NECO Biology Questions 2022 Objective and Theory Update

– NECO Biology Questions 2022 –

NECO Biology Questions 2022  are out now on our website. In this article, I will show you past NECO Biology random repeated questions for free.

About NECO

The establishment of the (NECO) in April 1999 is a culmination of the reaction of the Federal Government.

This was to widespread escalating agitations for a national examination outfit that would respond to the Nigerian needs and demands.

As well as cope with the annually increasing number of secondary school candidates to take Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) nationwide.

A Series of panels had earlier been set up to address the issues before this vital decision was taken.

The Mission

To deliver examinations whose results are trusted worldwide for their .

The Vision

To become a major player in the global assessment industry.

Core Value

Redefining the future of the Nigerian child through quality assessment.

The National Examinations Council (also known as NECO) is an examination body in Nigeria that conducts the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination and the General Certificate in Education in June/July and December/January, respectively.


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NECO Biology Questions 2022








1ai) Morphological variation refers to the noticeable physical appearance of an individual of the same species. For example, in human beings, morphological variation includes the height of the body, shape of the body, etc.

1aii) Pollination: The transfer of pollen from the anthers of a flower to the stigma of the same flower or of another flower.

1aiii) Niche: is a term that is used in ecological biology to define an organism’s
role in an ecosystem.


—Both processes release energy

—-. Both start with the breakdown of a nutrient (glucose)

—–. Both yield byproducts.




—– Rapid population growth

——- cost of fertiliser and transport


—– Pterophyta

—— Anthophyta

——- Bryophyta


—Embryo with two cotyledons

—– Flower parts in multiples of four or five

—- Roots develop from radicle

—- Pollen with three furrows or pores

Biology Questions 2022

Do it in a tabular form

1) oxygen is required in aerobic while oxygen is not required in anaerobic

2) in aerobic More energy is required while in anaerobic less energy is required

1bi)both aerobic and anearobic respiration lead to the loss of energy

Ii) Both occur in plants and animal cell

Iii) Both processes require enzymes to speed up the reactions

1biii) 1 draught, 2)overpopulation 3)flood 4) pests 5) poor storage facilities

1c) Ecological Niche refers to the specific portion of a habitat which is occupied by a particular species or organism

Biology Questions 2022


i)nutrition is the act of feeding of animals

ii) mutation is the splitting of a cell into simpler ones which have the same characters and features of the bigger ones

3iii) Gene are hereditary units or basic units of inheritance. They are located in chromosomes and are responsible for the transmission of character from parents to the offspring

3bi) The light rays from the object pass through the conjuctiva, cornea, aqueous humour, lens and vitreous humour in that order.

All these structures refract the light such that it falls on the retina. This is called focussing. Maximum focusing is done by the cornea and the lens.

The light then falls on the retina. This light is received by the hotoreceptors – rods and cones, on the retina. The absorbed light activates the pigments present in the rods and cones.

The pigments are present on the membranes of the vesicles. Thus, the light is then converted into action potentials in the membranes of the vesicles.

These travel as nervous impulses through the rod or the cone cell and reach the synaptic knobs. From here, the impulses are transmitted to the bipolar nerve cells, then to the ganglions and then to the optic nerves.

Thus, the nervous impulses generated in the retina are carried to the brain by about a million neurons of the optic nerve.

The vision is controlled by the occipital lobe at the back of the brain. The information received is processed and we are able to see the image.

However, the image formed on the retina is inverted. However, the brain makes us see the image erect. So, though the eyes are essential for vision, any damage to the optic nerves also results in impairment of vision.

Biology Questions 2022

3bii) Difference between amoeba and euglena


Amoeba: Pseudopodia

Euglena: Flagella


Amoeba: Heterotroph by phagocytosis

Euglena: Autotroph by photosynthesis and heterotroph by ingestion.


Ameoba: absent

euglena: present


—muscle pain

—general weakness





Living thing

-They can move

-They reproduce

-They grow

-They respond to stimulus

-They excrete


-Most do not move

-They do not reproduce

-They do not grow

-They do not respond to stimulus

-They do not excrete


-Large cylindrical centrum

-Large neural canal

-Short tranverse process

-Long neural spine



DISCLAIMER! These are not real NECO Biology Questions 2022, but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidates understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to note every question provided on this page.

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