My Help Comes From the Lord Quotes

Sometimes, when you’re going through a hard time in your life, you need a word of encouragement to help you make it through. You know that your help comes from the Lord but you don’t have enough faith to access His power to help you out.

Few people can say they have never received help from the Lord and it’s probably because they were not aware of it. Whether it’s financial support, emotional support, or physical help, the Lord is always there to provide.

Whether we notice it at the time or not, the Bible mentions that the Lord is the source of our help in times of need, and He’s always available. Everyone goes through tough times, but if we know that God will always help us, we can face our problems with hope.

This collection of my help comes from the Lord quotes will inspire and give you hope irrespective of the life problems you are facing. Reciting these words can be a great encouragement to myself when I need to accomplish something that is on my plate.

I know my help comes from the Lord. He will deliver me from every evil scheme. He will gather my foes around me and break them into pieces like a potter breaks a pot. The Lord will shield and keep me safe from all evil because my help comes from Him.

1. I receive everything I have from the Lord because my help comes from the Lord. The one who made me and saved me, the one who gives me strength.

2. My help comes from the Lord, He is my strength, my patience and my love. He is the Helper and the Savior, my rock in the storm.

3. My help comes from God, in the morning, in the evening, every minute, every hour, my help comes from God because He answers me all the time, and I will continue to look up to Him for help.

4. When the Lord made me, He knew I would be weak, have trials, strife, that I would need His help, and that is why I will look up to him for help because all my help comes from him.

5. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. I know that He is my strength and my song; He is my rock and my deliverer. All my ways are before Him, and He has formed my ways.

6. There’s a smile on my face today. Yes, I have a goal in sight; my help comes from the Lord. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

7. God is my help. My help comes from the Lord. Great is the Lord, and great is His love. More to be desired are they than gold. They are sweeter than honey.

8. My Help comes from the Lord, the Lord is my light and strength. It’s He who will lead me through the day and I’ll never be in sorrow or pain.

9. My help comes from the Lord. The Lord is near, He will strengthen me. I will not be afraid, for my Lord is with me. I know that my Lord is with me so that I may see great things He has prepared for me since I called upon Him.

10. God is in control. If I lose my way, He will help me find it. If I stumble, He will help me get back on my feet. If I pursue Him with all my heart and mind for long enough, He will show me things about Himself I never knew.

11. My help comes from the Lord. Greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world. The Lord never abandons those who love Him.

12. My help comes from the Lord, my help comes from the God above. My help comes from the Spirit of love.

13. The Lord is my light, my strength and my defence. I will trust in him at all times, and I will understand that my help comes from the Lord.

14. My help comes from the Lord with the power of the spirit, The power of the Lord. It keeps me living, no matter what people say.

15. My help comes from the Lord, and my salvation comes from him.
He’s my strength, and he’s my hope. I am God’s today, God’s tomorrow, and God’s always!

16. No one can help me unless God first helps me. My help comes from the Lord. He is my source of passion. He leads me and watches over me. He keeps me from falling and from sin.

17. My help comes from the Lord, and His holy angels at His command, He still supports me with His loving hand, And so I sing my help comes from the Lord.

18. My help comes from the Lord. He will guide me through the darkness. He will lead me to the light. He will lift me and carry me.

19. My Help comes from the Lord. It’s a promise I will keep and never back down; it’s a promise from God, from my heavenly Father; it’s a promise that I will never break.

20. When I am in trouble when I am down and out. When I feel like we’re a failure, when I want to cry, I know God will turn to me; I know He’ll help me because all of my help comes from Him.

21. My help comes from the Lord, heaven’s come down from above, and the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. I have no strength left, I’m a mess, but there is still hope, for he’ll always be my help in every way.

22. My help comes from the Lord, and all my life, I’ve heard the Lord say to me, my help comes from Him. He sent his son to save me, to bring me salvation.

