Nigerian House of Representatives Salary Structure and Monthly Earnings

– Nigerian House of Representatives Salary –

The Nigerian House of Representatives is a legislative body in Nigeria. The Nigerian House of Representatives’ wage structure is separated into two parts: base salary and allowances. 

House of Representatives Salary in Nigeria

Nigerian members of the House of Representatives. Meanwhile, they do, however, walk away with $1,900,000. The annual base wage is N1,985,212.

Despite the fact that this figure is quite large. However, it pales compared to the annual allowances, which amount to 23 million, 8 hundred and twenty-two thousand Naira (N23,822,00).

Therefore, these allowances include funds for the constituency, vehicle fuelling and maintenance, newspaper, clothes, and other items that you will learn about as you continue reading.

Who Determines How Much Reps Members Collect?

They do not decide the very substantial sums of money received by members of the House of Representatives. Also, the country’s president or vice president does not influence them.

For such, there is a specific body. Also, the only portion of this where legislators or the president may have a say is with approval.

However, the Revenue Mobilization, Allocation, and Fiscal Commission is the name of the body (RMOAF).

The agency is the only one allowed by law to establish the monthly remuneration of each member of the House of Representatives.

The following is a thorough breakdown of the total sums of money that members have contributed. Of the Nigerian House of Representatives Receive. Take your time and check it out.

Complete Breakdown of The Salary and Allowances

Therefore, if you are elected to the position of a member of the Nigerian House of Representatives, they will pay you the following amount per year. Fasten your seatbelts, because this is going to be a thrilling trip!

1. Basic Salary – N1,985,212

If they elected you as a member of the Nigerian House of Representatives. However, you will be paid the following annual salary. Buckle your seatbelts, because this is going to be an exciting journey!

2. Allowances – N28,822,000

This figure represents the total of all allowances received by members of Nigeria’s Federal House of Representatives. These are the allowances:

4. Vehicle Fueling and Maintenance Allowance

Therefore, the parliamentarians are granted a vehicle fuelling and maintenance allowance to help them fuel and maintain their vehicles.

You don’t want politicians battling bus conductors and market ladies for space on the bus during work hours.

Also, because they don’t have enough money for gas or their automobiles have broken down.


5. Domestic Staff Allowance

The lawmakers will afford the services of domestic staff and will have more time to work with this allowance.

6. Constituency Allowance

This funding enables a member of the House of Representatives. Also, to complete small projects in his district. Unfortunately, this money is rarely used for its intended purpose.

You won’t discover many community projects undertaken by these legislators if you travel across the country.

7. Personal Assistant Allowance

Therefore, members of the House of Representatives receive a personal assistant allowance to help them comfortably care for their personal aides.

Therefore, they can use this money to pay their assistants and furnish their offices. And ensure that they have practically everything they need to carry out their job.

8. Newspaper Allowance

Also, do they need to know more about the happenings around the country than the lawmakers in that country?

That is the essence of the newspaper/periodicals allowance. Also, it is money given to the lawmakers to enable buy different newspapers of their choice. Therefore, stay abreast of the happenings in the country.

9. House Maintenance Allowance

However, the house maintenance stipend is granted to legislators to enable them to take care of items at home, as the name implies.

Also, they can put the money toward rent, property purchases, or whatever else they like.

These are the principal allowances received by members of the Nigerian National Assembly’s House of Representatives.

Therefore, wardrobe allowance, estacode allowance, and recess allowance. Also, utility allowance and entertainment allowance are some of the lesser allowances.

All of this, plus the minimum wage, adds up to the enormous sums of money that legislators receive each year.

What Does Members of the House of Representatives Do?

However, the Nigerian House of Representatives is the lowest house of the National Assembly’s federal legislature.

Also, the Senate is the other chamber that makes up the National Assembly.

They constitutionally tasked the chamber with enacting legislation that promotes good governance. Also, to maintain peace and order throughout the country.

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives comprises 360 members elected from the 36 states that make up the United States.

They constitutionally entitled each to enact laws that benefit the region from which he hails as well as the entire country.

However, members of the Nigerian House of Representatives work alongside the Senate to ensure that a country is a safe place.

Therefore, where peace and order reign. Without them, the entire country would be in jeopardy.

More Details

Despite the fact that the House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the National Assembly. Also, its members are well cared for, just like those in the upper chamber (the Senate).

Also, the government ensures that their basic requirements are covered. Therefore, by paying them substantial sums of money in salary and allowances each year.

In reality, members of the Nigerian House of Representatives are among the highest-paid parliamentarians in the world.

When you compare their compensation to that of their peers. Also, in highly developed countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. However, you’ll be astounded at how much money they make per month.

That explains why everyone wants to be elected to that position, even if they are unqualified for it.

The Basic Salary of a House of Representative member in Nigeria is N1, 985,212 and the yearly allowance is N23, 822,000.


Other Allowances the Nigerian House of Representative Members Receives Include

1. Personal assistant

2. Constituency

3. Vehicle fuelling/maintenance

4. Domestic staff

5. Entertainment

6. Recess

7. Newspaper/periodicals

8. Utilities

9. Houses maintenance

10. Vehicle loan

11. Furniture

12. Wardrobe

13. Duty tour

14. Accommodation, etc.  

Speaker, House of Representatives

The head of Nigeria’s lower legislative chamber, the speaker, receives 4,954,220:00 (N4.95m) annually and N412,851:66 monthly, excluding allowances.

Members of the House of Representatives

Members of the lower legislative chamber, according to RMAFC, receive 9,529,038:06 (N9.5m) as annual pay and N794,086:83 every month allowances.

With such exorbitant amounts, one wonders if the Nigerian House of Representative members deserve such a salary scale compared to other public officeholders.

Final Statement

After the Presidency and the Senate. The House of Representatives is the third most significant branch of government.

However, its leader (the Speaker of the House) is the third in the line of succession to the Presidency after the Vice President and the Senate President.

We took the time to uncover the exact amount each member of the NASS‘s lower chamber receives as basic pay and total allowances per year.

If you ask me, that’s a lot of take-homes every year.

So, what are your thoughts on Nigerian House of Representatives salary?

FAQ on Federal House of Representatives

Below are FAQs about the Nigerian House of Representatives Salary. Please, kindly examine the answers.

1. How many House of Rep do we have in Nigeria?

House of Representatives (Nigeria)
House of Representatives
Seats     360
Political groups Majority (234) All Progressives Congress (234) Minority (120) People’s Democratic Party (120).
Therefore, Others (6) All Progressives Grand Alliance (4) African Democratic Congress (1) People’s Redemption Party (1)
Length of term  4 years

2. What is the difference between House of Reps and Senate?

House members must be twenty-five years of age and citizens for seven years. Therefore, the Senators are at least thirty years old and citizens for nine years.
Another difference is who they represent. Senators represent their entire states, but members of the House represent individual districts.

3. How does the House of Representatives work?

Among other duties, representatives introduce bills and resolutions. Also, offer amendments and serve on committees.

4. What does the House of Representatives do vs the Senate?

Senators represent their entire states, but members of the House represent individual districts.
The number of districts in each state is determined by a state’s population. Each state has a minimum of one representative in Congress.

5. What are the powers of the House of Representatives?

The House has several powers assigned only to it. Also, including the power to start revenue bills.
However, they can impeach federal officials, and elect the President with an electoral college tie. They composed the Senate of 100 Senators, 2 for each state.

Is their pay excessive? Do you believe the Nigerian House of Representatives Salary, that they deserve it? Please include a rationale for your response.

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