NDLEA Past Questions and Answers PDF Free Download Study Pack

We are glad to inform you that we now have complete and up-to-date NDLEA Past Questions for download in PDF format.

So, if you truly want to succeed in the forthcoming NDLEA Past Questions screening exercise get our up-to-date Past Questions to prepare for the exams. 

NDLEA Past questions have been drafted from her past year’s aptitude test examination. The Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency recruitment past questions will go a long way to help you excel in her next round of interview screening exams.

Also, getting the NDLEA past questions and answers in order to prepare yourself will be an added advantage to your chances of being successful or selected for the recruitment. Past questions are very important in every exam.

If you are ready to secure a high paying job like the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, then ensure you read this guide. Also, follow the directives on this page to get your NDLEA Past questions and answers.

What You Should Know about NDLEA

NDLEA simply stands for the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency. It is a Federal agency in . And it is charged with eliminating the growing, processing, manufacturing, selling, exporting, and trafficking of hard drugs.

Additionally, the agency was established by Decree Number 48 of 1989. Also, the NDLEA is present in international airports, seaports, and border crossings. And it tries to eradicate  by destroying plantings.

Furthermore, the NDLEA also targets the leaders of narcotics and money laundering organizations. Its head office is in , .

The Advantages of NDLEA Past Questions and Answers

Some candidates sitting for exams often think they can do it on their own. However, some other candidates rely on recent past questions and answers. And this is to enable them to get more overview of how the past questions look like.

Also, past questions and answers guide you on what to study for better performance. Furthermore, one of the major advantages of NDLEA recruitment past questions and answers is that it enlightens you on the scope of the exam.

Also, you won’t be in the dark about questions to expect in the examination which is very important. Additionally, it curbs examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from


Recent Sample NDLEA Questions and Answers

1. One of This Is Not a Method through Which Drug Abuse Preventive Information Are Passed Across By NDLEA

(a) Lecture or talks such as seminars, workshops, public rallies.

(b) Use of Church and Mosque Campaigns.

(c) Use of the print media such as Newspapers, Magazines, posters, etc.

(d) The use of electronic media such as jingles, drama, documentaries.

2. The NDLEA Was Established By Decree Number 48 Which Was Passed Into Law In What Year?

(a) 1988

(b) 1989

(c) 1979

(d) 1978

3. The Full Meaning of the Abbreviation NDLEA is ………..?

(a) National Drug Law Enforcement Agency.

(b) Nigeria Drugs Law Enforcement Agency.

(c) National Drugs Laws Enforcement Agency.

(d) Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agencies.

4. The NDLEA is a …………… Agency in Nigeria?

(a) An International Faith-Based Agency.

(b) A Federal Government Agency.

(c) A National Agency.

(d) An International Drug Agency.

5. Which Nigeria President Signed the Bill for the Creation of NDLEA Into Law?

(a) President Goodluck Jonathan.

(b) General Muhammadu Buhari

(c) President Olusegun Obasanjo.

(d) General Ibrahim Babaginda.

6. Who was the First Chairman of the Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency?

(a) Muhammed Mustapha Abdallah.

(b) Bello Lafiagi.

(c) Ahmadu Giade.

(d) Abba Kyari.

7. Who is the Current Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency Chairman?

(a) Muhammed Mustapha Abdallah.

(b) Bello Lafiagi.

(c) Ahmadu Giade.

(d) Abba Kyari.

8. The Core Function of the NDLEA is———?

(a) The Prosecution of Drug Dealers and Smokers of Cannabis.

(b) The control of the borders to prevent the entering and exit of drugs and drug dealers.

(c) The elimination of the growing, processing, manufacturing, selling, exporting, and trafficking of hard drugs.

(d) The Conduct of Awareness campaigns against drugs and reporting of drug barons.

9. The Most Basic Member of the Family of Hard Drugs  Who’s Elimination is one of the Founding Objectives of the NDLEA Is?

(a) Marijuana.

(b) Cigarettes.

(c) Tramadol.

(d) Cannabis.

10. The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) is affiliated to which of these organizations?

(a) United Nations Drug Cultivation Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

(b) The American Society of Drugs Elimination and Control (ASDEC).

(c) The African Union Colony on Drugs and Crime (AUCDC).

(d) The Worlds Anti-Drug and Crime Campaign (WADCC).

11. The NDLEA as an Entity has How Many Functional Units?

(a) 4.

(b) 6.

(c) 5.

(d) 3.

12. One of these is Not One of the Six Functional Divisions of NDLEA?

(a) Drug Demand Reduction.

(b) Training, Research, and Development.

(c) Enforcement.

(d) Investigation.

13. The Headquarters of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency is Located At?

(a) Zaria, Kaduna.

(b) Ikoyi, Lagos.

(c) Gwagwalada, Abuja.

(d) Orji, Enugu.

14. The Most Widely Cultivated Drug in Nigeria is?

(a) Marijuana.

(b) Coartem.

(c) Cannabis.

(d) Cocaine.

15. Which of these is a Component Found in Most Drugs that Makes it Addictive?

(a) Morphine.

(b) Dopamine.

(c) Ibuprofen.

(d) A

Answers for Number 1-15 of the Sample Questions Above:

  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. B
  14. C
  15. B

How to Download NDLEA Past Questions and Answers

The cost of the recent NDLEA past question and answer is ₦2,000 only. To get the material delivered to your mail box, you are to make a bank deposit to United Bank for Africa (UBA). Account Name is TMLT PRO SERVICES. And the Account Number is 1022564031.

Once payment is made, a link will be sent to your email address. Simply click on the link to download your past question.

Also, after downloading your past question successfully, kindly leave a review and rating behind. We respect your reviews. And it helps in the improvement of our services to our customers.

Payment Procedure for NDLEA Past Questions and Answers

The payment procedure for our NDLEA past questions and answer are as follows:

  1. Make payment to the bank account above, either by bank deposits slip or online transfer
  2. After payment, the candidate is expected to:

Send FULL NAME ON TELLER or BANK ACCOUNT NAME which the payment was made from + AMOUNT PAID + PAST QUESTION IN DEMAND, as mail to or SMS to +2348082284439.


  1. Name on the teller or bank account you transferred from. For instance – Frank Andrews
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  3. Email Address or WhatsApp Number.

The PDF Past Question and Answers will be sent to your email address once payment is confirmed. You can reach out to our customer care service before placing an order.

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Remember, the NDLEA past questions and answers enable you to get more overview of how the past questions look like. Also, it guides you on what to study for better performance. Thus, ensure you get one.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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