someone who is smart and kind. I love you, and I’m glad my heart is taken by you.

8. When I wake up in the morning, I wake up hoping to see a face so beautiful it can’t be described by words—it can only be seen with my eyes. And when I look into your eyes, I see something that makes me happy that my heart is taken by you.

9. I am so happy that you are the one with my heart. And I know you will last until the end of time, as the sun will always rise.

10. My heart is taken. I am happy. I am lucky that I got someone to love. They love me for who I am, and that’s how it should be.

11. My heart is taken by you. My soul is full because of you. My mind is distracted by you. I might not be able to escape you, but I don’t want to.

12. I may be sad; I may be mad. But I don’t care. My heart is taken.

13. I am excited that my heart is taken, and I’m given a chance to be the man I’ve always wished that I could be. I’m so glad that I’ve been given a chance to show you, my love, how I love.

14. My heart is taken. My love is here to stay. I found a wonderful one, and now I know I’ll never be alone.

15. My heart is taken, and I feel like I’m flying. Never have I felt this way before. It’s like the feeling of butterflies in my stomach and the feeling of a warm embrace at the same time.

16. My heart is taken. It’s been given away by me and taken by someone who means the world to me. And, you can bet a planet filled with money that I give them all my love.

17. I never know quite how to say it, but I know the feelings are mutual. Our love is an inspiration, and I pray it grows forever. Thanks for taking my heart too.

18. I’m excited that my heart is taken. I’m excited that my life is spoken for. I’m excited that my soulmate is watching over me. I’m excited they are always my first thought in the morning.

19. My heart is taken, and I’m not sad. I’m happy that it’s been taken by you. You, who makes my heart skip a beat, as you come near.

20. My heart is taken. It’s not a feeling; it’s a knowing. I have someone who’s amazing. I have someone I can rely on. To see me through the good and the bad, to be there for me when I am at my happiest and at my saddest.

21. My heart is taken by someone who makes me feel good when we’re together. I know what it’s like to be loved. Our love is forever, and I’ll never let it go. I know things will be okay because my heart has been taken by you.

23. My heart is taken. I am now a captive of this thing called love. I am now a believer in the idea of love being more beautiful than my favourite flower.

24. My heart is taken by a man whom I adore. He was clear about what he wanted—my heart—and that’s why I admire him so. It’s a shame that I never knew him before.

25. My heart has been taken. I’ll never be the same. I feel like I’m in heaven—it’s just that I’ve had to wait.

It’s true. I am different. That’s because the person that took my heart changed me. The things I thought were important are not as important anymore, and the things that seemed silly at first now make me happy. You have changed my exterior and interior. You have filled me with love, hope, and a new appreciation for life and its beautiful moments.

26. My heart has been taken by a force so strong and so wise. To her, I willfully signed up as a love slave, and I’ll never leave her side because she is my world.

27. My heart is taken by the girl of my dreams. Are you looking for it? Check among her favourite things. I am at home whenever we’re in each other’s arms.

28. My heart is taken by you and you alone. When I’m with you, my pulse is quick, and what’s that if not a sign that I’m in love?

29. My heart is taken. I’m no longer free to roam. I’m now something special to someone. Even if I’m ignored by the world, I know he sees me.

30. My heart is taken. It’s been aching for you, and now it is taken by you. You’ve got my heart, and now that you’ve got it, I’ll still take care of you. Just promise to do the same too.

31. My heart is taken by the best—the one that holds it, protects it, and helps it beat, the one that gives it shelter and keeps it safe, the only one that knows how to take time and care—you!

32. My heart is taken by someone that has it all, making me feel like I have it all.

33. My heart is taken by myself until I find someone special and feel a connection that leaves me speechless.

34. My heart is taken by the guy who says this to me every morning: let me make you feel pretty again. I will cherish you like you deserve to be cherished, but most importantly, I will love you.

35. My feelings are valued. This love affair is a loving experience in which I am proud to be a participant. I’m glad my heart is taken by you.

36. My heart is taken by someone who loves to hold my heart and my hand and remind me that I am loved.

37. My heart is taken by someone who loves me for me, someone who appreciates my company and spoils me from time to time. Someone who warms my heart, is real with me, laughs with me, cries with me, and cherishes every moment we share together.

38. I wanted my heart to be taken. Now it’s been taken by someone who holds my hand in the rain, kisses me under the moonlight, and tells me that they love me.

