My Mom Is My Guardian Angel Quotes

Guardian angels are said to be a very important part of our lives. Whether they were there to protect us when we were children, or they are seen as an angel in one’s life as an adult. They are people who guide us and look out for us when we need them most. They can take on many forms, even the form of a mother!

Quite a number of mothers are the epitome of selflessness. They will give up anything and everything for their children. It is said that the love that a mother has for her child is the purest form of love on this earth.

Mothers and their relationship with their children is like no other. Mothers are special from the moment they conceive their child to the moment they see its face for the first time.

When you have a mother who is your guardian angel, you want the world to know how much she means to you. It could be that she is now in heaven watching over you or still with you, protecting and providing for you on earth.

Making your guardian angel mother know how much you regard her is one of the ways to honour her memory or show appreciation. Therefore, the most heartwarming collection of my mom is my guardian angel quotes have been made available here.

My mom is my guardian angel, she’s always watching over me. She always keeps an eye on me and protects me. My guardian angel sends her love to this world every day. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful person as my mother.

1. My mother is my guardian angel in heaven, watching over me and guiding me with her love.

2. Mom, you are my guardian angel. I can always count on you to guide me home. Thank you for always being there for me.

3. My mom believed in me even when I didn’t, and that’s why she’s my guardian angel today.

4. My mom is my guardian angel, I’ve been under her care since I was born. And even though she angered me at times, she has loved me unconditionally.

5. My mom is my guardian angel, without her, I would never have stayed on the path.

6. My mom is my guardian angel, my best friend and my partner. She guides me and protects me everywhere I go.

7. My mom took on the role of a guardian angel. She’s always protecting me from life’s harsh realities while making sure I never lose sight of what’s important.

8. Never underestimate the power of a mother’s love. She knows when you’ve messed up and will always be willing to protect you from any danger. My mom is my guardian angel.

9. My mother, my angel in heaven, watches over me and protects me on Earth. Thanks for being my guardian angel in heaven. I’ll always be your little girl.

10. My mom is my guardian angel. She watches over me, protects me and loves me unconditionally. I am truly blessed to have her in my life.

11. My mom is my guardian angel, she’s here to protect me and give me a happy life. She makes sure I am safe.

12. My mom is my guardian angel, she’s always there to listen to me. I love my mom for being my guardian angel and my biggest fan.

13. Mom is the guardian angel who guards my heart and stays by my side. I love you, mom.

14. I’m not sure where I’d be without my mom. She’s my guardian angel, that’s for sure.

15. She is the light of my life and the fire in my heart. My mom is my guardian angel and I am her precious little girl.

16. My mom is my guardian angel. She helps me keep my feet on the ground. She is the strongest woman I have ever known. She protects her kids from everything, even herself.

17. My mother saved my life and inspired me to become the man I am today. She is my guardian angel.

18. Mom is my guardian angel in heaven, and she is watching over me. I will always be her baby girl. Thank you for being here for me when I needed you most.

19. My mom is my guardian angel. She protects me from falling when I trip and from being shot when I’m out with my friends.

20. She’d be the first one to tell you she’s no hero. But my mom is my guardian angel, and I couldn’t ask for a better one.

21. My mom is my guardian angel, and she will always protect me. Forever be thankful for her.

22. My mother is my guardian angel, she watches during the day and protects me at night.

23. The most influential person in my life is my mother. She was a great role model and my guardian angel. I want to be like her when I grew up.

24. My mom is my guardian angel, I’m her angel too. If you have a mom, she’s your guardian angel too.

25. My mom is my guardian angel, the one who keeps me safe and sound, who watches over me from above. I love you, mom.

26. My mom is my guardian angel, but she’s also my mother. Not a day goes by that I don’t thank the Lord for her.

27. My mom is my guardian angel, she watches over me from heaven’s door. I feel her love and protection now more than ever before.

28. No one is closer to me than my mother. She is a guardian angel that I will never be able to meet.

29. We’re so grateful to have moms in our lives—and especially for those who are our guardian angels here on earth.

30. My mom was my guardian angel who is now my guardian angel in heaven. I love you mom and miss you every day.

31. I am not afraid because I have seen the light, It has shown me that there is always someone out there to watch over me. My guardian angel mom.

32. My mom still watches over me from above, even though I know she’s with me every day.

33. Thanks to my mom for her words of wisdom and for believing in me through it all. She is my guardian angel.

34. My mom is my guardian angel. It’s never too late to find someone who loves you unconditionally.

35. My mom is my guardian angel. I wouldn’t be in this world if it wasn’t for her.

36. My mom is my guardian angel, I felt her with me today, she was always there putting a roof over my head and food on the table.

37. My mom is my guardian angel and the best human on this planet.

38. Life is unpredictable and unexpected. I’m glad that there is someone who is always on the lookout for me 24/7 and will protect me against any danger. My mom is my guardian angel.

39. My mom will be the one who will save me in an emergency situation, that’s why I am grateful to have a guardian angel like my mother.

40. I see you, mom. You are my guardian angel and have protected me through the toughest times. I love you so much.

My mother is my guardian angel; there is no other. I feel that no one can understand me as well as she does, and she never judges me. She has taught me all I know and continues to teach me every day.

41. My mom was my guardian angel here on earth and now skies are still filled with angels.

42. My mum was my guardian angel here on earth and she’ll always be watching over me from above.

43. My mom is my guardian angel, she knows me better than I know myself.

44. She protected me from harm, she shielded me from danger and had my back even when she wasn’t there. Thank you mom for always being my guardian angel.

45. I’m looking forward to having my mom as my guardian angel, protecting me at all times.

46. You have to make time for the things that matter. My mom taught me that. She’s always there when I need her, no questions asked. She is my guardian angel.

