The nature of productivity in Nigerian pubic service entails the efficient and effective mobilization/utilization of resources at the disposed of government. Efficiency means that the operation, activities and resources are so structured and managed such that output or achievement is maximized or optimized while effectiveness on the other hand refers to the level of attainment or realization of goals and objectives. It answers the question of whether the sated intentions, projected output and objectives are realized   or not.


Thus, the immediate past democratic government led by Olusegun Obasanjo has since the assumption of political power in May 1999 put in place certain policy measures to revamp the national economy. The policies, which will enhance higher productivity when efficiently and effectively mobilized: monetization policy, privatization, tax reforms and local government reforms. These reforms are being introduced to take Nigeria into a class of middle income earning nation and to increase her gross national product from its present level to a higher one (Faloseyi 2003)

In addition, the achievement of these laudable objectives mapped out by the government is dependent on the employees, the infrastructure and the work environment. It is in the light of the above that government employed the use of incentives and fringe benefits to solicit for desired behavior from the employees thereby increasing their performance, which will at the long-run, promote higher productivity.

Finally, to achieve higher productivity in public service, the objectives above which are quite laudable can be attained if appropriate machinery of public implementation, monitoring, and strategy is put in place.


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