39. I’ve been swept off my feet. Your boy found someone who loves him for exactly who he is and who takes his breath away every day. She also took my heart.

40. When the right person takes your heart, your romance will feel like the most natural thing in the world. You’ll be happier and more yourself than ever before. And the right person has taken my heart.

41. My heart is taken. I feel the way I did when I was young and in love—I feel the thrill of it all. I’m in love with the world’s best human, and the love I feel and the happiness I feel is more than the world can carry.

42 My heart is taken. You said “I love you” and meant it. It’s now held by you.

43. I feel a part of me is no longer with me, but that makes me feel complete. It’s my heart, and it’s safe with you.

44. My heart is taken. It’s right there in her hands. She can break me apart just like a piece of clay but won’t. She won’t bring me down. She won’t make me cry. She loves me.

45. My heart is taken, and I am in love. I dream about the future and tell my heart to prepare for an extra-lovely ride. I’ll make the love dream I always wanted a reality.

46. My heart is taken by you. Feel free to bet your place as an angel that I love you more than anyone I’ve ever known.

47. My heart is taken by my love. I might go crazy and scream out loud because I’m caught up in a love light that is shining my way brightly.

48. My heart is taken by you. I can’t be without you. I’m not wicked to myself enough to leave you. My heart is taken by someone extra lovely, and I will keep loving you.

49. My heart is captured by a love I feel. It’s a special love. I pray that, like a gentle rain, it will not cease. It is not only my heart that is captured but all of me.

50. My heart is taken by my love. She is my strength, my reason to wake up every day. She is my sunshine. She is my wish for tomorrow. She is my heart and my soul. She is my everything.

51. Even the angels feel it when they fall in love. My heart is taken, and all my eyes are filled with is the sight of my love.

52. My heart is taken by a good man that understands much about me, even about how the world has changed me. He understands all my moods, and he’s a man who cares. Now talk about the man of my dreams.

53. My heart is taken by someone with a smile that knocks me off my feet and knocks on the door of my heart. This is just a photo of my lover, who I miss so much, but touching it feels like touching his skin.

54. My heart is taken by a good man, and I’m enjoying every day with him. It’s a deep love that makes me smile, a deep love that makes me live. And as I sit, his love prevails.

55. My heart is taken by a good man whose handsome face and perfect physique allured me from afar.

56. My heart is taken by a good man. He’s a man that protects and defends. He’s a man that I trust and adore. And every day with him, I’m loving.

57. My heart is taken by a good man, and I’m enjoying every day with him. He’s beautiful and sweet, and he knows how to treat a girl. I’m so lucky to have a good man like him.

58. My heart is taken by a good man who loves me for who I am, not for what I can do or what I can’t do.

59. My heart is taken, and I keep my head up—it’s one way for me to show the world I have someone I’m proud of.

60. My heart is taken by a good man. He’s a kind and gentle soul. My laughter rains on his shoulders, and he is my heart’s delight.

61. My heart is taken by a good man who takes the time to know me. He takes the time to hold me and kiss me. He takes the time to love me.

62. My heart is taken. It felt like the world that I’ve grown to know stopped, felt like my chest got emptied of a lot of worries. Now, my spirit is at rest.

63. My heart is taken by a good man. We are in love. It’s a long-lasting commitment. I somehow feel stronger. We’ll be together forever, even when we’re old.

64. My heart is taken by a good man. I guess he’ll take me to places I don’t know about. My mind is taken by the love he has for me. My heart is taken by the man I can spend my life with.

65. My heart is taken by a good man. And it’s taken me by surprise. I have no idea how this began.

66. My heart is taken by a man I love. And this is the best person to ever take my heart. He’s one who will always hold me tight and never let me go.

67. I am happy that you are the one that took my heart, for you are so kind and so caring, friendly, and I love to spend time with you. My heart is taken by a lovely person.

68. It’s been happiness since my heart was taken. You, the one that took my heart and has been in it since then, are the best. I am happy you are the one that took my heart.

69. My heart is taken by a lovely person. He has made it his home. He has made me his wife. He is my soulmate, and I could not be happier.

70. You are my love, and my heart is taken by you. You are the winner. Yes, you took my heart, and not only did you take it, but you also won it.

