In executing this all important assignment, NGO (SAMPLE) is going to deploy its participatory cluster-based approach in the doing the following


1.    Mapping by LGA and zone the contact details of PPMVs and Community pharmacists most of which their database we already have.

2.    Mapping of training venues and hotel accommodations for trainers.

3.    NGO (SAMPLE) will also do a mapping of available and qualified trainers within the Federal Teaching Hospital to add to our database.

4.    Mapping of reputable catering institutions or firms with the capacity to deliver meals to 1,200 participants with trainers.


Depending on the number of days required and number of LGAs to be covered the training will be divided into different events and clusters. Such as;

Event 1- Training of Community Pharmacist (CPs) on Pneumonia Case Management

Event 2- Training of Proprietary Patent Medicine Vendors on Pneumonia Case Management.


A cluster will be made up of 25 to 30 participants and will be supported by 2 NGO (SAMPLE) logistics officers. The logistics officer will prepare the training venue for use for the day, administer and collect, pre and post-test evaluation, take attendance, ensure that all required training materials are provided (projector, screen, public address systems, flip chart markers, writing materials and name tags). They will also ensure tea and lunch is served and make payments where necessary.


A training event is a training activity structured to happen simultaneously across different clusters on a particular topic or module within a period of time. For the sake of this project, an average of 1 training event of 5 clusters will happening at the same time across the chosen locations. For this training, NGO (SAMPLE) will be deploying 5 training events in 10 training clusters to be able to deliver training for 1,200 participants.


NGO (SAMPLE) monitoring and evaluation team will develop activity reports, training reports, analyse pre and post-test evaluation results and a training database of all trained participants with their full contact details. NGO (SAMPLE) will also develop an album of action pictures of the training event.

The finance unit will also prepare a comprehensive financial income and expenditures analysis of the training event.

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