NECO Literature in English Questions 2020 Objective and Theory Update

NECO Literature in English Questions 2020 Objective and Theory Update.

NECO Literature in English Questions 2020: Literature in English NECO Expo Questions is out now on our website. In this article, I will be showing you past NECO Literature in English random repeated questions for free.

You will also understand how NECO Literature in English questions are set and many more examination details. All you need to do is to stay focus and follow this guide.

The (also known as NECO) is an examination body in Nigeria that conducts the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination and the General Certificate in Education in June/July and December/January respectively.

NECO Literature in English Question and Answers

  1. A speech in which a character speaks his or thoughts alone is

(A) a monologue

(B) an aside

(C) a soliloquy

(D) an epilogue

The answer is C

  1. The pattern of poem without reference to its content is referred to as the

(A) limerick

(B) metre

(C) free verse

(D) form

The correct answer is D

  1. In drama, the ___ creates humour

(A) hero

(B) clown

(C) villain

(D) chorus

The correct answer is B

  1. ‘Let me not love thee if I love thee not’ illustrates

(A) metaphor

(B) proverb

(C) paradox

(D) meiosis

The correct answer is C

  1. The rhyme scheme of the stanze is

(A) abcabcc

(B) ababcdd

(C) babaccc

(D) bcbccaa

The correct answer is B

Neco Literature in English African And Non-African Prose Questions

Typical question here is as follows: You shall be given a passage and asked a question like

  • What role does tradition play in the relationship between
  • Discuss the significance of
  • Examine the relationship between

Key Point Questions And Answers For 2020 English Literature (OBJ & Theory)

  1. The plotof a novel is best described as a summaryof the story.
  2. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedybecause it ends unhappily.
  3. A novel can be described as an extended prose narrativecovering a wide range of characters and experience.
  4. playis a dramabecause it can be acted on the stage.
  5. In telephone conversation, the tone of the question “you mean-like plain or milk chocolate?’ is Sarcastic.
  6. Poetrydeals with emotion and ideas.
  7. The main purpose of dramais to educate and entertain us.
  8. Paradoxis a a statement or position that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. Paradox is a very common figure of speech.
  9. The ‘Myth of the Bagre’ is recited at the coming age of young men and women.
  10. Dramatic Ironyentails a statement that means more than is evident to to its maker.
  11. The dominant rhetorical device used in poem is Personification.
  12. The title of Achebe’s things fall apartis taken from poem written by W.B Yeats.
  13. sonnetis a Poem with fourteen lines.
  14. Dialogueis important in drama because it reveals the mind of the characters.
  15. The dominant mood in Senghor’s peom ‘In Memoriam’ is one of Nostalgia
  16. Achebe’s Things Fall Apartcan be described as historicalnovel.
  17. To be complete, a play must have a conflict.
  18. ‘Assonance’is a product of a poet’s use of similar sounding vowels.
  19. A well known epic in English Literature is Paradise Lost.
  20. Because of his fiery temper as a youth, Odewale was called the Scorpion.
  21. A deliberate use of exaggerationfor humour or emphasis is known as Hyperbole.
  22. ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’ is an example of Metonym.
  23. In Poetry, elegiac moodtypically attends the occasion or experience of death and decay.
  24. In the poem ‘The Vultures’, David Diop suggests that the Christian missionaries were agents of Colonialism.
  25. Characterisationin a novel means the mode of presenting the fictional individuals.
  26. The tragedy in Romeo and Juliet occurred as a result of circumstances rather than flaws in character.
  27. Caricatureis used to ridicule a person by distorting his most prominent features.
  28. The substitution of a mild and pleasant expression for a harsh and blunt one is called Euphemism.


2020 NECO Literature in English questions will come from the following areas:


There will be three papers – Papers 1, 2 and 3. Papers 1 and 2 will a composite paper and will be taken at one sitting.

Paper 1 will be a multiple choice objective test. It will contain fifty questions distributed as follows:

  1. Twenty questions on General Knowledge of Literature;
  2. Five questions on an unseen prose passage;
  3. Five questions on an unseen poem;
  4. Twenty context questions on the prescribed Shakespearean text.

Candidates will be required to answer all the questions within 1 hour for 50 marks.

Paper 2 will be an essay test with two sections, Sections A and B. Section A will be on African Prose and Section B on Non-African Prose.

Two essay questions will be set in each of the novels prescribed for study. Candidates shall be required to answer one question only from each section within 1 hour 15 minutes for 50 marks.

Paper 3 will be on the Drama and Poetry components of the syllabus. It will be put into  four sections, Sections A, B. C and D as follows:

Section A:  African Drama

Section B:  Non-African Drama

Section C:  African Poetry

Section D:  Non-African Poetry

There shall be two questions on each of the prescribed drama texts for Sections A and B. There shall also be two questions for each of the poetry sections ie Sections C and D.

Candidates shall be required to answer one question from each of the sections, making a total of four questions. The paper will take 2 hours 30 minutes to complete and will carry 100 marks.


(i)  The Unseen Prose passage for Paper 1 shall be about 120 – 150 words long.

(ii) Only context questions shall be set on the Shakespearean text. The context questions will test such items as theme, characterization, style, and setting in the Shakespearean text.

(iii) No essay question shall be set on the Shakespearean text.


African Prose

  1. AmmaDarko             – Faceless
  2. BayoAdebowale – Lonely Days

Non-African Prose

  1. Richard Wright – Native Son
  2. Patience Swift – The Last Goodman

*William Shakespeare:OTHELLO

Non-African Drama

  1. Oliver Goldsmith – She Stoops to conquer
  2. Lorraine Hansberry – A Raisin in the Sun

African Drama

  1. Frank Ogodo Ogbeche  – Harvest of Corruption
  2. Dele Charley – The Blood of a Stranger

African Poetry

  1. Birago Drop – Vanity
  2. GbemisolaAdeoti – Ambush
  3. Gabriel Okara           – Piano and Drums
  4. Gbanabam Hallowell           – The Dinning Table
  5. Lenrie Peter – The Panic of Growing Older
  6. Kofi Awoonor – The Anvil and the Hammer

Non-African Poetry

  1. Alfred Tennyson                   –           Crossing the Bar
  2. George Herbert                     –           The pulley
  3. William Blake                       –           The School Boy
  4. William Morris                      –          The Proud King
  5. Robert Frost Birches           –          Birches
  6. William Shakespeare            –           Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Day?

Neco 2020 Literature Examination Instructions

  1. Do not open your question paper until you are told to do so
  2. USE HB pencil throughout in the OBJ Section
  3. You are free to use Biro in the theory part
  4. You can use a calculator, however, calculations don’t come in Literature In English
  5. Make sure that you fill your name, Subject, paper, write WASSCE, paper code and other examination details where necessary.
  6. Ensure that the texts in your question papers are boldly printed
  7. Behave yourself.
  8. Don’t let invigilators catch you using expo (Unless you are using Miracle centre for your Neco English Literature).

Popular Keywords on NECO Literature in English Questions:

DISCLAIMER! These are not real NECO Literature in English questions but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidate understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to take note of every questions provided on this page.

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