No One is Perfect Quotes to Motivate You

– No One is Perfect Quotes –

It is important to note that, we all experience failure, but how we react to it affects how our lives turn out. Everyone makes mistakes, succumbs to self-doubt, and worries that they are inadequate. These no one is perfect quotes will help you believe in yourself the more.

No One is Perfect Quotes

The idea of being flawless makes many of us lose confidence in ourselves and make us question every action we take. In these circumstances, your can offer your friends the necessary push and boost of confidence they need to get motivated, quit doubting themselves, and achieve more.

1. “I’m not perfect; no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. I think you try to learn from those mistakes.” – Derek Jeter

2. Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. -Vince Lombardi

3. The living is not perfect because it is liable to change; the dead is not perfect because it does not live.

4. I don’t know a perfect person. I only know flawed people who are still worth loving. -John Green

5. “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” –Vince Lombardi

6. Nobody has a perfect life. What you see on the screen is the best of the artist. -Rene Angelil

7. “I understand that I’m not perfect. I made mistakes and I had a hand in everything that’s happened to me, good and bad.” – Dwyane Wade “no one is perfect quotes”

8. Releasing guilt is like removing a huge weight from your shoulders. Guilt is released through the empowering thought of love and respect for yourself. Let go of standards of perfection and refuse to use up the precious currency of your life, the now, with thoughts that continue to frustrate and weaken you. Instead, vow to be better than you used to be, which is the true test of nobility. -Wayne Dyer

9. “Imperfections are not inadequacies, they are reminders that we’re all in this together.” – Brene Brown

Motivational Quotes

10. Everybody’s got regrets. Everybody’s made mistakes. Nobody’s perfect.

11. I’ve learned that nobody’s perfect, and I don’t expect myself to be perfect anymore.

12. “I’m not perfect, but if there are any points given for caring about people with every fiber of your being and giving life all you’ve got every day, then I suppose I have a shot.” 

13. “I’m not perfect. And who knows how many times I’ve fallen short. We all fall short. That’s the amazing thing about the grace of God.” – Tim Tebow “no one is perfect quotes”

14. “I love what I do, and I always make sure to tell my fans I’m not perfect, so don’t think I am. I make mistakes. I’m human, and we all are. But I try to be the best I can be, and that’s all I really can do.” – Selena Gomez

15. Perfection is a goal that will forever remain impossible for any human being to achieve. Therefore, the only achievable goal is to only strive to become the best that you can possibly be.

16. “I am not a perfect friend, and it is impossible not to rebuff or be rebuffed if you move about the world.” – Anne Roiphe

17. If you want to have friends, you have to remember that nobody’s perfect. –Jonathan Franzen

18. When you finally accept that it’s OK not to have answers and it’s OK not to be perfect, you realize that feeling confused is a normal part of what it is to be a human being. -Winona Ryder

19.“But I am not perfect in my way of putting things Because I lack the divine simplicity Of being only what I appear to be.” – Fernando Pessoa

Inspirational No One is Perfect Quotes

20. “The living is not perfect because it is liable to change; the dead is not perfect because it does not live.” – Ludwig Von Mises “no one is perfect quotes”

21. Nobody is perfect, so get over the fear of being or doing everything perfectly. Besides perfect is boring. -Jillian Michaels

22. Stop hating on yourself for not being perfect. If God wanted perfection, He would have made you an angel. -Yasmin Mogahed

23. Perfection isn’t human. Human beings are not perfect. What evokes our love–and I mean love, not lust–is the imperfection of the human being. So, when the imperfection of the real person peaks through, say, ‘This is a challenge to my compassion.’ Then make a try, and something might begin to get going.

24. 99% of the people in the world would say there’s something that they’d like to change about their lives, because nothing’s perfect, and nobody’s perfect. I suppose I could look at the glass as half-empty instead of as half-full. -Morris Chestnut

25. There’s nothing interesting about looking perfect–you lose the point. You want what you’re wearing to say something about who you are.

26.“I’d rather live my life knowing that I’m not perfect than spend my whole life pretending to be.” – Will Smith

27. If you want to have friends, you have to remember that nobody’s perfect.

28.“There’s no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.”

29.No one and nothing is perfect, or we wouldn’t have uniqueness.

30.“Nothing and no one is perfect. It just takes a good eye to find those hidden imperfections.”

