Not Feeling Good Enough for Someone Quotes

If you’re not feeling good enough for someone, there’s a good chance that it has nothing to do with them and everything to do with your own self-esteem. You might think that the person is out of your league, or that they are too good for you. You might believe that they only want you because they’re lonely and desperate, and when they find someone better they will leave you behind.

If this sounds like you, then I have some news for you: You are not alone! In fact, many people have these feelings at one time or another in their lives. It’s natural to feel nervous around someone who we admire greatly and want badly.

Not feeling good enough can make us feel insecure, inferior and even depressed. It can make us feel like we need to change our looks, our body, our personality or even our past so that we can become acceptable to others with are not true. Here are some not feeling good enough for someone quotes I am sure you will find relatable.

Feeling not good enough for somebody puts you in a constant state of pain yet, moves you no closer to finding someone else. Move on. No matter how hard you try, you’re not going to be enough for everybody. But you don’t have to settle for that! Be the person that you want to be and accept yourself just as you are.

1. When you’re feeling not good enough, don’t feel bad. You may be shy. You may be afraid to stand up and say what’s on your mind. Please move on with your life.

2. The thing is, being single doesn’t mean you’re not good enough. It means that you have to find a way to be worthy.

3. It can be demoralizing to know that your partner doesn’t love you the same way. You’ll have to decide if the pain is worth the price of loving someone that isn’t right for you

4. Accept that you don’t feel good enough for someone and get over it. Don’t compare yourself to others. You are a beautiful soul, your beauty is on the inside.

5. Realizing you aren’t good enough for someone can leave you feeling sad and empty. But knowing what’s right doesn’t always feel good.

6. Not feeling good enough for someone is a common problem we face in our lives. It’s an issue that the most successful people have to overcome on a regular basis.

7. When you are not feeling good enough for someone, do not be afraid to let them go. There’s room at the top.

8. Accepting your need to feel good about yourself despite what others think of you can be a tough pill to swallow. It helps to keep in mind that it’s not the end of the world if someone doesn’t like you.

9. When you don’t feel like you’re good enough for someone it can hurt. But sometimes the right thing isn’t the easiest or most pleasant thing to do.

10. When you feel sad, it does seem like your luck has run out, although, at this point, you may still be able to do something about it.

11. Other people don’t know you as well as you know yourself. Don’t make assumptions about what they think of you.

12. Sometimes you don’t feel enough for someone. Sometimes you feel like you’re not even in the same league together. Sometimes it makes you question everything about yourself. It will hurt, but it’s normal.

13. Accept that you don’t feel good enough for someone and stop feeling bad about it. Like it or not, you are not good enough for someone, and if a relationship is built on that lie, you can only end up disappointed.

14. You might not be the right person for someone else, and that’s okay. Even when you love someone, sometimes it’s hard to know if they feel the same way about you. You can’t force anyone to love or want to be with you, so the best thing you can do is get out and move on.

15. Sometimes, you’re not meant to feel good enough for a person. Sometimes it’s just simply not your time.

16. One of the hardest things in life is accepting that you’re not good enough for someone.

17. When you are not feeling good enough for someone, remember that God created you to be exactly what they need.

18. When you think you can’t be who someone wants you to be, remember that everyone has flaws. If someone doesn’t like you, it’s probably because they dislike your flaws and not you as a whole.

19. Sometimes you won’t feel good about yourself, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You are always enough for yourself.

20. There are times in life when you do not feel good enough to meet the right someone, but there will be those special moments when you are sure to find true love.

21. Sometimes you don’t need someone who will be perfect for you, but rather someone who will fight for you. Never settle for anything less than that.

22. There comes a point in every relationship where you have to put away all of your emotions and realize that it’s just not going to work.

23. Sometimes you won’t be good enough for someone, and sometimes they won’t be good enough for you.

24. If you think that someone is too good for you, it is something you will have to accept. I am just accepting the fact that I do not deserve him.

25. Falling in love with someone out of your league can make you have the feeling of not being good enough for someone.

26. You need to accept the fact that you are not good enough for someone. You will never be good enough, and that is okay.

27. Sometimes you just need to take a moment and realize that it’s okay not to be good enough for someone.

28. It’s hard to accept when you aren’t good enough for someone. It takes time, but you need to accept the fact that not everyone is going to love or like you.

29. One of the most difficult truths to understand is that you are not good enough for everyone. You can’t be everything to everyone, and that’s okay. You have to have the strength to know your worth and walk away from anything or anyone that doesn’t appreciate it.

30. It may be hard to accept, but you are the problem when someone thinks you are not good enough. I am not good enough for him and there is nothing I can do about it.

31. There is nothing you can do when the one you love loves someone else! Accept it and move on.

32. It can take months or even years to figure out why you weren’t right for someone. It’s one of the most excruciating experiences in life, and it can make you feel completely hopeless.

33. Sometimes you feel like you’re not good enough for someone, even though you know there’s nothing you can do about it.

34. Accept your flaws and you will find the person who is right for you. We all want to feel accepted and desired, but if you don’t feel either of those things in a relationship, constantly comparing yourself to others is only going to make things worse.

35. Being in love with someone out of your league can be devastating. You feel you’re not good enough for them.

36. Accepting the fact that you will never make it in a relationship with someone can be disappointing, especially when you have done everything you know to try.

37. It can be heartbreaking when someone doesn’t want to be with you because they don’t feel that you are good enough.

38. Regardless of how much you’ve changed for the better and what kind of sacrifices you’ve made, you’re not good enough for some people.

39. When you realize you aren’t good enough for someone, you have 2 choices: both will hurt but one can help you accept what has happened.

40. When you care about someone and it doesn’t work out, it can be disappointing. Loving someone out of your league can make you feel insecure.

