New Born Baby Arrival Messages from Parents to Friends & Family (2022)

Babies are cute little miracles and the event of childbirth is a very remarkable one. Making a birth announcement is an effective way of sharing the joy of a new birth with friends and families. Irrespective of the gender of your newborn, feel free to pick any of the texts below and share your exciting news with everyone.

New Born Baby Arrival Messages from Parents

Here are amazing messages from parents to congratulate the arrival of a new born baby.

1. Our little star is here, she/he is making us glow already. Meet baby(name). Isn’t she so cute?

2. Announcing the arrival of our bundle of cuteness. It’s a girl!

3. Finally! after 9 long months, we are glad to inform you that our baby is here.

4. Our lives are complete now that our little one is here. Say hello to baby (name). She is so adorable, isn’t she?

New Born Baby Arrival Messages from Parents
New Born Baby Arrival Messages from Parents

5. We are now officially parents. She was born a few hours ago. Thanks for being a part of the journey.

6. Introducing our little princess, how bright she has made our lives. Baby(name) is here.

7. It’s a season of nappy changes and sleepless nights. We are glad to announce the arrival of our baby girl/ boy.

8. Meet the newest member of our family. She is a really big miracle.

9. We are ecstatic at the birth of our newborn. He is all shades of loveliness. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

10. That’s the latest addition to the family looking all cuddly and tender. Say hello to the little one.

New Born Baby Messages from Parents to Friends

Here are sweet new born baby messages from parents to friends.

11. It is with great pleasure that we joyfully announce the arrival of our baby. Our home just got interesting.

12. God has sent us a gift in the form of an angel. Join us in welcoming home our little baby.

13. We’ve got great news for you. Introducing our newborn, the most charming baby ever. You really need to meet her.

14. Our 7 pounds, 9-ounce package is here, we have been blessed!

New Born Baby Messages from Parents to Friends
New Born Baby Messages from Parents to Friends

15. Pink walls and tiny tiaras, our little princess is here. Welcome to Earth baby girl.

16. He is going to be great, he is going to be a star and he is going to make us proud parents. Announcing the arrival of our son, the loveliest baby ever.

17. Thank God he is finally here, he has spun our life around. We welcome our little boy to the world.

18. Every bit of her is appealing, we are mesmerized by her cuteness. Meet our newborn, our biggest blessing.

19. Having a child is no easy feat. We feel like heroes already for making something so wonderful. Meet our newborn, our priceless gift.

20. Friends and family, meet our sweetheart, born on (date) and weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces. She is such a dear.

Baby Message from Parents to Family and Friends

Here are amazing baby messages from parents to family and friends.

21. After the long wait, our baby is finally here and she is as beautiful as the lilies and softer than wool. Join us in celebrating the birth of our sweet bundle.

22. News alert! We’ve just had a healthy baby boy and it feels so good to be parents.

23. Hello everyone, we are pleased to announce the birth of our son. The cutie came to Earth a few hours ago.

Baby Message from Parents to Family and Friends
Baby Message from Parents to Family and Friends

24. We are glad to announce the arrival of our own beautiful bundle. She is a healthy 7 pounds baby and she is lightning up our lives already.

25. We have been handed a gem, we have been given a gift. A blessing has been dropped into our arms, our little baby boy has been born.

Announcement Sms for the Arrival of a New Born Baby

The very best collection of announcement sms for new born baby arrival messages from parents.

26. Spread the news around, make others aware of the glad tidings. Our baby has been born, we have an angel in our arms.

27. She has her mother’s complexion and her father’s eyes. I can tell she would be as kind as her mother and charming like her father. Our baby girl is here everyone.

Announcement Sms for the Arrival of a New Born Baby
Announcement Sms for the Arrival of a New Born Baby

28. Our hearts are booming with pure joy, we haven’t stopped smiling since his birth. Yes, we have a baby boy now.

29. Her birth was emotional for us, she is so tender and perfect. Daddy’s little girl is here!

30. He is here and the time is so right. Our baby is here and our hearts are so glad. Welcome baby girl.

Baby Arrival Messages from Parents

See these beautiful baby arrival messages from parents.

31. She is as beautiful as we anticipated, she is a dream come true. Baby(name) is here and our hearts are so full.

32. You can’t imagine the depth of our joy as God has blessed us again with a beautiful gift. We are so elated to announce the birth of our little cutie.

33. Ten beautiful fingers, ten perfect toes. A cute little nose with 2 radiant eyes. Our baby is here!

34. Baby(name) is here everyone and she is all we have been dreaming of and more. Say hello to the newest but cutest member of the family.

Baby Arrival Messages from Parents
Baby Arrival Messages from Parents

35. We are pleased to let you know that our family has just expanded by the addition of a tiny bundle of sweetness. He is so lovely we can’t stop gushing about him.

36. At first sight, we fell in love with him and when he cried, we knew he was a special one. Baby (name) is here everyone.

37. His birth soothed like rain on a hot day, our wait was not in vain because our baby boy is here to stay.

38. We can’t stop cuddling him, we can’t stop showering him with kisses. We are so happy and proud to be parents. It feels like we’ve won a million dollars.

39. Our family tree just grew a new branch and now in our arms lies a little cute one. Yes! It is a little baby boy.

40. Straight from heaven to our home, our baby girl has safely arrived.

New Born Baby Wishes from Parents

Best New Born Baby Wishes from Parents.

41. OK everyone here comes the biggest news of the year. Guess what? Our sweet baby boy is finally here and he is all we imagined and more.

42. A calm in a storm, a spring in a desert and a brightness in our night. Our Miracle is here everyone and it came in human form.

43. The struggle was real people, pregnancy is no joke but seeing his face makes it all worth it. It’s a boy everyone

44. Calm like the morning dew, refreshing like fresh spring, she melted our hearts at first sight. It’s a baby girl and she is so lovely.

New Born Baby Wishes from Parents
New Born Baby Wishes from Parents

45. A newborn to make our lives right, our heart delight, so bright like a star’s light. Friends and family, meet our little baby boy.

46. Great news everyone, baby number 2 is here. (Name of the first child) just became a big brother.

47. I am happy to inform you my family has just been ushered into another season. It is a season of nappy changes, our baby is here.

48. We are more than thrilled to inform you our house is fuller than it used to be. There is a new baby everyone.

49. Our lives have become more beautiful since the arrival of our baby. Kindly join us in welcoming our newborn. He is so perfect.

50. Being parents is no small feat. It has only been few hours but we feel like superheroes already. We’ve just had a baby, friends, and she is a dream come true.

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