National Science Teachers Associations Award Program 2022 Updates

– National Science Teachers Associations Award Program –

The National Science Teachers Associations (NSTA) is pleased to invite applications for the Angela Award Program. Only the United States and Canadian students are welcome to apply. They must be female students in grade 5-8.  This award honors one female student in grades 5–8, who is involved in or has a strong connection to science.

The award has been established in honor of Gerry Wheeler, Executive Director Emeritus, and his outstanding dedication to and lifelong commitment to science education.

Award Value: The winning student will receive $1,000.

Level and Area of Studies: Non – degree program in science.

Place of Study: In the United States of America.

Applicants’ Nationality: Both U.S. and Canadian citizens are welcome to apply.


NSTA Awards recognize exceptional individuals for their accomplishments and outstanding work in the science education field.

Thanks to our generous sponsors, more than $60,000 in cash and prizes is available yearly.

We offer 15 award programs, designed for all grade levels, and awards that recognize informal educators, researchers, engineering educators, new teachers and more.

Eligibility and Criteria

Any female student in grades 5–8 who is a resident of the , US Territories, or Canada, and is enrolled in full time public, private, or home school.

NSTA employees, NSTA Board and Council members, award judges, and their immediate families are NOT eligible to apply.

Program Award

$1,000 US EE Savings Bond or Canadian Savings Bond purchased for the equivalent issue price. The awardee will be honored at the Teacher Awards Banquet at NSTA’s National Conference.

Application Instruction And Deadline

Please to see detail instruction. Applications for the Shell Science Teaching Award and the Shell Urban Science Educators Development Award are due December 28.

Application Rules

  1. Upon receipt, all applications become the property of NSTA. Applications will not be returned.
  2. Late or faxed applications will not be accepted.

  3. Please be advised that you may apply for more than one award; however, you are eligible to win only one NSTA award per year. Each application must be based on a unique program and process.

Submission of the same idea and materials to different NSTA award programs will result in the disqualification of all applications.

If your idea or project has received an NSTA award in the past, that idea or project is not eligible to receive an additional award.

  1. If you are selected to receive an award, NSTA must request and receive your social security number to issue a 1099 form to you. If your program is currently grant funded, confirm that you, as an individual, are eligible to receive a cash award.
  2. Your application will not be returned and becomes the property of NSTA. If you have received an award for this project from another provider, you must notify NSTA.

  3. If your application is selected to receive an award, NSTA reserves the right to reproduce information/photos/other content in promotional materials and on the NSTA website.

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  1. By submitting materials that contain images of students and other individuals, you assume complete responsibility for obtaining appropriate release consent forms and permission to transfer these materials to NSTA.

For Application to Apply

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