1.                  What is the probability of having an odd number in a single toss of a fair die

(a) 1/6 `                       (b)  1/3

(c)  ½                          (d)   2/3

Use the following information for question 2 and 3

The surname of 40 children in a class were arranged in alphabetical order ,

16 of the surnames begins with O and 9 of the surnames begins with A.

14 letters of the alphabet do not appear as the first letter of a surname.

2.                  What is the probability that the surname of a child picked at random from the class begins with either O and A?

(a)  5/8                                     (b) 7/8                (c)  9/16                                 (d)  14/25

3.                  If more than one surname begins with a letter besides A and O, how many surnames begin with the letter? (a)  2               (b)  3               (c) 4                            (d)  6

The table gives the score of a group of students in an English language test.








No of Students







4.                         If a student is chosen at random from the group, what is the probability that he scored at least 6 marks?

(a)       3/20                (b)       1/5      (c)       ¼                     (d)       3/10

5.                  What is the probability that three customers waiting in a bank will be served in the sequence of their arrival at the bank?

(a)       1/6                  (b)       1/3      (c)       ½                     (d)       2/3

6.         The probability that Kodjo and Adoga pass an examination are ¾ and 3/5 respectively. Find the probability of both boys failing the examination.

(a)       1/10                (b)       3/10      (c)     ½         (d)       2/3

7.         The mean of 20 observations in an experiment is 4. If the observed largest value is 23, find the mean of the remaining observations.

(a)              4                      (b)       3

(c)       2.85                (d)       2.60


8.         A group of eleven people can speak either English or French or both. Seven can speak English and six can speak French. What is the probability that a person chosen at random can speak both English and French?

(a)       2/11                (b)       4/11    (c)       5/11                (d)       11/13

If events X and Y are mutually exclusive, P(X) = 1/3 and P(Y) = 2/5,            Use the information to answer questions 9 & 10.

9.         P (X n Y) is    (a)       0                      (b)       2/15    (c)       4/15                (d)       11/15

10.       P (X u Y) is    (a)       0                      (b)       2/15    (c)       4/15                (d)       11/15

11.       A box contains 2 white and 3 blue identical marbles. If two marbles are picked at Random, one after the other, without replacement, What is the probability of  picking two marbles of different colours?

(a)       2/3                  < /span>(b)       3/5      (c)       2/5                  (d)       7/20

12.       Mrs. Jones is expecting a baby. The probability that it will be a boy is ½ and the probability that the baby will have blue eyes is ¼.             What is the probability that she will have a blue-eyed boy?

(a)       1/8                  (b)       ¼         (c)       3/8                  (d)       1/2

13        Convert the speed 90 km per hour of a car to metres per second                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

(a)       1.5 ms-1                             (b)       2.5 ms-1             (c)       25 ms-1                           (d) 1.5 x 103   ms-1

14        Uche and Chidi shared a sum of money on the ratio m:n. If Chidi’s share was N4,200.00, what was Uche’s share?

(a)              N4,200n/m    (b)       N4,200/mn    (c)       N4,200m/n    (d)       N4,200/n

15        A husband contributes 7% of his income into a fund and his wife contributes 4% of her income. If the husband earns N5,500 per annum (p.a) and his wife earns N4,000 p.a, find the sum of their contribution to the fund.

(a)              N1,045                       (b)       N605  (c)       N545              (d)       N490

16        A car is traveling at an average speed of 80kmh-1. Its speed in metres per second (m/s) is (a) 13.3m/s                      (b)       22.2m/s          (c)       133.3m/s        (d)       222.2m/s

17        If the children share N10.50K among themselves in the ratio 6:7:8, How much is the largest share?

(a)               N3.00                        (b)       N3.50 (c)       N4.00             (d)       N4.50

18        A trader makes a loss of 15% when selling an article. Find the ratio, selling price: cost price.

(a)               3:20               (b)       3:17    (c)       17:20              (d)       20:23

19        A car travels at xkm per hour for 1 hour at ykm per hour for 2 hours. Find its average speed.

(a)              2x+2ykmh-1/3           (b)       x+ ykmh-1/3  (c)       x+2 ykmh-1    (d)       2x+ ykmh-1/3

20        The ages of three men are in the ratio 3:4:5. If the difference between the ages of the oldest and youngest is 18 years, find the sum of the ages of the three men.