71. My heart is taken. It’s a happy, free feeling. Don’t let it ever go. I’m glad that it’s taken.

72. The one I have is the one I need. The one that I love is the one I treasure. The one that I treasure is the one that took my heart.

73. I can bet a lot that my heart is taken by a lovely person. I want you to know that your heart’s been the twin of mine. I am so happy that you are the one with my heart.

74. I’m so happy that you are the one with my heart. I’ve never seen such a great smile. I never knew I could be so happy. I am so happy that your heart is with mine.

75. Please, don’t make the same mistake I did. Before, I didn’t realize how amazing it feels to have your heart taken. Now mine has been taken, and this lovely feeling is one reason I’m never keeping it to myself again.

76. Now that I’ve had my heart taken, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I finally and surely understand how important it is to feel and give love.

77. Please don’t make the same mistake I did. You could end up missing out on a lot of love if you aren’t careful! My heart is taken, and the difference is wow!

78. Your heart deserves someone amazing, the person who can make you feel like the luckiest person on earth. When he takes your heart, you’ll feel the way I feel now. Yes, my heart is taken by beauty in human form.

79. Once you experience love as strong as mine, you won’t ever settle for less. I certainly didn’t, and now, the best has my heart.

80. This year, I’m making the same mistake I made — falling in love! My heart is taken, and if it’s a mistake to fall in love, I’ll keep making it for the rest of my life.

81. I’m not going to beat around the bush on this. I think you know by now that I’m crazy about you. Well, I just want to say it again. My heart is taken by you, and it brings the best feelings ever.

82. Before my heart was taken, I thought I knew what love was. Then you came, and I learned that’s not how it works.

83. It wasn’t until I met you that I truly understood what it meant to love and be loved. Now, I know the difference between a smile and one from the person who took your heart because yours makes my heart skip.

84. I always thought love was something I’d never experience until you came for my heart. I’m glad it was taken by you.

85. Before you came along and took my heart, I thought I knew love. Until this day, I had never met anyone who could change my mind about that. Thanks for holding onto my heart.

86. I never thought I’d love someone made from dust like this. The girl of my dreams swept me off my feet and took my heart, and suddenly I felt like nothing could break us apart.

87. I thought love was just a feeling. But you took my heart and showed me that love is a choice, a promise, and a commitment to never give up, no matter how hard it gets.

88. My heart is taken by someone who made me realize that love is an adventure. Love comes unexpectedly. When it finds you, your heart feels like it’s on a throne, like it’s a king among hearts.

89. I never thought I would need someone this badly. This is the kind of thing you only read about in books and see in movies. I never wanted to fall in love, but my heart was taken by a sweet soul, and here I am, head over heels.

90. My heart is taken. When you look at me, know that my heart is taken by a beautiful angel who thinks of me as something more precious than the gold on the streets of heaven.

91. My heart is taken, and I’m thankful that it happened because it has changed the way I think, and my life is much better because of it.

92. My heart is taken by someone who is a god in loving—you! I thought I knew everything and that nothing could surprise me. You proved me wrong. These days, I feel like my life is beginning for the first time, here with you by my side.

93. My heart is taken by a man so good I can never let go. Your kind is hard to find but easy to love.

94. My heart is taken by someone that has the kind of love that I dream about. I have been looking, and I don’t know what you are if you are not my soul mate.

95. My heart is taken. It belongs to him. He’s the one who captured it. I’m glad that he’s the one that caught my heart.

96. My heart is taken. You’re the only one who can love me, and I can’t help but adore you. My heart is yours and yours to keep.

97. My heart is taken by the right person, and I look forward to a lovely relationship. Though love can be hard sometimes, the right person will be with you through the tough times.

98. I just want you to know that there is someone who has fallen in love with you, that my heart has been taken by you, and I know with everything that I am that we’re going to be a good match.

99. My heart is taken by a god of love. Now, my heart is filled with so much love, and my life is filled with so much happiness.

100. It’s true — my heart is taken by the most wonderful person on earth. I hope that someday, and a day not far away, you will find your true love too. You deserve it!

I don’t care if this post holds the record for the post with the highest number of quotes and sayings on this phrase—my heart is taken. I just want to hear that you found a quote you love in it, that you found a quote perfect for what you needed a quote for.

If you surf around this blog, you’ll find many lovely collections, some even more lovely and maybe even more useful to you than this. And if you share this post, I’ll be thankful for life.

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