NABTEB Government Questions 2022 Objective and Theory Update

– NABTEB Government Questions –

NABTEB Government NABTEB Expo Questions are out now on our website. In this article, I will show you past NABTEB Government random repeated questions for free. All you need to do is to stay focused and follow this guide.


The National Business and Technical Examinations Board were founded in 1992 to domesticate craft level examinations previously conducted by City & Guilds, Pittman’s, and the  throughout the United Kingdom in conformity with the principles of the National Policy on Education.

Its formation was the culmination of a 15-year evolutionary process in which FOUR Government Panels were established at various periods to assess the place and structure of public examinations in our educational system.


Develop as a globally recognised assessment body for craftsmen and technicians.


NABTEB is a vision-led, mission-driven public institution with the following vision: To be a Globally Recognised Assessment and Certification Body Preparing Candidates for the Workplace and Academic/Professional Excellence.

The management of the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) is yet to release the 2021 November/December NBC/NTC and ANBC/ANTC examinations results.

Candidates who intend to take part in the 2021 NABTEB GCE can learn how to check their results online.

NABTEB is one of the examination bodies set up by the Federal Government in 1992 to reduce the burden of conducting examinations, which involves a lot of technical and trade-related practicals.

The board conducts the (NTC), National Business (NBC) and their respective advance level examinations (ANBC and ANTC).

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NABTEB GCE Guide Nov/Dec 2022

NABTEB GCE Registration Form      


NABTEB Government Questions and Answers






Legitimacy is a political concept that refers to the acceptance and recognition by the citizens of a country, the rights to their rulers to govern. A government is legitimate if it comes to power through constitutional means.

(Pick five)

(i) Good and Reliable leadership: Legitimacy may be accorded a leader if he performs creditably in office.

(ii) Good government: If the government policies are best-intentioned, the people will continue to have trust and confidence in such a government.

For example, in the areas of providing social amenities and infrastructure, maintenance of law and order and rule of law in peace.

(iii) Legitimacy through periodic election: A free and fair election is a symbol of legitimacy and it registers the support of the people.

(iv) Customs and tradition: Respect for the established customs and traditions of the society can help to sustain or determine legitimacy e.g. hereditary as in the British monarchy.

(v) Foreign policy objectives: The extent of foreign policy objectives initiated by a country determines the level of acceptance given to it by other countries.

(vi) Wider scope of political participation:-The ability of the government to involve all sections of the people in governance helps to determine legitimacy, e.g. political appointment and different interest groups.

(vii) Ideology: The ability of the government to uphold the tenets of the state’s ideology will help determine legitimacy, e.g. communism in china and capitalism in the USA.

(viii) Charisma of the leader: This could be based on their honesty of purpose, uprightness or oratory.

The parliamentary system of government is defined as a system of government in which the head of the state is distinct from the head of government.

Both offices and functions attached to them are in the hands of two individuals, unlike the presidential system where the two offices (head of state and government) are fused

(Pick any five)

(i) The head of state: The head of state is either the queen or president.

(ii) The head of government: The prime minister is the head of government and exercises executive functions.

(iii) Not popularly elected: The prime minister is not popularly elected. He is appointed by the president or queen if his party wins the majority of seats in the parliament.

(iv) Ministerial appointment: The prime minister can only choose his ministers from party men in the legislature

(v) Fusion of power:-The prime minister and his ministers, forming part of the executive, are also part of the legislature, so there is a fusion of power between the executive and legislature

(vi) Collective responsibility: It implies that members of the executive are collectively responsible for any decision taken by them

(vii) Existence of an Opposition party:-This is legally and officially recognised. The party that has the second-highest number of seats in the parliament forms the opposition party.

(viii) A vote of no confidence:-The executive can be removed from office by the legislature. This could happen if the legislature passes a vote of no confidence in the executive.