(a)               45 years                    (b)       72 years         (c)       108 years       (d)       216 years

21        A bicycle wheel of radius 42cm is rolled over a distance of 66m. How many revolutions does it make? [Take π=22/7]

(a)               2.5                  (b)       5          (c)       25                    (d)       50

22        In a bag of oranges, the ratio of the good ones to the bad ones is 5:4. If the number of bad ones in the bag is 36, how many oranges are there altogether?

(a)               81                   (b)       72        (c)       54                    (d)       45

23        A man is four times as old as his son. The difference between their ages is 36. Find the sum of their ages.  

(a)               45 years`       (b)       48 years         (c)       60 years                     (d)       74 years


24        If 4m+3n = 5, find the ratio m:n 4m-3n     3

(a)              7:4                  (b)       4:3      (c)       3:4                  (d)       4:7

25        If 2x : (x+1) =3:2, what is the value of x?

(a)       ½                     (b)       1          (c)                          (d)       3

26        The ratio of the number of men to the number of women in a 20 member committee

is 3:1. How many women must be added to the 20 member committee so as to make the ratio of men to women 3:2 ?

(a)               2                     (b)       5          (c)       7                      (d)       9


27        Three men, Bedu, Bakare and Kofi shared N500 in the ratio 3:2:x respectively. If Bedu’s share is N150, find the value of x.

(a)               1                     (b)       3          (c)       5                      (d)       6

28        The sides of two cubes are in the ratio 2:5, what is the ratio of their volumes?

(a)       4:5                  (b)       8:15    (c)       6:125              (d)       8:125

29        Lena bought 400 Alpha Company shares at N1.50 each and sold them at N2.05 each. What was her gain?

(a)               N0.55                        (b)       N20.00                       (c)       N220.00                     (d)       N330.00

30        Amma buys 100 oranges at 20 for C 30.00 and another 200 oranges at 4 for C 10.00. If she sells all her oranges at C3.00 each, what was her profit?

(a)               C150.00                    (b)       C250.00         (c) C500.00               (d) C650.00

31        The price of a litre of petrol is increased from C30.00 to C 39.00. What is the percentage increase in the cost of a litre of petrol ?

(a)              90%                (b)       30%    (c)       34%                (d)       39%

32        A trader sold a pair of shoes for C 2,800.00 making a loss of 20% on his cost price. Find his loss as a percentage of his selling price.

(a)               162/3%                       (b)       2%      (c)       25%                (d)       75%               

33        An article bought for D5,000.00 depreciate by 15% of its value during the first year. Find its value after a year.

(a)               D425.00                    (b)       D750.00         (c)       D4,250.00      (d)       D4,985.00

34        A house bought for N100,000 was later auctioned for N80,000, Find the loss percent.

(a)              20%                (b)       30%    (c)       40%                (d)       50%

35        The side of a square is increased from 20cm to 21cm.  Calculate the percentage increase in its area.

(a)               2.5%              (b)       9.3%   (c)       10.0%             (d)       10.25%

36        A man bought 2220 mangoes at N5x. He sold each for 3x kobo and made gain of N8. Find the value of x.

(a)               2                     (b)       5          (c)       6                      (d)       10

37        A car moves at an average speed of 30kmh-1, how long does it take to cover 200 metres?

(a)       2.4sec             (b)       24sec              (c)       144sec                        (d)       240sec


38        A man bought a television set on hire purchase for N25, 000 out of which he paid N10, 000. If he is allowed to pay the balance in eight equal installments, find the value of each installment

(a)               N1250                       (b)       N1578                        (c)       N1875                        (d)       N3125

39        If the simple interest on N2, 000 after 9 months is N6, at what rate per annum is the interest charged?

(a)       21/4%             (b)       4%      (c)       5%                  (d)       6%

