New Month Quotes and Prayers for August 2022

It is a beautiful miracle to witness each month of the year, a blessing you should never take for granted no matter how many times it occurs!

The first day of a new month is a perfect time to be thankful for the past month and pray for blessings and goodness for the present month not just for yourself but for everyone you care about.

Nothing beats wishing yourself and loved ones a happy new month with special prayers and inspirational quotes and that is why we have written a beautiful collection of quotes and prayers for you and your loved ones for the new month.

Do have a beautiful new month.

Those who deserve some new month prayers and new month quotes will enjoy these happy new month prayers and quotes with blessings, starting from your lovely self. It’s already a great and new beginning of awesomeness.

1. I speak it into existence, I’m going to have an incredibly successful month filled with every good thing.
It is surely going to be a month to remember for all the right reasons!

2. It is a new month and an opportunity for a fresh start.
My dear friend, I hope you get the best results out of this month!
All you have to do is put your best foot forward and you will be just fine.

3. Super thankful for the grace to witness yet another new month in the year.
I pray for more of God’s providence in my life now and always.

4. Waking up to a new day and it so happens to also be a new month, quite exciting!
I hope that this new month brings me nothing short of exciting adventures and amazing results.

5. My prayer for you this new month is that you have something incredibly amazing happen to you because you deserve all the special new month blessings.
Happy new month love.

6. It is a new month and you should have absolutely no space for negative vibes.
I pray you experience wonderful things each day of this month.
Cheers to a beautiful month.

7. Life is all about making the most out of every situation.
I hope you explore the opportunities that come your way in this brand new month and may they yield desirable results!

8. No matter what happens, I want you to commit to having a good time this new month.
I can’t wait to hear all about your exploits, it will all be great.

9. New beginnings are also the perfect time to try new things.
I hope I get to try out all the new things I have been meaning to work on this new month.
A happy new month to me!

10. My darling, I hope you find sheer moments of happiness in every situation, that is my prayer for you as we step into this new month.
I wish you happiness always.

11. The future is uncertain but then you have God!
You are going to make this new month count by God’s grace and it will be just as amazing as you need it to be.

12. The future will always hold better things for you than the past.
Happy new month, my dear friend and I hope you get things right going forward.

13. It is a new month, time for new blessings for you my love!
I pray the lessons from the past months will help you make better choices and decisions.
Have a fulfilling month.

14. It is one thing to have brilliant ideas, it is another thing to implement the ideas for real results.
It is my prayer that in this new month, all those brilliant ideas you share with me will turn into real actions yielding results.

15. You will never know until you try.
I hope you take some time out in this new month to try out new things, you never know what could come out of it.
Have an excellent month ahead.

16. I’m rooting for you this new month as I have always and will always do.
You are such a talented human, keep making an impact, go forth and excel!

17. I am thankful that I have a friend like you through life and all.
I pray you experience many more beautiful months coming ahead but first, make sure to enjoy this one.

18. A new day can bring countless blessings, imagine what a month can do!
My darling, I hope the new month brings you beautiful moments each day.

19. Whether you are making new plans or continuing from last month, it is my prayer that all your plans will go just the way you need it to.
Have a wonderful month.

20. A new month is always a chance to start up something or create new beginnings.
I wish you the best as you go all out to put things in place for the rest of the month and beyond.

21. Be your best self always and remember to be kind to everyone bearing in mind that we are all dealing with something.
Make every day in this new month count my dear friend.

22. Instead of focusing on the things that could go wrong each day of this new month, I need you to keep your focus on all the things that will turn out right and good for you.

23. I hope you get to spend as much time in this month by the grace of God making sure you become a better version of yourself.
It is always going to be about getting better!

24. I commit all my activities for this new month into God’s hand trusting that He will make everything as good as I need them to be. I shall prosper in all my ways.

25. God has brought you thus far my dear sister and He is not about to give up on you.
May you have sound health and increased wellbeing this new month.

26. I hope you know that I always have the best wishes for you, it is never going to change for anything.
Along that line, I pray you have a very wonderful month.

27. I know that there’s a lot of things you are waiting on from God in your life.
I pray that this wait will never be in vain!
I believe you will be rejoicing all month long.

28. May this new month of the year bring you so much happiness to enable you face each day with enthusiasm and a will to succeed.
Have yourself an awesome month.

29. It’s another new month and I know you have targets to meet at your workplace, it is my sincere prayer that you have an easy time meeting those targets and also meet with the right people for future references.

