New Month Prayers for Myself (October 2022)

There is nothing as beautiful as waking to see the bright new morning. How glorious is it when it is a new month! ? Well, it means many things to many people; for some, a time to remember the birth month of someone special, for others, a privilege to be alive. Yet others, another opportunity to explore the world and wish loved ones well.

How do you wish someone a new month when you have not mastered the art of wishing yourself first?

There is this feeling you cannot express when you learn how to wish yourself well and then, extend it to others. If you cannot celebrate yourself, you may never know how to celebrate others. If you don’t know how to celebrate others, you may never know .

Whatever the case may be, you can only make someone else happy only if you first know how to make yourself happy. Celebrate and pray for yourself in this new month. There are powerful 2022 new month prayers for myself here you can use to wish yourself well in the new month of October 2022. Enjoy them all.

The best part of starting a new month is to begin it with prayers that’ll cheer you into greater blessings and peace. This collection of happy new month prayers for myself are all the prayers you need for yourself, for the beginning of the month to the end of the month.

1. Be it twenty-eight days, or twenty-nine. Be it thirty days or thirty-one days, one month must pass the baton to another. Let my new month receive the baton of progress as I propel forward.

2. The dawn is the sign of victory over the dusk. I am entitled to victory in all I do in this new month. No man shall be able to stand before me.

3. This is the month of a new beginning. I declare a new beginning over my life in this new month. I receive strength to do that which appears impossible for others to do.

4. In this month of the year, I receive clear guidance for my smooth navigation in the year. I am more than conquerors. I am an overcomer.

5. No matter how long and overdue my blessings are, in this month, I receive the grace of newness to get them all afresh. I am coming out anew and renewed in this month.

6. I pray over my life that every morning in this new month will take me into the land of the possibility that I am destined to be. None of my expectation shall be truncated.

7. I am a jewel in the Lord’s hand, therefore, every stumbling block on my way to greatness will become a stepping stone for me. I am above power and principalities.

8. I may be delayed but I can’t be denied because no matter how long it takes, my breakthrough is sure to come. I am destined for upliftment. I cannot be drowned by the worries of life.

9. I will be sought after by men, women, old and young because I am a problem solver and not an addition to the problem of the world. I am a treasure to be cherished and not trash to be trampled upon.

10. Just as each day has its own packages, each month comes with its own treasures. I am connected to the divine hand of provision in this new month. The blessing of today will never elude me.

11. This month is known as the month of newness; the month of the new beginning. I key into the blessings of the month. I am positioned for greatness in this new month. Happy new month to me.

12. The most beautiful thing is waking to see the beautiful light and brightness of a new day. It is even more exciting to crossover into a new month and best of all, the very first month of the year. This month shall open me up for new opportunities. Happy New Month to me.

Every month of the year is special. A new month declaration has the capability to propel one further into the unveiling month. Use the new month quotes and prayers below to pray yourself into a great and wonderful new month.

13. As I step out in this new month, I stand out of the crowd. I am unique and special. A happy new month to me.

14. The number of days in this month determines the nomenclature of the year. May my presence matter wherever I find myself in this new month. I will never be looked down on because I shall make an impact in all I’m involved in.

15. I long to see the radiance of the early morning sun daily as I wake; it is a delight to my soul. I am not a disappointment in my world. I am a positive addition in this month of the year.

16. From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, from the base of every mountain and hills to its pinnacle on high. From the deepest parts of the ocean to the highest point of flight of the eagle, I will always be relevant in this new month.

17. Pleasant surprises are embedded in this new month for me. Blessings are lined up awaiting my reception for each day in this new month. The fullness of the years shall find me, pursue me, encompass me and live with me.

18. In all of my desires, in all of my wants; all that is meant for me, whatever makes my heart merry and everything I need to make life comfortable, I won’t be lacking. I receive them in abundance. Happy New Month to me.

19. In this month, I am loaded with the blessings of the Lord that make rich without adding sorrow. This is my portion. I wish myself a happy new month.

20. This month speaks of continuation. It speaks of uniqueness. It speaks of relevance. I receive all of the characteristics in abundance and in unspeakable flamboyance. I am special and unique.