40        A student bought 3 notebooks and 1 pen for N35. After misplacing these items, she again bought 2 note books and 2 pens, all of the same type for N30. What is the cost of a pen? (a) N5.00                        (b) N7.50 (c)       N10.00                       (d)       N15.00



Choose the word nearest to the word in bold

1.                  After many years of struggle as a trader, he struck gold

(a)              Became quite rich  (b) Won a big contract  (c) he became a gold miner   (d) became a goldsmith

2.                  One significant character of the jet age is that it encourages people to cut corners

(a)              Not to face all problems (b) to want to become rich quickly   (c) to want to avoid unnecessary hardships (d) forfeit the opportunity of further education.

3.                  The lady who won the beauty contest had a good gait

(a)              Stature  (b) figure   (c) elegance  (d) carriage

4.                  It would need a high flyer to make a first class degree in the university

(a)              A smart performer   (b) an outright genius  (c) an outstanding scholar  (d) an unmitigated swot

5.                  What you will find in the book is a bird’s eye view of the subject

(a)              A detailed account  (b) a balanced account   (c) a biased treatment (d) a general survey

6.                  Hers was a chequered career

(a)              An interesting and successful career  (b) a career full of sorrow and tears   (c) a bright and memorable career (d) a career full of ups and downs

7.                  If experience is anything to go by, this action will prove a political mine field

(a)              A source of political benefits  (a) a way out of political trouble  (c) a cause for political joy  (d) an invitation to political problems.

8.                  In my view, the play didn’t come off

(a)              Succeed  (b) fail  (c) attract applause  (d) take place

9.                  When the chips are down, we will know those who have the courage to stand

(a)              when we get to a crisis point  (b) in the final analysis  (c) when the blocks are lowered  (d) when we get to the end of the road

10.             she said boxing is, in fact her pet aversion

(a)              something she likes very much  (b) something she dislikes very much  (c) a hobby she loves to pursue  (d) one thing she can’t miss

11.             the gateman does his work perfunctorily

(a)              without commitment  (b) with speed  (c) mother’s pet  (d) father’s pet

12.             members of the panel were working at cross-purposes

(a)              harmony  (b) in disunity  (c) for selfish purposes  (d) stretch

13.             the young man who distributed political pamphlets on campus was promptly repudiated

(a)              disowned  (b) arrested  (c) warned  (d) killed

14.             Adayi is a die-hard criminal

(a)              hard to kill  (b) hard to arrest (c) remorseless (d) resentless

Fill each gap with most appropriate option from the list following the gap

15.             In moments of serious economic hardship, many people are ______ to turn to God.

(a)              Concerned  (b) inclined  (c) disposed  (d) propensed

16.             We cannot all wear expensive shoe in situation of __________

(a)              Diverent demand and supply  (b) uneven wear  and tear  (c) different purchasing power  (d) unpredictable national income

17.             The centre – forward was _____________ consequently the goal was not allowed

(a)              In an offside position   (b) very well positioned  (c) brilliant player (d) the captain of the team

18.             AIDS is ____ disease that kills slowly but surely

(a)              Too much a deadly  (b) Very deadly a  (c) so deadly  (d) such deadly a

19.             We had a dull evening because __________

(a)              Hardly the talk had begun  when the lights went off  (b) hardly had the talk begun when the light went off (c) the talk had hardly begun when the light had gone out  (d) the lights had hardly gone out when the talk began

20.             Soyinka’s masterful ___________ of the atmosphere of his childhood helped to make his book, Ake, an outright success

(a)              Evocation  (b) invocation  (c) convocation  (d) revocation

21.             Students will always blame their teachers when examination results are unfavourable

(a)              Won’t they  (b) wouldn’t they  (c) isn’t it  (d) cant they

Okonkwo is a stubborn man; he will never ________ his words

(a)              Chew  (b) spit  (c) eat  (d) bite

23.             Kindly _____ me your book because my friend has ____ mine

(a)              Borrow / borrowed   (b) borrow  /rent   (c) lend / lent  (d) lend/borrowed

24.             Three quarters of the church ________ painted by members the previous day

(a)              Were (b) was  (c) is  (d) are

25.             The young boys have been caught with parts of the stolen machine but _______ admitted stealing it

(a)              Neither of them has   (b) neither of them have  (c) none of them has  (d) none of them have.

