NCE Students’ Perception and its Influence on the Choice of Business Education in the North-East Zone of Nigeria

NCE Students’ Perception and its Influence on the Choice of Business Education in the North-East Zone of Nigeria.


This study entitled “NCE Students’ Perception and Its Influence on the Choice of Business Education in the North-East Zone of Nigeria”  determined the perception of students who undertake Business Education as a  programme  of study and the influence of the perception on their choice of the programme.
Four specific objectives and four Research Questions were stated while four null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Literature and empirical studies were reviewed.
From all the literature reviewed, there was hardly available record on study of this nature in the North-East zone of Nigeria. This  was the main gap which this study served to fill.
Descriptive Research Survey design was used for the study. Population for the study was 1354 NCE II students and the sample was 271 students.
A structured questionnaire was the main instrument of the study; and out of the  271  administered,  176  were  retrieved and found valid.
Mean scores were used to answer the four research questions. The t-test was used to test the four hypotheses.
Results of the study showed among others that students perceived Business Education as  a programme of study that seeks to equip recipients with skills and knowledge for office work and self reliant;
Students’ perception influenced their choice of Business Education as a career to a very great extent.  Results  of  the  t-test showed that no significant difference exists between the mean scores of male and female students on their perception of Business Education programmed as a career.
Results also showed that no significant difference exists between the mean scores of male and female students on the extent to which their perception influences their choice of Business Education programme as a career as well as option.
However, t-test showed that significant difference exists  between  the  mean scores of male and female students on the extent  to  which  gender perception influences their choice of the programme as a career.
It  was  concluded that students chose Business Education programme because they needed the skills to enable them establish their own businesses hence more students will enroll in the programme.

Table Of Contents

Title page …………     i
Declaration      …………ii
Certification    ……… iii
Dedication      …………… iv
Acknowledgement      ………  v
Abstract          ………… vi
Table of Contents       ……… vii
List of Tables ……  xi
List of Appendices     ………xii
List of Abbreviations ………   xiii
Definition of Terms     …………  xiv
1.1       Background to the Study ……………    1
1.2       Statement of Problem    ……………  4
1.3       Objectives of the Study ………………… 5
1.4       Research Questions     …………………  6
1.5       Research Hypotheses ……………… 6
1.6       Significance of the Study       …………… 7

  • Basic Assumptions of the Study …… 8
  • Delimitations of the Study ………… 8


  • Theoretical Framework ………………… 9
  • Concept of Career Choice ……………… 14
  • Concept of Business Education …… 15
  • Historical Development of Business Education in Nigeria . 22
  • Perception and career Choice ……… 25

2.6       Empirical Studies    ……… 28
2.7       Summary of Related Literature Reviewed     ……… 37
3.1       Research Design ………… 38
3.2       Population for the Study        ……………… 39
3.3       Sample Size and Sampling Procedure …………… 40
3.4       Instruments for Data Collection         …………42
3.4.1    Validity of the Instruments     ……………42
3.4.2    Pilot Study      ……………… 43
3.4.3    Reliability of the Instruments  …………43
3.5       Procedure for Data Collection   ……… 44
3.6       Procedure for Data Analysis  …………..44

  • Demographic Classification of Students ………… 46
    • Classification of Students by Gender ………… 46
    • Classification of Students by Institution ………… 47
  • Answering Research Questions …………. 49

4.2.1    Research Question One ……………  49
4.2.2    Research Question Two ………… 52
4.2.3    Research Question Three …………  53
4.2.4    Research Question Four          ……… 54

  • Testing of Null Hypotheses ………56

4.3.1    Hypothesis One          ………………56
4.3.2    Hypothesis Two          ……………57
4.3.3    Hypothesis Three        ………… 59
4.3.4    Hypothesis Four          ………… 60
4.4       Summary of Major Findings  ……61
4.5       Discussion of Major Findings  ………62
5.1       Summary   ………65
5.2       Conclusion      …………… 67
5.3       Recommendations      ………… 68
5.4       Limitations of the Study         ……… 69
5.5       Suggestions for Further Studies   …………69
Reference   …………70
Appendices    …………76


Background Of Study
Generally, factors that influence one’s career choice are either intrinsic or extrinsic and sometimes both.
Extrinsic factor comes into play when children choose what they turn out to be as a result of what other people believe or do. Milgram (1983) stated that when we do not know how to behave, we copy other people.
Milgram further stated that those we copied thus act as information sources for how to behave as we assume they know what they are doing. Children copy whatever such people say or do including their career perceptions.
At home for instance, the parents who are the first teachers of the child are always there to give the child some encouragement and corrective feedback.
Parenthood transforms people, and early childhood experiences play an indirect role in shaping later career behaviour.
Parent-child relationship influence personality, orientations and the development of psychological needs. Vocational needs and interest are some of the ways in which individuals try to satisfy those needs.
Parents always influence their children’s lives in order to make them useful to the family as there is no one, in many respects, who knows as much about a child as the parents do, and no one else has much vested interest in a child as the parents.


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