30. Yesterday you said today!
I hope this new month will give you the zeal and determination to finally start all the plans we have been talking about.
Sweetheart, no more procrastinations* insert wink emoji*

31. If you ever forget, I will make it a duty to remind you of how amazing and incredibly smart you are.
Things might not have gone great so far but this new month will make a huge difference, I believe it!

32. All work and no rest makes you a grumpy friend.
Sending you a reminder this new month that rest is also as important as work.
Find time to rest your pretty head, I need my happy friend always.

33. Dreams do come true as long as you believe in them and put in the efforts!
May this new month see the actualization of your dreams.
Happy new month.
Ps. I’m proud of all the work you do.

34. Sometimes, a moment and a day at a time make all the difference.
I hope you have meaningful moments in this new month and always.

35. Life is a lot easier because I have an amazing colleague like you.
It’s a pleasure working side by side with you.
I pray this new month is all you need it to be and more.

36. This is your month of divine providence and favour, I can feel it!
You are going to have an awesome month and I hope you make sure that every day counts.

37. I know how excited you must be for the new month being that it is also your birth anniversary month.
I wish you unending joy and blessings this month and every other one after.

38. A new month wouldn’t be complete if I don’t send some positive vibes your way.
Hey best friend, have yourself a positive month with all the love and sunshine.

39. I don’t know a lot of people who have the best intentions as you do daily.
My love, I pray you have an incredibly fruitful month and may such goodness flow into the next month too.

40. It is a new month and I wish to appreciate you being in my life.
I’m thankful I have you, I also pray that your heart desires for the month will be granted according to God’s will.

41. There will never be anything like too many blessings just so much that everyone could see.
You will be too blessed that everyone will glorify God on your behalf!
Happy new month my love.

42. There is still so much goodness and kindness in this world, I pray you always come across such goodness at every point in your life.
Happy new month my dear friend.

43. Even when it feels like nothing is happening, a lot is happening.
The results will eventually become a reality sooner than you know it.
Have a fantastic month.

44. Happy new month my dear sister, I hope you know that you can always count on me to be there when you need me by God’s grace.
Also, you are more than enough!

45. Each new month holds it’s own special blessings.
I pray you receive the new month’s blessings in abundance to God’s glory now and always.

46. I will have good days and bad days but the most important thing is that I always have God so I’m ready for the new month and hoping it brings many good days with it.

47. Sending it out to the universe today that I need this new month to be kind and fair to me.
It is well with everything that I do and God will bless me abundantly.

48. One day, you will have everything you need because you deserve it all and until then, I pray you have lots of great news in this new month and they all make your life more beautiful.

49. Another month of the year is here for you to have lots of reasons to smile and be thankful to God.
I’m excited for all you will be this month, you are truly amazing.

50. It all seems impossible until it finally happens!
There is nothing that God cannot do and He will show up for you in all your situations this new month and always.

51. It is a beautiful blessing to wake up to a new month and today you have yours!
I hope you have an incredibly beautiful month and may each day be good for you.

52. You may not know what this new month holds for you, but God knows, He will guide you through every day of this month and give you countless reasons to be thankful, amen.

53. Thankful for another month in the year, I couldn’t be more grateful to be here.
I pray I get chances to get things right in my life and with people around me.

54. You may not have everything that you need, but at least you do have life and a brand new month.
My love, I hope things work out for your good this month and beyond.

55. I pray I recognise the daily miracle of life and basic needs.
For this new month, I thank you, Lord.
May I receive the grace to do good and live right, amen.

56. When you call on God, may he listen to and answer your prayers.
Have a beautiful month my dear friend and make sure to be thankful for each day that comes.

57. Bless the Lord oh my soul, remember that He is the King on high and the lifter of my head.
Thank you Lord for this new month, may it be great and remarkable.

58. Sweetheart, a time will come when everything will become great, it may not be now but soon enough.
It’s a new month, I pray you take the opportunities that come to you and make the best of them.

59. May the Lord fill your life with every good thing and keep you strong and healthy for every good work.
Dear mom, have a wonderful new month.

60. Wishing you and yours a happy new month, may doors of blessings open unto your home and usher in beautiful things for you all!
Have a happy month my dear friend.

61. Another month and more time to put in the efforts towards your work.
Day by day, your efforts will bring you closer to your rewarding results, stay motivated dear.

62. You may have tough days but remember that you have God every day with you.
You are a winner, I hope you find more prosperity and goodness in this new month.

63. Sometimes, hope is all we have but if we believe in our hearts for the things we hope for, then that’s enough.
I hope that this new month will be amazing for you!

64. A happy new month to you my darling, I hope that the good things of life will find their way to you every day of this month and always.
Keep being your amazing self!

