New SAT Essay Examples 2021 College Application Updates

Carl Brigham invented SAT in 1923; the SAT is owned and developed by College Board. And it’s a not-for-profit organization in the USA. Also, it has over 6,000 schools, colleges, and universities being its members.

Furthermore, the SAT plays a significant role in getting admission to colleges. Thus, knowing how to write a perfect SAT essay is imperative. In this article, you shall read about how to write a good SAT essay.

Also, you shall be shown some new SAT essay examples. The aim is to guide you. However, before diving into reading some SAT essay examples, let’s know more about the SAT.

What is the SAT?

Before reading some SAT examples, note. The SAT is an abbreviation for the Standard Aptitude Test. Also, it is an entrance exam in most USA colleges and universities.

Furthermore, it’s a multiple-choice test. And it allows admission officers to decide if you’re the right applicant to become their student.

The Purpose of SAT

Before reading some SAT essay examples, note. The purpose of the SAT is to measure your readiness for college. Also, it focused on the knowledge and skills you’ve got in high school. And it provides colleges with one average score to compare all applicants.

How College Admission Officers Review SAT Score

Before reading some SAT essay examples, note. College admission officers review the SAT score alongside your other achievements such as:

  • Your high school GPA.
  • Also, your admission interview.
  • Furthermore, your essay.
  • Additionally, letters of recommendation from your teachers.
  • Also, the classes you took in school.
  • Plus, your extracurricular activities.

Thus, the higher your final score, the more options you’ll have for admission.

What to Pay Attention to When Writing an SAT Essay

Before reading some SAT essay examples, note. The following are what to make sure are useful when writing an SAT essay:

1. Reading Clarity

It should be clear from your essay that you’ve understood the material. As such, cover its main points and show how they interrelate.

2. Analysis

Also, an essay should include persuasive claims about the text’s main points. As such, evaluate them and provide supporting evidence for their applications.

3. Well Structured Writing

Furthermore, an essay should be structured well. As such, present your arguments logically, vary sentence structure, state a thesis, and avoid grammar/spelling mistakes.

The SAT Essay: To Take or Not to Take?

Before reading some essay examples, note. An SAT essay is optional now. However, there are many colleges and universities in the USA that still require it from applicants. As such, if you decide not to write the SAT essay, you won’t be able to apply to these schools.

Also, there is a list of colleges that require the SAT essay. As such, make sure yours is not there. Otherwise, you’ll have to write an essay. And if you are still unsure of what college to apply to, writing the SAT essay would come in handy anyway.

Pros and Cons of Taking the SAT Essay

Before reading some SAT essay examples, note. There are Pros and Cons of writing the SAT essay:


  • You are covered for all universities.
  • Also, a good score for the SAT essay may boost your application.


  • It makes your SAT longer.
  • Also, you have to spend more time on preparation.
  • Additionally, you’ll need to pay extra costs.

How to Organize Your SAT Essay

Before reading some SAT essay examples, note. Below is how to organize your SAT essays:

It should be 2-3 sentences with a hook and a thesis statement.

Also, this is a central argument of your essay. As such, take your time to craft it.

  • Supporting Paragraphs (Two or Three, if Time)

Each of your paragraphs should include a topic sentence. Also, evidence and a concluding sentence. This is to demonstrate how it refers to your thesis statement.

This should be about 3-4 sentences. And it should concisely summarize your arguments.

Tips to Earn High Score for SAT Essay

Before reading some SAT essay examples, note. Everyone loves tips, mainly if they help to achieve goals and conquer new peaks.

Thus, when your goal is a high score for an SAT essay, you need tips more than ever. Below are some SAT essay tips:

  • Understand the scoring system.
  • Also, study essay samples; analyze their structure.
  • Furthermore, practice a lot. Thus, take sample prompts and spend 50 minutes on writing essays based on them.
  • Additionally, learn to analyze texts. And see central claims and evidence in them.
  • Also, during the SAT, read the prompt before the passage. Always.
  • Furthermore, we use accurate facts. And support your points with evidence from the passage.
  • Also, be objective. Answer the prompt, but don’t add any personal opinions or points.
  • Also, take your time to organize the SAT essay, and don’t forget to revise it.
  • Furthermore, make your essay longer than one page.
  • Also, follow standard tips for essay writing. Use straightforward language, give a clear thesis, structure your essay logically.
  • Furthermore, use a timer when practicing your SAT essay. Remember that you’ll have 50 minutes only, so make time for analyzing, planning, writing, and revising it.