26.             Watching carefully, I could see the fish______ along the bottom

(a)              Dotting  (b) crawling  (c) diving  (d) darting

27.             Emeka is now a _____ student but it took him years to ______

(a)              Matured/mature  (b) mature/mature  (c)mature/matured  (d)matured/matured

28.             The rebels will soon fight back. We have been informed ______ their _________

(a)              Of/predicament   (b) about/ indulgence  (c) on/rearmament  (d) as for/advancement

29.             Ali was honest and quite as a school boy but too much drinking has now changed his ______ and _____ his tongue

(a)              Temperature/injured(b)character/tightened (c) temperament/loosened  (d) innocence/worsened

30.             The hospital was closed _________ because there were no beds to put patients ________

(a)              Again/upon   (b) off/on  (c) down/at  (d) up/in

31.             The judge with his son _________ travelling to Lagos now

(a)              Were  (b) shall  (c) is  (d) are

32.             A university teacher is an _____

(a)              Academic  (b) academics  (c) academician  (d) academia

33.             The adventurers ran into many ________ in the forest

(a)              Dear  (b) dears (c) deers  (d) deer

34.             The argument between the tow neighbous degenerated into __

(a)              A free-for all  (b) a free for all fight  (c) a flee for all   (d) a free fight

35.             The class _____ more girls than boys this session 

(a)              Comprise of  (b) comprises of (c) comprise (d) comprises

36.             The tourist bought __________

(a)              A brown, small, Nigerian earthen pot (b) a small, brown Nigerian earthen pot  (c) an earthen, brown, small Nigerian pot (d) a Nigerian small brown earthen

37.             I have already ____ the picture on the sitting-room wall

(a)              Hanged (b) hunged  (c) hang  (d) hung

38.             Most of us will attend the conference ____ at Ibadan later this year

(a)              Holding   (b) held  (c) being held  (d) to hold

39.             I shall work hard so that I can ________ a distinction in English

(a)              Secure  (b) make  (c) receive  (d) grab

40.             The baby was rather _______ than I could bear

(a)              Much more troublesome  (b) much too troublesome  (c) so much troublesome  (d) very much troublesome

41.             Students were forbidden ______ secret society

(a)              From joining  (b) in joining  (c) to join  (d) on joining

42.             Of course, we al saw the culprit _______ and hit the man on the head

(a)              Approached  (b) approaching  (c) approach  (d) approaches

43.             A child that shows mature characteristics at any early age may be described as

(a)              Preconceived  (b) premature  (c) ingenuous  (d) precocious

44.             The company Director showed the contractor a _____ of the proposed office complex

(a)              Prototype  (b) photograph  (c) microfilm  (d) photocopy

45.             _______ you come early to the new house, clean up my flat

(a)              While  (b) by chance  (c) should  (d) sh
ould in case

46.             This imposing edifice _______ a fortune to build

(a)              Had costed  (b) have cost  (c) costed  (d) cost

47.             They let him go in ________ to his age

(a)              Respect  (b) regard  (c) disregard  (d) consideration

48.             Some scientists are trying to _____ human beings in their laboratories

(a)              Imitate  (b) replicate  (c) implicate  (d) fabricate

49.             He does not seem to know how to solve the problem _______

(a)              Does not he   (b) does he not  (c) does he  (d) doesn’t he?