21. Whatever I couldn’t achieve in the previous month. Whatever was held down in last month shall be released unto me this month. I soar higher.

22. My blessings shall be more than I can quantify; I belong to the class of overflowing prosperity in all areas of my life. It is well with me.

23. It is by mercy that we continue to stride in the year even as I crossed into this month of the year. Comfort will allocate itself to my house and to my path. People shall tell me ‘congratulation’ in this new month.

24. In this month, I shall go out and sow. I shall come back home with a bountiful harvest. I shall reap blessings and divine provision in a thousand folds. Happy new month to me.

25. My name shall be exalted in the sight, ears and presence of men. I am going out in this prestigious month to succeed and excel. Happy new month to me.

26. The more I live to see each new day, the more I see reasons to be grateful for the gift of life. May the Lord preserve my life every day as I grow. Happy new month to me.

27. This month is to my greatness. God’s favour will elevate me from glory to glory. Within and around me, celebrations will not be far from me. Happy new month to me.

28. My coast will be enlarged this month. My territory shall be expanded. The Lord will be favourably disposed to me. His mighty acts will keep me from every form of evil. Happy new month to me.

29. As I rise into this month of the year, I am blessed while awake or sleeping. I have no doubt that my prayers will be answered and all I lay my hands will be fulfilled and accomplished.

30. My help will never delay. My blessings will locate me. The blessings of God are my portion. In this month, I am going higher.

It is a great pleasure setting goals and beginning to see our plans come in to place as the journey continues. Make every of your plan in the new month come to reality by saying these powerful new month declarations for your self.

31. This new month is the month of forward movement. I shall march forward with speed.

32. Because I am unstoppable, unlimited, unmovable and unshakeable, I shall proceed in this month with full assurance that I am a go-getter. Nothing shall be able to hinder me from achieving all that I am set to do.

33. I have a firm assurance that surely, goodness, mercy and divine favour shall follow me in this new month of the year. I shall fear no evil because I am heavily protected.

34. No matter what happens in the world, I will always be on top because I am programmed to survive and excel at all levels. I key into the progress in this month to overcome all barriers.

35. The doors of unprecedented doors of favour are right before me. Supernatural help will arise for my sake everywhere I go. I am an Exceller.

36. Like a soldier, I march forward never looking backwards. As I take my journey one step at a time, I go in this strength to achieve what others see as impossible.

37. The propeller of my life is activated, never to go off again. I move forward to achieve great things. For this purpose I was born, for this purpose, I was unveiled to the world: to dominate. Happy new month to me.

38. I am far above and over every limitation of life because I operate under the divine covers of the Almighty. I am exceptional, unstoppable and unbreakable.

39. When there is no progress, there is productivity, therefore I shall never be called barren for fruitfulness is my portion in this new month. Happy new month to me.

40. There is an ever-growing light on my path shining brighter and brighter to the level that the darkness will have no other option but to bow. That’s who I am.

41. I can’t be put to shame and shame can never overtake me. This I know and confident of. I have no part no disappointment. For every time I raise my voice, heaven responds.

42. The grace of waking to see this new month is a positive indication that for every of my little effort, a great increase in productivity shall be recorded because the Lord himself is the master planner of my life.

With the unveiling of a new month, everyone aspires for greater things, greater success, and greater accomplishments. With these happy new month blessings for myself, there are loads of blessings in route.

43. What more can I say? The Lord has been so good to me. I am thankful for this new month. I shall overflow with overflowing prosperity and abundance.

44. The boundary lines are falling for me in pleasant places. I am breaking out like rays of the sun and penetrating everywhere for my acceptance and entrance.

45. Every day marks the beginning of a new dawn. The joy of each new day is a herald and the tip of the iceberg that is embedded in the month. Happy New Month to me.

46. My blessings shall be unlimited and unmeasurable. Whatever that is good, profitable and lasting starts slowly and in bits; by waiting, we get it all. I am programmed for success. Happy new month to me.

47. In this month, people begin to enjoy the taste of the products of the land in the year. I shall not lack God’s provision. The Lord Himself will arise and provide all my needs according to His riches in glory.

