Nigeria’s Leadership Role in ECOWAS

Nigeria’s Leadership Role in ECOWAS.

Table of Contents


This study concern with Nigeria leadership role in West Africa State. The justification of the study is to basically investigate Nigeria’s contribution to ECOWAS on the hand and more specifically to explain the nature and pattern of Nigeria’s contribution to the development the of ECOWAS.

It is hypothesized in the study that the evolution and survival of ECOWAS is depended on Nigeria’s leadership role, and that despite economic problem facing the country, Nigeria’s contribution to be the leading member of the community.

The study has adopted a conceptual and theoretical framework central on the concept of leadership and economic integration. The concept are used as a guide to under understanding Nigeria’s leadership within ECOWAS.

The finding shown that Nigeria has been providing leadership to the economic community of West Africa since its establishment, it has been given the highest contribution to the association.

This is line with the Nigeria’s foreign policy objective secondly the fluctuations in Nigeria’s economy has done little to effect level of Nigeria’s contribution to the organization.

Table Of Contents

Title page                           1

Declaration                         2

Certification                      3

Dedication                         4

Acknowledgement                    5

Table of Content                     6-8

Abstract                                  9


  • Background of Study          10
  • Introduction 10
  • Statement of the Research Problem 11
  • Research Question 12
  • Objectives of Study 12
  • Assumption 12
  • Theoretical Framework 13
  • Research Methodology 15
  • Method of Data Analysis 15
  • Scope of Study 15
  • Chapter Outline 16


  • Literature Review 17
  • Historical Background of Nigeria 17
  • An Analytical Conceptualization of Leadership 18
  • Leadership Qualities 25


The Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS)             27

  • Introduction 27
  • Historical Evolution of ECOWAS 29
  • Problems and Prospect of ECOWAS 31


The Role of Nigeria in ECOWAS        39

  • Introduction 39
  • The Role of Nigeria in the Formation of Economic Community of West Africa States     40
  • Genesis of ECOWAS 40
  • The Nigeria –Togo Initiative 41
  • Reasons for Nigeria’s Role in the Formation of ECOWAS 42
  • The Role of Nigeria in Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS)                   43


  • Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 52
  • Summary 52
  • Conclusion 53
  • Recommendations 54

References                       57


Background Of Study

Africa has been, and continue to be, the most vulnerable and most externally threatened region in the world.

The growing marginalization of Africa will worsen unless urgent and protective measures of regional and sub-regional integration, cooperation, and collective security are implemented as a matter of urgency.

This is what the increasing hostility of the increasing hostility of the intentional environment calls for.

There is a strong movement towards regional and sub-regional cooperation in Europe, North America, East Asia and Latin America.

And despite their global prescription of liberalization policy, and their head-start advantage in the development project, the advanced countries are today themselves the champions of regionalism as a defensive mechanism.

We in Africa must follow suit by pooling our national efforts. Europe and North America need integration for strength and prosperity but Africa needs it for survival.

What is crucial but missing is strong political and far-sighted statesmanship, for effective regionalism requires at least a limited surrender of national sovereignty.


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Adeniran T. Introduction to international Relations Macmillan Nig Ltd (Ibadan 1983) Ibid

Ajibola W.A. and Akinyemi A.B (ed) (1976): some Trends in Nigeria African Policy Nigeria and the world in NIIA, Lagos.

Aluko Olajidi and Timothy shao. (eds) 1996 the Political Economy African Foreign Policy Corporative Analysis. St. Martins Press New York.

Anya O. Anya (2004): when will Nigeria take charge of Nigeria, a Lecture presented at the Gindri old Boys Association, Hill Station Hotel, Jos Plateau State.

Cartwright J.R (1978): Political Leadership in Sierra Leone. London: Croom Helm Defence studies: vol. 8 July 1998) pp 1-22.

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