50.             These villagers _______  to grow rice

(a)              Used  (b) are used  (c) were used  (d) use                                                 


1)     Which of following is the core duty of the Nigeria immigration

(a)     Persecuting offenders (b) enforcing of Laws (c) issuance of all Nigerian travel document (d) deporting of foreigners

2)     The NIS was brought out of the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) in

(a)     1946 (b) 1956 (c) 1958 (c) 1964

3)     The NIS was formally established by the act of parliament in

(a)     1963 (b) 1957 (c) 1964 (d) 1976

4)     The first African country to introduce E-passport was

(a)     South-Africa (b) Ghana (c) Liberia (d) Nigeria

5)     How many comptroller general has the NIS gotten since the inception till date

(a)     10 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 15

6)     The present comptroller general of NIS is

(a)     Umar Dahiru (b) Uhuru Kayidee (c) Boniface Cosmos (d) David Parradang

7)     The first Secretary general of Common wealth was

(a)     George Washington (b) Tulma Goldie (c) Arnold Smith (d) Joseph Garba

8)     Lagos became a crown colony in

(a)     1862 (b) 1861  (c) 1841  (d) 1886

9)     The first war 1 was between

(a)     1911-1914  (b) 1914-1916  (c) 1916-1918 (d) 1914-1918

10)    The western and eastern Nigeria became self governed in

(a)     1959  (b) 1960  (c) 1957   (d) 1956

11)    The first head of government of Nigeria was

(a)     Yakubu Gowon  (b) Aguiyi Ironsi  (c) Tafawa Balewa  (d) Nnamdi Azikiwe

12)    The first militant president of Nigeria was

(a)     Sanni Abacha  (b) Ibrahim Babangida (c) Aguiyi Ironsi  (d) Yakubu Gowon

13)    Nigeria became a republic in

(a)     1963  (b) 1960  (c) 1976  (d) 1961

14)    The Northern and Southern protectorate was amalgamated in

(a)     1914  (b) 1919  (c) 1921  (d) 1900

15)    The first Executive president was

(a)     Nnamdi Azikiwe   (b) Olusegun Obansanjo  (c) Sheu Shagari  (d) Goodluck Jonathan

16)    The first colonial governor general of Nigeria was

(a)     Tulma Goldie  (b) James Robertson (c) Huge Clifford  (d) Lord Lugard

17)    The highest court in Nigeria is

(a)     Court of Appeal  (b) Supreme court  (c) Federal High Court  (d)Magistrate court

18)    ECOWAS was established in ____________ and has it administrative headquarter in

(a)     1967 Lome  (b) 1975 Lome  (c) 1975 Lagos  (d) 1967 Lagos

19)    The first general election in Nigeria was held in

(a)     1959  (b) 1960  (c) 1963  (d) 1999

20)    Nigeria practice one of the following system of government

(a)     Con-federalism  (b) Unitarism  (c) Paliamentaism  (d) Federalism

21)    The last colonial governor general of Nigeria was

(a)     James Robertson (b) Jimmy Carter (c) Lord Lugard  (d) Huge Clifford

22)    The first Militam coup de’tat in Nigeria was in

(a)     1964  (b) 1966  (c) 1960   (d) 1999

23)    The establishment of states started in Nigeria on

(a)     May 27 1967  (b) Feb. 13 1966 (c) April 8 1960  (d) Oct. 1 1960

24)    The Biafra Civil war was between

(a)     1967-1968  (b) 1968-1971  (c) 1967-1970 (d) 1970-1975

25)    The national youth service corp was established in

(a)     1960  (b) 1973  (c) 1980  (d) 1997

26)    The Nigeria Police Force belongs to which organ of government

(a)     Judiciary  (b) Executive  (c) Legislative  (d) Non f the above

27)    African consist of how many countries

(a)     54  (b) 55  (c) 60  (d) 70

28)    The Secretary general of OPEC is

(a)     Abdulsaleam Kanuri  (b) Abudullahhi El-badri  (c) Utuhu Kamirideen  (d) Philip Effiong

29)    The current secretary general of United nation is

(a)     Ban ki Moon  (b) Trugve Lie  (c) Koffi Anaan  (d) Boustro-Brouste Ghali

30)    Which of the followingpair of countries consist of the permanent security council of UN

(a)     Brazil, Germany, France, USA, China  (b) France, China, USSR, USA, Britain  (c) France, Britain, Brazil, Newzeland   (d) France, Germany, Japan, China