48. Help comes from above and not from abroad. My blessings and help are coming from above because He will arise and help me and support me from all sides. Happy New month to me.

49. No matter how scarce meat is, the lion will never change its configuration to eat grass. I will change situations of life rather than them changing me. Happy new month to me.

50. The earth will rise in defence of anything it considers important. The sky protects its loved ones. Even animal create a territory nothing should invade. In this month, everything will rise in my defence.

51. It is impossible for me to lack anything good this month. Everything I need to make my life comfortable will be supplied to me. I will not suffer and I will not lack.

52. The flower blossoms. The tree bears fruits. The gardens are green because there is a breath of freshness everywhere. I align myself with this condition in the month to glow forever.

Motivate yourself into in great month with these new month motivational prayers for myself.

53. Grace found me out and brought me into the new month; to love, to adore and to cherish. I am glad and so sure I will be blessed beyond measure. Happy new month to me.

54. In this month of the year, the Lord will open His hands and satisfy the desires of my heart. Grace will overwhelm me to do greater things.

55. Whatever good things the month brings will definitely get to me. I won’t miss out on anything good in this graced month.

56. I am alive not by man’s desire but by divine ordination. Because I put my trust in the name of the Lord, I will not lack and suffer any good thing. Happy new month to me.

57. No matter the direction, north, east, west or south, the blessing of the Lord will locate me. I will be loaded with blessings from all corners.

58. In this month, the Lord bless and keep me. I shall drip with goodness and my life shall overflow with blessings unto others. Happy new month.

59. I am blessed as always but more importantly in this month because it is the month yokes are broken, recorded are shattered, limits are removed. Happy new month

60. The new month is a new chapter, my dear, it gives us the advantage of forgetting what is behind; be it failure or success to help us set new targets and achieve better for our lives. Happy new month.

61. Grace gives one the ability to work without struggle, to be productive without the hassle and much more to love without regret. I receive the grace to love more and more in the new month and beyond. Happy new month.

Everyone deserves a time of reflection on the past with comfort and hope for the future. Here are awesome happy new month prayer quotes you can use for yourself.

62. In this month, men and women will go out of their way to help me. Doors of provision be opened unto me and all that surrounds me. Happy new month.

63. It is not about how much struggle one is involved, it is about the favour of God. At the climax of this month, I shall be empowered by favour to overcome my labour.

64. The day is ready for me with all its goodness. The Lord shall keep me in perfect peace and preserve your soul. Amen. Good morning to me.

65. I put my trust in God, therefore I shall not be ashamed. He will satisfy me with long life and show me his salvation. Happy new month to me.

66. I was delighted to be part of the living in this month, therefore I declare: before I call on the Lord in this month, He will answer me and fill me to the brim. It’s a new month of joy.

67. Thus far have we gone on the journey in this year. Let the remaining journey of the year become easier even as I stride to greater possibility.

68. The beginning of the year brought joy, the more we pursued, the more things seem to change but with this month, there would be a massive turn around because there is a sound of abundant showers.

69. What has been planted in my life for good will begin to sprout. I am a plant by the oasis of abundance. I shall bring forth my harvest in due season. Happy new month.

70. The interchange of baton from one month to another is only a message to us that there is time for everything under the heavens and a time for everyone to dominate. In this month, the baton for my dominion has been passed on to me. I shall go out and dominate.

71. There is a serenity that adorns a water body. There is nothing as special as the seventh effect. May the completeness of this month overwhelm me.

72. Peace, perfect peace comes at the feet of those who bring good tidings. This is a notable month of perfect peace. Nothing shall harm me or disturb me in this month. Happy new month to me.

73. I will dwell in security in the month. The Lord will be a shield round about me and no weapon of the enemy fashioned against me shall prosper. I shall end well in this month and beyond.

74. The darkest part of the night comes when the day is about to break. No matter how bent the road may be, there is a straight road just ahead. In this month, a touch of completeness is coming down upon me.

75. It takes a perfect man to detect imperfect. It takes a man of peace to define what peace is and what is just similar. In this month, I will be capable of doing the two. Happy new month me.

76. Even in the midst of the thickest darkness, a perfect soul is unperturbed. The mind of a peaceful man longs for peace. An astounding rest is upon me for I shall my reward of good labour in this month.

77. Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof. As I commence the activities of today, may my work bring unspeakable joy to my soul. May I walk in God’s strength and find courage through him.

The dawn of every morning is a breakthrough for the day, that’s why is called ‘Day Break’. Once the day has broken, activities begin to surge. Every life needs a breakthrough for positive activities. Get into a month of divine breakthrough by praying these new month prayer points for breakthroughs

78. The fulfilment of my dreams and aspiration will visit me in a new way in this new month. For all my stress, I’ll be visited by comfort, for pain, gain, and for disappointments, breakthroughs. Amen.

79. I will make every step I take in this new month worthwhile as I go with all of his blessings enjoying every minute therein. Happy new month to me.

80. Goodness and mercy shall visit me in this new month and take their dwelling with me? Happy new month to myself.

81. This is a month of divine visitation. For all my efforts and labours in this year, a special visit to my domiciliary by Success and its companions is already scheduled. Happy new month to me.

82. In this month, by keeping my trust in the Lord, He would visit me and give me the assurance of refuge and fortress. In the shadow of His wings, I will inhabit and nothing shall by any means harm me.

83. When I am visited by a personality, the touch of the personality is felt. God is the supreme personality I must entertain in my life if I want the greatness of all that is to be enjoyed in my endeavours.

84. God never gives us a cross that we cannot bear. For every struggle of life faced this year, it is for my glory and victory. Though it may seem difficult, I can accomplish anything through him and rejoice in the victory that comes afterwards.

85. Without the storm, the eagle does not train its eaglets, without trials, my best may not come out. No matter the raging of the storm, if we endure the process of training. We shall come forth better than we went in. Happy new month.

86. For my life to enjoy divine peace, sometimes, I have to fight many battles. The battles could come in trials and tribulation but the light at the end of the tunnel is a ray of hope that all will be well. Happy new month.

87. My relief has come in this month of delivery. Happy new month to me.

88. No matter the pains a woman may pass through when in her stages of trimesters, all becomes forgotten at the sight of the new baby. In this month, my pains will be forgotten because I shall deliver all that lies within me and be glad.

Month comes after month just like day comes after day. For each month just like for each day, there are always presents, gifts and surprises for each month. Confessing them is the beginning of receiving them. So, here are powerful new month confessions you can use for yourself.

89. In this month, no enemy shall hold me captive. All my great ideas shall see the light of the day. There would be total freedom for me in my spirit, soul and body!

90. The joy of every person is to get a higher level of freedom to make a decision for oneself. I declare that I shall grow beyond expectation in this new month. Happy new month to me.

91. I shall be called blessed in the morning, noon and evening because I am an exceller. I shall not be blessed but become a source of blessing to others around me. Happy new month to me.

92. My head will be anointed for greatness, my mouth garnished for laughter, and my heart will not lack joy. Nothing shall hold me captive because like a bird, I am free to explore my world in this new month.

93. I know many plans have not gone according to specifications, but as long as the year still has days in it, success cannot be ruled out. I shall go out to make it.

94. It is never too late to grow, never too late to shine, never too late to excel, and never too late to recover. Whatever that is lost can always be recovered as long as there is life. Happy new month to me.

95. Many things happen each day, but I have decided to align myself with the best of them all. I am here to climb higher and not to go backwards.

96. As I proceed in this month, just as the waters that run from the head to the toe in the bathroom does not struggle, I shall not struggle to achieve greatness. I am set up for greater feats today.

97. I am to be celebrated and not manipulated. This is a month of my celebration. I shall have every reason to be filled with unspeakable joy.

98. As I go out in this new month, the joy of the Lord shall be my strength and nothing will steal my joy in Jesus’ name. It’s a month to remember!

99. I have worked all through the past month, my great reward shall come in loads this month. Happy new month to me

100. I looked around me and all I can see are open doors. My door of victory is permanently opened. This month of the year is for my elevation. Happy new month to me.

I hope the 2022 new month prayers for myself met your expectations. Go ahead and wish yourself well with any of them.

Do well to share with your loved and let me know what you think about the post in the comment section.

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