NABTEB Instrument Mechanics Works Questions 2022 Latest Update

– NABTEB Instrument Mechanics Works Questions –

NABTEB Instrument Mechanics Works NABTEB Expo Questions is out now on our website. In this article, I will show you past random repeated questions for free. All you need to do is to stay focused and follow this guide.


The National Business and Technical Examinations Board were founded in 1992 to domesticate craft level examinations previously conducted by , Pittman’s, and the  throughout the United Kingdom in conformity with the principles of the National Policy on Education.

Its formation was the culmination of a 15-year evolutionary process in which FOUR Government Panels were established at various periods to assess the place and structure of public examinations in our educational system.


Develop as a globally recognized assessment body for Craftsmen and Technicians.


NABTEB is a vision-led, mission-driven public institution with the following vision: To be a Globally Recognised Assessment and Certification Body Preparing Candidates for the Workplace and Academic/Professional Excellence.

The management of the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) is yet to release the 2022 November/December NBC/NTC and ANBC/ANTC examinations results.

Candidates who intend to take part in the 2022 NABTEB can learn how to check their results online.

NABTEB is one of the examination bodies set up by the Federal Government in 1992 to reduce the burden of conducting examinations, which involves a lot of technical and trade-related practicals.

The board conducts the (NTC), National Business (NBC) and their respective advance level examinations ( and ).

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NABTEB Instrument Mechanics Works Questions

Question 1.

What Are The Process Variable?

Answer :

The process Variable is:

I. Flow

ii. Pressure

iii. Temperature

iv. Level

Quality i. e. % D2, C02, PH etc.

Question 2.

Define All The Process Variable And State Their Unit Of Measurement?

Answer :

I. FLOW Kg I hr, Litter I min, Gallon I min. M3 I NM3 I HR. (GASES)

ii. PRESSURE: Force acting per unit area. P = F/A Units: Bar I Pascals I Kg I CM I, Pounds

iii. LEVEL: Different between two heights. Units: Meters, M M, C M, %.

iv. TEMPERATURE: It is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body. Units: Degree Centigrade, Degree Fahrenheit, Degree Kelvin, Degree Rankin.

v. QUALITY: It deals with analysis PH, % C02, % 02, Conductivity, Viscosity.

Question 3.

What are the primary elements used for flow measurement?

Answer :

The primary elements used for flow measurement are:

I. Orifice Plate.

ii. Venturi tube.

iii. Pitot tube.

iv. Annubars.

v. Flow Nozzle.

vi. Weir & Flumes.

Question 4.

What Are The Different Types Of Orifice Plates And State Their Uses?

Answer :

The different orifice plates are:

I. Concentric.

ii. Segmental.

iii. Eccentric.

CONCENTRIC: The concentric orifice plate is used for ideal liquid as well as gases and steam service. This orifice is a hole in concentric and hence known as a concentric orifice.

Eccentric & Segmental: The eccentric orifice plate has a hole eccentric. The use this is made in viscous and sherry flow measurement.

The segmental orifice place has the hole in the form segment of a circle. This is used for colloidal and sherry flow measurement.

Question 5.

How Do You Identify An Orifice In The Pipe Line?

Answer :

An orifice tab is welded on the orifice plate which extends out of the line giving an indication of the orifice plate.

Question 6.

Why Is The Orifice Tab Provided?

Answer :

The orifice tab is provided due to the following reasons:

I. Indication of an orifice plate in a line.

ii. The orifice diameter is marked on it.

iii. The material of the orifice plate.

iv. The tag no. of the orifice plate.

v. The mark the inlet of an orifice.

Question 7.

What Is Bernoulli’s Theorem And Where It Is Applicable?

Answer :

Bernoulli’s theorem states the “total energy of a liquid flowing from one point to another remains constant.” It is applicable to non-compressible liquids.

Question 8.

How Do You Identify The H. P. Side Or Inlet Of An Orifice Plate In Line?

Answer :

The marking is always done H. P. side of the orifice tab which gives an indication of the H.P.side.

Question 9.

How Do You Calibrate A D. P. Transmitter?

Answer :

The following steps are to be taken which calibrating :

I. Adjust zero of the Xmtrs.

ii. Static pressure test: Give equal pressure on both sides of the transmitter. Zero should not shift. If it is shifting carry out static alignment.

iii. Vacuum test: Apply equal vacuum to both sides. The zero should not shift.

Calibration Procedure:

– Give a 20 psi air supply to the transmitter.

– Vent the L.P. side to the atmosphere.

– Connect the output of the Instrument to a standard test gauge. Adjust zero.

– Apply required pressure to the high-pressure side of the transmitter and adjust the span.

– Adjust zero again if necessary.

– Process Control and Instrumentation Interview Questions

Question 10.

What Is The Seal Liquid Used For Filling Impulse Lines On Crude And Viscous Liquid?

Answer :



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Question 11.

How Do You Carry Out Piping For A Different Pressure Flow Transmitter On Liquids, Gas And Steam Services? Why?

Answer :

Liquid lines: On liquid lines, the transmitter is mounted below the orifice plate. Since liquids have the property of self-draining.

Gas Service: On gas service, the transmitter is mounted above the orifice plate because gases have the property of self-venting and secondly condensate formation.

Steam Service: On steam service, the transmitter is mounted below the orifice plate with condensate pots. The pots should be at the same level.

Question 12.

An Operator Tells You That Flow Indication Is More? How Would You Start Checking?

Answer :

First flushing the transmitter. Flush both the impulse lines. Adjust the zero by equalising if necessary. If still, the sign is more than.

i. Check L.P. side for a choke. If that is clean then.

ii. Check the leaks on the L.P. side. If not.

iii. Calibrate the transmitter.

Question 13.

How Do You Do A Zero Check On A D.p. Transmitter?

Answer :

Close one of the valves either H.P. or L.P. open the equalising valve. The O/P should read zero.

DISCLAIMER! These are not real NABTEB Instrument Mechanics Works Questions, but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidates understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to note every question provided on this page.

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