65. In this new month, I want you to open your mind to the possibility that a day is all you need for a change to happen in your life.
I hope you find your big break this month.

66. Dear best friend, I sincerely wish you all the love, goodness and happiness in this brand new month.
Don’t forget to keep your gratitude at a hundred percentage!

67. Life isn’t perfect but our smile can be!
This new month, I am making a new commitment to smile more and be cheerful.

68. Sending you one of my favourite quote for the new month, ‘there is no elevator to success, take the stairs’.
Wishing you incredible success for all your hard work.

69. In this new month, may your life be bright like the sunshine, colourful as a rainbow and beautiful as the stars.
Have a wonderful month my love.

70. There is a time for everything!
This month is a time for you to rejoice and be happy.
You deserve happiness in every way possible and I hope you stay happy always.

71. As high as the sky is above the earth, so great is God’s love for you.
You will go out and come in safely and in peace, amen.
Happy new month dear.

72. I know this month is also special for you and I can’t imagine how you feel right now.
I hope the new month is everything you need it to be and more.

73. May you always realise that you need God on your good days as much as you need Him on the bad days.
Happy new month pal.
Ps. I wish you more good days!

74. Whatever it is you set out to do in this new month, it is my prayer that it goes according to plan and yield the desired results.
Happy new month my dear.

75. Using this opportunity of a new month to remind you of how amazing you are and also how well you do when you put your mind to something!
Have a great month.

76. Life unfolds each day that comes, I hope that this new month will unfold a lot of beautiful moments for you and your family.

77. May the good Lord be kind and good to you this new month and all the days of your life, amen.
Do have an incredibly fruitful month.

78. The year continues as we step into a new month, a lot has been done and a lot more still undone.
I pray for God’s grace as you continue your work, may it all end in praise!

79. The steps you take in the right direction brings you closer to the reality you seek.
May your actions and decisions be right for you this new month and always.

80. I admire the diligence with which you work at the office, it inspires me!
It’s a new month and I wish you all the best with your current task and I pray you get the best results.

81. It is my prayer that in this new month, you will share lots of good news that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with them.
You deserve it all, it’s about time.

82. It is a new month and the year is almost drawing to an end.
It is not too late for God to show up for you, He is never late.
I am thanking God for you in advance!

83. Sending tons of love and good vibes your way for the new month and beyond.
I pray you have a beautiful month with lots of good moments in it.

84. I love how you stay true to yourself no matter what is going on around you.
Keep being true to yourself dear, I wish you the best of months.

85. The good things that have happened to you these past months are nothing compared to what’s coming to you this new month and after that!
Enjoy your month of favour.

86. It is a new month and also the last in the year, congratulations on making it and a big thank you to God for that.
I pray that it will be your best month as well.

87. Wishing you the best experiences a month could offer you, get ready for all the good stuff!
Have a happy new month my darling.

88. I start this month with prayers of thanksgiving for friends like you, I also pray that you have the best of days in this new month and have tons of fun!

89. Stars do not struggle to shine so neither will you.
May every day of this beautiful month gift you blessings from on high to make you happy.

90. My darling, you are a star, sun and moon all in one.
Shine brightly in God’s glory now and always.
Happy new month my sunshine.

91. Dear Lord, I need your wisdom and grace to navigate through this new month to make the best of it, amen.
Thank you for answered prayers.

92. I know that you have set out a lot for this month and it is my prayer that all will go well with your plans.
God is with you, you shall not fail.

93. Happy new month mom, I trust you are doing great.
I pray you stay healthy and happy for us this month and always.
Have a lovely month mom.

94. May this brand new month be one of the most beautiful and exciting months you have ever lived.
I can’t wait to hear about all that goodness that is about to happen for you!

95. I hope God gives you the strength and guidance to do all that you should and may your heart be filled with peace and hope for all the good things to come.
Happy new month to you.

96. When you seek God, you shall find Him.
You shall receive answers to your prayers and doors of blessings will be opened for you.
Happy new month sweetheart!

97. Hoping you get a great start to the month with God and end it on a great note with God.
It is well with you my dear friend, have a beautiful month.

98. I hope that all the things you have been waiting for in the past months will finally come through for you this new month through Jesus Christ Our Lord, amen.

99. The month of fruition has arrived; a month to get results for all your efforts and hard work.
I pray everything happens just the way you hope for it.
Happy new month dear.

100. Unending laughter, joy, peace and more is what I wish you and your family this new month and always!
Have an absolutely fantastic month.

I trust you and your loved ones will have an incredibly beautiful month!
Don’t forget to share your favourite new month quotes and prayers from our collection with your social network.

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