23. My help comes from the Lord, who giveth me victory. My help comes from the Lord. And my salvation is sure.

24. I don’t always know what to say or feel. If I feel too much, I need to remember my Lord and pray for His help because all my help comes from the Lord. The one who made me and saved me, the one who gives me strength to do, and helps me know what I must do.

25. My help comes from the Lord, and my strength comes from the Lord, my song is my prayer, my spirit says, I will be quiet, I will be strong, I will be righteous, I will be wise.

26. Oh Lord, my help, I wait for my God, the God of my salvation, He will keep me from all harm, and my hope is, in his holy name, so I’ll walk with the Lord when the darkness is close because my help comes from the Lord.

27. My help comes from the Lord. He gives me strength, and from the Lord the help I take when all my hopes are failing.

28. My help comes from the Lord. My strength comes from the rock, my song comes from the shepherd’s pipe.

29. My help comes from the Lord all the time I believe the Lord, that when all the universe is mine, my help will come from Him, and he answers me all the time.

30. My help comes from the Lord because my life is not strange, but I must never stop believing. I must hold on to my dreams, for the Lord will push me all along and push me through it.

31. My help comes from the Lord, my strength flows from Him, and my salvation comes from Him too.

32. My help comes from the Lord; I have no strength of my own. My strength comes from the Lord, who is my strength and song.

33 My help comes from the Lord, my strength. The Lord is my fortress and my strength, and he will command his angels above the sky and upon the earth.

34. My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will never fail, he will never disappoint because He is God over everything.

35. My help comes from the Lord, like the sun’s warming rays, the Lord will open the way, to lead me to the right path.

36. My help comes from my heavenly Father. He tells me he is always with me, and always will be, He’s my hope, my strength and my friend.

37. My help comes from the Lord, I trust the Lord, yea, I say of the Lord, my salvation comes, and my help comes from Him.

38. My help comes from the Lord who gives me strength, and from the Lord the help I take, When all my hopes are failing. I’ll be found in a better place where He will never leave me and where I can never be forgotten in the Lord because I’ll be found by him.

39. My help comes from the Lord, He will be with me, and he will bless me. He will keep me safe, and he will watch over me, all day, all night, forever.

40. My help comes from the Lord, my strength and my power are not of myself. It comes from the Lord. The Lord will always answer me and I will never forget to call on him anytime I need help.

41. My help comes from the Lord, He’s the answer to my prayers, and He’ll provide for me; He’s the answer to my heart’s desires and He will always come through for me.

42. My help comes from the Lord, He is with me every step of the way,
He keeps me safe as I walk along, along the road ahead of me.

43. Why should I live when I can die? Why should I laugh when I can cry? Why should I move when I can stand still? My help comes from the Lord and he will always see me through every situation.

44. My help comes from the Lord. No wall can stop me. No door can hold me. No chains can confine me because my help comes from Him and in His hands, I will forever dwell.

45. I will ask for my help from the Lord and he will provide. I will ask and He will forgive, and he will raise me. I will see his help and I will see his salvation.

46. My help comes from the Lord, I will lift my hands to the God of my salvation, the lover of my soul and my Father because he will answer me and I will rejoice in his presence.

47. My help comes from the Lord, and His will shall be done; I want to be bold and brave, I want to be helpful, but my help comes from the Lord.

48. My help comes from the Lord. All the time and He said, “Don’t be afraid, trust in my love, and I know He will direct my path. The one thing my eyes need to do is to read this and believe that He has put these words in my heart.

49. My help comes from the Lord, My shield is the power of God, My heart is pure, and the Lord is in me, And He will direct my steps.

50. My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. My help comes from the Lord, who gives food to his people who trust and believe in him. I will trust and believe in him because he is Lord.

In summary, this collection of my help comes from the Lord quotes is the statement of faith used to help those who have life struggles. When our help comes from the Lord we realise the value of prayer, helps us realise the value of seeking professional help, helps us recognise that God is the answer and helps us understand that He is the great physician and healer.

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