31)    In order to qualify for the post of President in Nigeria the person must be ________________ and above

(a)     35yr (b) 20 yrs  (c) 40 yrs  (d) 55yrs

32)    The name Nigeria coined out of _____________

(a)     Niger Forest (b) Niger Area  (c) Niger River  (d) Niger Textures

33)    The first Inspector General of the Police Force was

(a)     Teslim Balogun (b) Louis Edet (c) Ademola  Adetokunbo  (d) Elias Balogon

34)    The current secretary general or commission chairman of Africa union is

(a)     Dlamini Zuma  (b) Allasane Quattara  (c) Emeka Anaoku  (d) H. Desategn

35)    The current president of commission or secretary is of ECOWAS

(a)     H.Desategn  (b) Kadre Desire Quedraogo  (c) Allasane Quattara  (d) Ike Ekweremalu

36)    The headquarter of UN is in

(a)     New York  (b) Washington  (c) Geneva  (d) Vienna  

37)    UNO was founded in San Francisco in

(a)     1939  (b) 1914  (c) 1945  (d) 1950

38)    The first military coup-de’tat in Africa was in

(a)     Libya  (b) Liberia   (c) Egypt  (d) Nigeria

39)    Nigeria became 36 states under the regime of

(a)     Olusegun Obasanjo (b) Sanni Abacha  (c) Ibrahim Babagida (d) Yakubu Gowon

40)    The first military head of state was

(a)     Yakubu Gowon  (b) Aguiyi Ironsi  (c) Olusegun Obasanjo  (d) Ernest Shonekan

41)    Oil can be found in one of the following state in Nigeria

(a)     Lagos  (b) Anambra  (c) Ondo  (d) Ekiti

42)    Tin is majorly found in

(a)     Jos  (b) Enugu  (c) Kano  (d) Imo

43)    Oil was first discovered by Shell-BP in Nigeria ___________

(a)     Oloibiri  (b) Idanre  (c) Warri  (d) Kabba

44)    Which of the following may be regarded as a regional organization 

(a)     ECOWAS  (b) OAU  (c) UN  (d) OPEC

45)    The last military head state of Nigeria was

(a)     Abdulsaleem Abubakar   (b) Sanni Abacha  (c) Olusegun Obasanjo  (d) Yakubu Gowon

46)    The name Nigeria was coined by _______

(a)     Flora Shaw  (b) Mary Slessor   (c) Lord Lugard  (d) Juman Goldie

47)    The legislature in Nigeria is called

(a)     House of assembly  (b) House of lords  (c) National Assembly   (d) House of Representative

48)    The legislature in Britain is referred to as _________

(a)     House of common  (b) White house  (c) Congress (d) Parliament

49)    Nigeria changed from pounds to Naira in

(a)     1960  (b) 1973  (c) 1959  (d) 1963

50)    The first Nigeria president to die in office was ______________ and he died on ______________

(a)     Murtala Mohammed  Feb 13 1976  (b) Sanni Abacha  June 8 1998  (c) Ya’ardua  May 5 2010  (d) Aguiyi Ironsi  July 29



A         2) A    3) B     4) C     5) B     6) A    7) A    8) B     9) A    10) A

11)      D         12) B  13) C  14) C  15) C  16) B  17) C  18) C  19) C  20) C

21)      C         22) A  23) C  24) A  25) D  26) B  27) C  28) D  29) C  30) B

31)      B         32) C  33) C  34) A  35)D   36) C  37) C  38) C  39) B  40) C


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.A

11.B 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.A 20. A

21.A 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.B 26.C 27.B 28.C 29.C 30.D

31.C 32.A 33.D 34.A 35.D 36.B 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.A

41.A 42.C 43.D 44.A 45.C 46.D 47D 48.B 49.C 50.A


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C

11.C 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.B 18. 19.A 20.D

21.A 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.B 27.A 28.B 29.A 30.B

31.A 32.B 33.B 34.A 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.C 39.B 40.B

41.C 42.A 43.A 44.B 45.A 46.A 47.C 48.D 49.B 50.C

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