47. My mom was my guardian angel in heaven. She has always watched over me since I was born and always will.

48. My guardian angel in heaven always gives me the strength to fight my battles on earth.

49. My mom is my guardian angel. She always protected me, even when she wasn’t physically here.

50. Mom, you’ve always been my guardian angel. I know that you’re now watching over me from heaven and I will forever be grateful.

51. Guardian angels are always watching over us, and moms are the best ones of all.

52. My mom is the reason I wake up in the morning. She’s my guardian angel and I’m damn lucky to have her.

53. When I feel like giving up, I remember how far I’ve come. And when I’m feeling lonely, I remember that my mom is always there.

54. My mom is always there when I need her the most. She’s watching over me from above.

55. My mom is my guardian angel. I’m truly blessed and thankful every day. She makes me feel so loved and taken care of.

56. My mother is my best friend, my confidante, my rock, and the only person in this world I can count on to be there for me no matter what.

57. My mom is my guardian angel. She’s there for me when I need her most, and she’s always watching over me.

58. My mom is my guardian angel—watch over me while I sleep and watch over me while I am awake.

59. My mom is my guardian angel and she always keeps me safe from the devil.

60. Every day I wake up and know that my mom is my guardian angel looking after me, no matter what.

61. Mom, my guardian angel. You’ve always been there for me, through the good and bad times. I love you so much.

62. My mom is my guardian angel, thank you so much for your love and care.

63. My mom is my strength. She didn’t give me life, she gave me a better one.

64. Mom taught me to love, laugh and make a difference. Thanks to my mom for being my guardian angel.

65. I wouldn’t be who I am today without my mom by my side. Because of her, I’m a more responsible person, more compassionate about others and their needs, and my circle of friends and acquaintances continues to grow.

66. I used to wait for the holidays to spend time with my mom, now I spend each day celebrating how lucky I am that she is my guardian angel in heaven.

67. You’re my guardian angel in heaven, mom. Thank you for protecting me, being my moral compass and keeping me on the right path every day.

68. I have a guardian angel in heaven and her name is mom.

69. Moms are angels that God sends to watch over their children. My mom is my guardian angel.

70. She’s the reason I know the value of hard work, friendship and family. My mom is my guardian angel.

From birth, my mom was the first responder. She rushed to my side every time I fell, pulled me from the fire, and fought for my rights when others would let me down. When I hurt, she was there. When I needed more, she gave more. I always have and always will have one guardian angel in this life.

71. My mom is my guardian angel, sent from above. She is always there to guide me through.

72. Whenever I need advice, guidance or help, I always know my mom is always there for me. She is my guardian angel.

73. My mom was my guardian angel! She always protect me when I was a kid!

74. Mom is my guardian angel, cheering me up when I am sick and supporting me in difficult times.

75. Mom, my guardian angel. You’re always there when I need you. Thank you for being the best mom.

76. Mom, thank you for always letting me be myself and respecting my decisions. You’re my guardian angel in human form.

77. If we were to all have guardian angels, it would be our mothers who would serve that role. I’m so grateful for mine.

78. My mom is my guardian angel, she’s the air that I breathe.

79. My mom is my guardian angel, the light of my life and my everything. I love you, Mom. Stay beautiful, always.

80. My mom was my guardian angel in heaven. She is always around me and she helps me through my life. We all have guardian angels, sending us little signs in our day-to-day lives.

81. To the world she is just my mom but to me, she is my guardian angel in heaven.

82. When I lost my mom a decade ago, I wrote this to remind me of how lucky I am to have her as my guardian angel in heaven.

83. Mom is always watching over you. She’s in the air you breathe, the flowers that you smell, the sun that warms your skin and the wind that tickles your cheek.

84. My mom is my guardian angel in heaven, and I know she is always looking out for me.

85. My mom is my guardian angel, she’s always watching over me; so I make sure to keep my head up and stay strong.

86. My mom is my guardian angel…placed on my life to protect me and care for me. Wishing all the mothers out there a blessed day!

87. When I needed her most, my mom was there. She’s my guardian angel and I love her so. My mother is my friend, teacher, and guide.

88. Mom, you’re my guardian angel – the air I breathe, the reason I am alive.

89. My mom is my guardian angel, the one that has my back.

90. My mom is my guardian angel. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have survived.

91. My mom is my guardian angel, as soon as I call her she never fails to answer me every time.

92. My mom is my guardian angel. She protects me from harm, watches over me from above, and guides me through life.

93. Having my mom in my corner is everything—she’s my guardian angel

94. My mother made the world a better place, and I believe at this moment in time that the world is better because she has been in it.

95. My mom is my guardian angel. She makes everything seem all right when I’m in trouble and she’s the most important person in my life.

96. My mom is my guardian angel, without her I wouldn’t be here today. So let me tell you: If you have a mom, hug her. And if you don’t have a mom, get yourself one.

97. My mom is my guardian angel; if I ever need someone to talk to, she’s there. She will never let me down. She was so selfless and caring that sometimes it was painful for me to see how much she sacrificed for us.

98. My mom is my guardian angel. She’s always there to protect me and watch over me. She is a blessing in my life.

99. My mom is my guardian angel and the most powerful woman I know. I can’t wait for her to be my guardian angel in the next life too.

100. I’m safe and sound because my mom is my guardian angel and she won’t let anything harm me. Thank you, Mommy! I love you.

Mothers play many roles in our lives which is why they deserve to be called guardian angels too. Mothers are the guardians of life. They nurture their kids from the moment of birth, mould them into great human beings, shower them with all their love, and teach them to fly with their own wings.

Hence the free quotes here about your mother as your guardian angel. You can always show love and honour to your mother with the quotes.

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