How to Write a Good SAT Essay

Before reading some SAT essay e
xamples, note. There ways to write a good SAT essay. Below are some:

  • Read the prompt to understand the task.
  • Also, read the sample passage, underlining the examples and evidence.
  • Furthermore, come up with a thesis statement.
  • Also, outline your SAT essay.
  • Additionally, write a draft.
  • Also, edit it. And check arguments and evidence, make sure there’s logic in the essay.
  • Furthermore, proofread your SAT essay. And check grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc.

New SAT Essay Examples

Example 1

Adapted from Paul Bogard, “Let There Be Dark.” ©2012 by Los Angeles Times. Originally published December 21, 2012.

At my family’s cabin on a Minnesota lake, I knew woods so dark that my hands disappeared before my eyes. I knew night skies in which meteors left smoky trails across sugary spreads of stars.

But now, when 8 of 10 children born in the United States will never know a sky dark enough for the Milky Way, I worry we are rapidly losing night’s natural darkness before realizing its worth.

This winter solstice, as we cheer the days’ gradual movement back toward light, let us also remember the irreplaceable value of darkness.

All life evolved to the steady rhythm of bright days and dark nights. Today, though, when we feel the closeness of nightfall, we reach quickly for a light switch. And too little darkness, meaning too much artificial light at night, spells trouble for all.

Already the World Health Organization classifies working the night shift as a probable human carcinogen, and the American Medical Association has voiced its unanimous support for “light pollution reduction efforts and glare reduction efforts at both the national and state levels.”

Our bodies need darkness to produce the hormone melatonin, which keeps certain cancers from developing, and our bodies need darkness for sleep. 

Sleep disorders have been linked to diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and depression, and recent research suggests one main cause of “short sleep” is “long light.”

Whether we work at night or simply take our tablets, notebooks and smartphones to bed, there isn’t a place for this much artificial light in our lives.

The rest of the world depends on darkness as well, including nocturnal and crepuscular species of birds, insects, mammals, fish and reptiles.

Some examples are well known—the 400 species of birds that migrate at night in North America, the sea turtles that come ashore to lay their eggs—and some are not, such as the bats that save American farmers billions in pest control and the moths that pollinate 80% of the world’s flora.

Ecological light pollution is like the bulldozer of the night, wrecking habitat and disrupting ecosystems several billion years in the making. Simply put, without darkness, Earth’s ecology would collapse….

In today’s crowded, louder, more fast-paced world, night’s darkness can provide solitude, quiet and stillness, qualities increasingly in short supply. Every religious tradition has considered darkness invaluable for a soulful life, and the chance to witness the universe has inspired artists, philosophers and everyday stargazers since time began.

In a world awash with electric light…how would Van Gogh have given the world his “Starry Night”? Who knows what this vision of the night sky might inspire in each of us, in our children or grandchildren?

Yet all over the world, our nights are growing brighter. In the United States and Western Europe, the amount of light in the sky increases an average of about 6% every year.

Computer images of the United States at night, based on NASA photographs, show that what was a very dark country as recently as the 1950s is now nearly covered with a blanket of light. Much of this light is wasted energy, which means wasted dollars.

Those of us over 35 are perhaps among the last generation to have known truly dark nights. Even the northern lake where I was lucky to spend my summers has seen its darkness diminish. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. Light pollution is readily within our ability to solve, using new lighting technologies and shielding existing lights.

Already, many cities and towns across North America and Europe are changing to LED streetlights, which offer dramatic possibilities for controlling wasted light.

Other communities are finding success with simply turning off portions of their public lighting after midnight. Even Paris, the famed “city of light,” which already turns off its monument lighting after 1 a.m., will this summer start to require its shops, offices and public buildings to turn off lights after 2 a.m.

Though primarily designed to save energy, such reductions in light will also go far in addressing light pollution. But we will never truly address the problem of light pollution until we become aware of the irreplaceable value and beauty of the darkness we are losing.

If you follow the tips given above regarding the new SAT examples, you will write a good SAT essay. GOOD LUCK.

Also, feel free to ask your questions regarding this topic in the comment box below.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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