The first secret that I want to share with you today is that attaining wealth has nothing to do with what you do physically if you are not equipped mentally.

While you have to take action in order to achieve results, the action by itself will not determine your results.

It is your state of mind that ultimately drives you to become wealthy. The only time where your actions alone get you more money is when you physically take it by force from someone else (and my

guess is you want to become wealthy the right way; not the illegal way).

Other than that, your mind will ultimately attract wealth to you.

That’s exactly what happened with Bill. Bill’s state of mind was to never work for someone else and never be controlled. And even though in most people’s eyes, he was lazy and always tried to take short-cuts, it didn’t matter.

When your state of mind is focused on one specific desire, you will always attract results that support that desire.

Since Bill’s ultimate desire was to be free from control, he attracted the ideas, opportunities and resources that enabled him to become free.

In fact, he didn’t even have a choice. His desire was so strong that he simply couldn’t stop freedom from entering his life even if he tried.

The Universe was equipping him with what he needed to become truly free from the control of others.

And in a world where monetary exchange is the main method by which people achieve physical freedom, he had no choice but to become wealthy because wealth = freedom.


The second secret that I want to share with you has to do with how you perceive yourself in the world.

You see, in order to create wealth, you have to believe that YOU are capable of creating it. You have to believe that it comes from you rather than external sources.

You see, even though Bill may have been lazy, he believed in his mind that he had the power to change his life rather than believing it came from things like an educational level.

John on the other hand, believed the complete opposite. Not only did he believe that his ability to make money would come from his education, but on a higher level he believed his only source of money would come from a job.

He never once believed that he could create money from nothing. In his mind, you worked for someone else to obtain money.

This type of thinking places you in what’s known as “The Victim Mind State”. When in this state of mind, you completely relinquish any type of control over your destiny and become a victim.

In other words, life just “happens” to you as opposed to you controlling it.


Secret number three has to do with how you actually achieve the goals outlined in the first two secrets.

You see, the information that I shared in the first 2 secrets is indeed accurate.

But that’s only part of the puzzle.

For that stuff to actually work, the information must be EFFECTIVE. Most people falsely assume that the accuracy of information is all that counts.

In other words, they believe that if the information that they are using to achieve the result is correct, then they will achieve the result.

But there’s a big difference between accurate information and EFFECTIVE information.

Accurate information means the information is correct; effective information means that it works.

In order for information to be effective it must be three things: Accurate, Understandable and Easy To Apply.

If any one of those elements is missing, the information is basically useless.

Imagine if I gave you a set of directions on how to build a model car but I wrote it in a language that you couldn’t understand. While the information on the paper is accurate, it’s of no use if you can’t read it.

Or imagine if I gave it to you but it involved using materials or tools that you didn’t have; again it would be useless.

When the information is accurate, understandable and easy to apply, that’s when it actually works.

And the truth off the matter is that’s where the majority of wealth manifestation systems FAIL.

They are either providing inaccurate information or the information they’re providing is correct but it’s impossible to understand and apply because most people can’t really wrap their minds around the concept of manifestation – they don’t know the 2 secrets that I revealed earlier.

The result is they begin trying to attract money when in reality they first have to change their state of mind.

Or, they realize that they must change their state of mind but they still don’t believe that their destiny is within their control.

The result is countless time wasted trying to attract wealth only to remain in the same financial position.

It All Changes Today

Today is the day all of that changes because after years of research and study, I have not only identified all of the truly accurate information that one needs to begin attracting wealth, but I’ve assembled it in a way where it is ULTRA EFFECTIVE.

Introducing The Abundant Life System – COMING SOON
How to gain a new and better understanding of yourself in ways  not taught for many, many years
How to develop energy, enterprise and self confidence
How to land your dream job
How to understand and utilize the incredible power of leverage
How to have those you desire chasing after you
How to get your well-deserved raise
How to never be taken advantage of again
How to use the forces of suggestion and self-suggestion
How to have a name synonymous with respect
And much, much more!

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