(i) Interpretation of laws:-The judge interprets the law of the state and applies the existing law to individual cases

(ii) Settlement of disputes:-The courts deal with cases between private individuals and the government

(iii) Punishment of offenders:-The court have the power to punish those that have offended the laws of the state

(iv) Prevention of wrongful acts:-By means of writ and restraining order, courts act to prevent violation of law

(v) Power of review:-The judiciary is vested with the power to review some of the activities of the executive and the legislature


(i)Appointment:-Judges and magistrates should not be appointed by the executive or the legislature; They should be appointed by a neutral body, such as the judicial service commission.

(ii) Independence of the judiciary:-Judges must be independent of the absolute control of either the executive or the legislature. The judiciary should be free from arbitrary control.

(iii) Remuneration:-The salaries and allowance of judges should not be subject to frequent alterations and must be sufficient. To promote this, they are paid from the consolidated account.

(iv) Security of tenure: No other arm of government should have the power to remove a judge. He has to remain in office as long as he is of good behaviour and free from corruption.

(v) Immunity:-Judges must be immune from the law to discharge their duties without fear or favour.

We define a citizen as a legal member of a state with full constitutional right in the country in which he or she resides


(i) By birth:- A person is a citizen if either of his parents, mother or father is a citizen of a country

(ii) By naturalisation:-Somebody can become a citizen of a country where he lives through naturalisation. This is possible if he can satisfy the constitutional requirements for naturalisation.

(iii) Marriage or registration:-If a woman is married to a person of another nationality, she can acquire the citizenship of the husband’s country through registration

(iv) Dual citizenship:-It is legitimately possible for a person to hold citizenship for two countries. For example, a child born to Nigerian parents living in America becomes a U.S. citizen.

(v) Honorary citizenship:-An individual could be honoured with the citizenship of another country. This is made possible if the individual has distinguished himself /herself in a particular area.

(Pick five)

(I) Payment of taxes

(ii) Obedience to the law

(iii) voting at an election

(iv) Detection and prevention of crimes

(v) Respect for national symbols

(vi) Loyalty to his country

(vii) Enlistment

(viii) Rights of individuals



(i) Lack of British personnel:- The system had few Europeans to control effectively areas under their control

(ii) Insufficient fund:- There was no sufficient fund from the British government to engage British officials for direct administration

(iii) Poor climate:-Poor climate conditions also aggravated the situation. Many British citizens refused coming down to be involved in the administration because of the poor climate and mosquitoes.

(iv) To satisfy their economic needs:- The colonialists wanted to create markets for their goods and to encourage west Africans to produce those raw materials.

(v) The use of traditional rulers and their institutions:-Britain saw that there was no need to destroy the institutions in place and that introducing a different system altogether might not produce any desirable results.


(i)Traditional rulers:-The colonialists rule indirectly by engaging the traditional rulers and the chiefs to govern the people

(ii)The traditional system of the government:-The traditional political system of government in place was utilised

(iii)Customs and culture:-The customs and traditions of people played a significant role in the administration

(iv)Respect for the culture:-The cultural values of the people were respected by the British official

(v)British officials:-They were to the guild and where the need is, enforce colonial regulation. For instance, resident and district officers.


General Assembly:-The General assembly is made up of all member states. Five representatives are drawn from each member state into the assembly.

They meet once a year, but there could be a special season if the Security Council or a majority of member states request it.

A president is elected from one of the member states to head the assembly for a term of one year and it is rotated among member states.


Security council:-The security council is one of the organs of the U.N.O and it is assumed to be the most powerful of all the organs, making up the organisation.

Formerly, it was made up of 5 permanent and 6 non-permanent members, making it 15 members. The permanent members are the USA, Britain, Russia, China and France.

The 10 non–permanent members are elected for a term of two years from among the member states. A retiring member is not eligible for immediate re-election.


International court of justice:-This is the world court with its headquarters in the Hague, Netherlands.

It has 15judges elected by the General Assembly and the security majority of the votes of both the Assembly and security council.

Judges are elected for a term of nine years and could be re-elected. The decision of this court is always binding on member states in dispute.


Economics and social council:-Economics and the social council is made up of 27 members of the U.N.O. They are elected by the General Assembly.

Members serve for nine years and settlement of issue or matter is reached by a simple majority vote.

DISCLAIMER! These are not real NABTEB Government Questions, but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidates understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to note every question provided on this page.

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