31. I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the very best way I know how. -Louise Hay

Great Quotes

32. “We’re not perfect; we all have things that people might not like to see, and I like to show my faults.” – Grace Jones

33. “I don’t have to be perfect. All I have to do is show up and enjoy the messy, imperfect, and beautiful journey of my life.” – Kerry Washington

34. “I’m not looking for a perfect man. I am looking for a man whose imperfections I can put up with.” – Devon Ashley

35. “I’m not perfect. But I am trying every day to concentrate on being better.” – Allen Iverson

36. “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” – Marilyn Monroe

37. “It’s okay not to be perfect. It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to do something that you wish you hadn’t done, because if we don’t do those things we never grow.” – Dawn Stanyon

38. “You don’t love somebody because they’re perfect. You love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.”      “no one is perfect quotes”                   

39. “I am not perfect. When it comes to relationships, I mess up, I start fights, and I easily get jealous, but there are three things I am proud of being me; I do not play, I give my best and when I choose you, it’s only you.”


Encouragement Quotes

40. “I make mistakes every day. I’m not perfect in my behavior, but I want to be and that’s what God is after, a heart that wants to be.” – Joyce Meyer

41. “No person is completely wicked, just as no person is perfect. We are all grey.” – Sweety Shinde

42. “Look, we are human, we make mistakes. I will gladly shout from the rooftops that I am not perfect. Nor will I ever be.” – Dianna Agron “no one is perfect quotes”

43. And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good. -John Steinbeck

44. Nobody’s perfect. We’re all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels. -Jeannette Walls

45. “You don’t love someone because they are perfect, she says. You have them in spite of the fact that they’re not.” – Jodi Picoult

46. I’m not perfect. But I am trying every day to concentrate on being better.

47. School is practice for future life, practice makes perfect and nobody’s perfect, so why practice? -Billie Joe Armstrong’s “no one is perfect quotes”

48. Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has many bends, ups, and downs, but that’s its beauty.” – Amit Ray

49. “Nobody’s perfect. We’re all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels.” – Jeannette Walls

50. It’s okay to be you. You don’t have to try to be anybody else. Whatever you are, however you are it’s fine. 

51. “I may not be perfect but I am perfect enough to be a very good rendition of me.” – Jan Hellriegel  “no one is perfect quotes”

52. But the truth is, nothing delights me more than a biography of one of the truly great that proves he or she was absolute shit.

Lessons Quotes

53. “No one is perfect in this world. Forgive people for not knowing better and learn to move on.” – Leon Brown“

54. Love yourself. Nobody’s perfect. I mean, come on, nobody is perfect. Not you, not your mom, even the people on TV – nobody is perfect, and there’s always something that nobody likes, but you know, you just accept that. Your imperfections make you beautiful. It’s those things you find you don’t like that someone else finds very special and very unique about you. –Keke Palmer

55. Stop hating on yourself for not being perfect. If God wanted perfection, He would have made you an angel.

56. “People are good or half good or a quarter good, and it changes all the time- but even on the best day nobody’s perfect.” – Colum Mccann

57. All that is not perfect down to the smallest detail is doomed to perish. “no one is perfect quotes”

58. The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself. -Anna Quindlen

59. The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.


No Perfect Person

60. I’ve learned that nobody’s perfect, and I don’t expect myself to be perfect anymore. -Carly Simon

61. Life is beautiful and adventurous. Life is full of experiments. Nobody is perfect and we all learn by mistakes so keep experimenting and trying new things in life. 

62. Nobody’s perfect, but at the same time, I always try to learn from my mistakes. -Nick Carter

63.“I know who I am. I am not perfect. I’m not the most beautiful woman in the world. But I’m one of them.” – Mary J. Blige

64. Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.

65.“Warriors of light are not perfect. Their beauty lies in accepting this fact and still desiring to grow and to learn.” – Paulo Coelho  “no one is perfect quotes”

66. Nobody’s perfect. We’re all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels.

67. “Every day is not perfect. You have your bad days and good days just like anyone else. You do not want to talk to people sometimes. It is normal.” – Brett Favre

More of No One is Perfect Quotes

68. “I know I’m not perfect & will never become. Yet, I’m proud of being Me, with all humility & imperfections. Cause this is the only life I have.” – Abu Sufyan ibn Harb

69. The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they make the best of everything.

70. “There is nothing rarer nor more beautiful than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.” – Steve Maraboli

71. Who are we? We’re not perfect but we’re not worthless. Scripture tells us that we’re beautifully made, but broken. -Trip Lee

72. “People are not perfect… very often the relationships that are strongest are those where people have worked through big crises, but they’ve had to work through them. So the challenge to us is to work through that.” – Patricia Hewitt

73. Nobody’s perfect, but all of us can be better than we are. -Jackie Stewart’s “no one is perfect quotes”

74. “To love another human in all of her splendor and imperfect perfection, is a magnificent task. Tremendous and foolish and human.” – Louise Erdich

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