41. We often find ourselves comparing ourselves to others, which can be a very toxic thing for our mindset. Making this comparison is unfair as we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors and in secret places between people.

42. We have no idea what challenges are being faced internally or externally that would allow us to compare ourselves with them fairly enough to feel like we’re not good enough.

43. At some point in our lives, we’ve all felt like we weren’t good enough. We feel that sting when a crush rejects us, or we’re not invited to a gathering. Does that mean you have to accept the rejection?

44. Falling in love with someone out of your league can make you feel unworthy. I’m coming to the realization that he’s not the right person for me and that I can do so much better.

45. You were never less than beautiful. The stars did not realign because you stumbled. These things happen, and when they do, it is not the end of the world. You were stung by love but you will heal.

46. We often feel that we are not good enough for others. The truth is, if you want someone who is right for you and who loves you, all you can do is be your true self and accept yourself.

47. For some of us, it’s difficult to know if we are worthy of other people’s friendship. I am just accepting the fact that I will never be good enough for him.

48. Accepting the fact that you aren’t good enough for someone is one of those things we often try not to think about. It’s a painful thing to admit, and it creates feelings of sadness, regret, and rejection. But there are ways to deal with it.

49. It’s easy to feel like you’re not good enough for someone—but the truth is, no one is perfect. Love yourself and be brave to open yourself up to a new relationship.

50. Stop thinking about gaining someone’s approval. Just accept that you don’t feel good enough for them, then get over it.

51. Accept that you don’t feel good enough for someone and move on It can be painful to realize you’re not right for someone, but even if it feels good, it doesn’t always mean what’s right.

52. If you want to feel good about yourself, you need to focus on your own happiness, not on your feelings towards others.

53. Ensure you are able to recognize the reasons why a relationship didn’t work out, but understand that it was not possible to continue it.

54. You shouldn’t try to be someone you’re not. Sometimes you won’t be good enough for someone, and sometimes they won’t be good enough for you

55. When you’re done, you have a choice to make: do you get comfortable or do you become better? When you’re in love with someone out of your league, it can make you feel like you’re not good enough.

54. Oftentimes we have the tendency to feel that we are not enough. But your true self is beautiful and worthy no matter what.

55. Don’t be someone you’re not. Not everyone is right for you, and you’re not right for everyone. Sometimes people just aren’t perfect for each other, but that doesn’t make either one of them bad people.

56. You should never feel like you don’t deserve someone, no matter what they said. You’re not a burden or a waste of time, or take too much energy. You are worthy of love. Always.

57. Sometimes, people do not want to be with someone who they do not feel is like them. That situation is a sad part of life, but it helps to remind yourself that you are only human.

58. When you accept that you are not good enough for someone, the only way to go is to accept it. Don’t miss out on a good thing just because it’s not what you’re used to. True love is worth waiting for and fighting for.

59. It’s not fun to know you’re not good for someone, but doing what’s right doesn’t always feel good. Be yourself. Either people will like you or they won’t. If they don’t, their loss.

60. Falling for someone out of your league can cause self-esteem issues. Your feelings may lead you to think that you’re not good enough, pretty enough, or smart enough.

61. It can hurt to realize you aren’t good enough for someone, but knowing what’s right doesn’t always feel good.

62. You’re going to feel bad sometimes. Things won’t work out all the time and that’s okay. You can only control so much, so just focus on what you can.

63. Accepting the fact that you weren’t good enough for someone can be disappointing especially when there is nothing you can do about it.

64. First impressions do matter, but you’ll never be good enough for some people and some people won’t be good enough for you. It’s all about figuring out who works and who doesn’t.

65. You’ll never be good enough for everyone, and you shouldn’t try to be. You can only focus on being the best person you can be.

66. Falling in love with someone out of your league can make you feel not good enough. You can’t control how other people feel. But you CAN change how you respond to them. You can only accept yourself and let that be enough.

67. You should not be in a relationship with someone who makes you feel that you are not good enough. Know your worth.

68. When falling in love with someone, you might feel inferior or not good enough. Falling in love with someone out of your league can make you feel like you’re not good enough for them.

69. Do not seek approval. Be yourself and find someone who likes you for who you are. Accepting the fate of not being good enough for someone can be disappointing, especially if you cannot change it.

70. The only thing that matters is that you will think of it constantly until you change it. You don’t need to beat yourself up about what went wrong in a relationship, especially when that relationship was unhealthy, to begin with.

71. When someone rejects you, it’s painful. It hurts to know you weren’t enough for them and it’s painful to soul search for what was so wrong with you that you didn’t measure up.

72. Instead of rejecting yourself and your self-worth, why don’t we do something different and just accept it? Let’s be honest, no one is perfect.

73. Sometimes we get enamoured with a certain someone and it consumes us. We like all that they are, their personality, their style, and even their flaws. They on the other hand don’t feel the same way about us, but we still continue to hope and hold onto those feelings. These are real feelings that will only cause you more pain than good.

74. There’s nothing worse than having a crush on someone who is completely out of your league. It’s disheartening to try and put your best foot forward, only to be rejected because you’re not exactly what they’re looking for.

75. If someone doesn’t like you, it’s their loss. If you aren’t good enough for someone, then that person wasn’t right for you either.

It’s a very hard thing to deal with the feeling that you’re not good enough for someone, especially when it’s someone you truly love and care about. It can be devastating and hard to move on. Words, songs of sadness and thoughts of rejection fill up your head like a storehouse in abundance.

76. When you are not being good enough for someone, it is the most hurtful part of loving them. And if we continually let them in, they will fill our hearts with pain.

77. You’re worth the world, but that’s sometimes really hard to see. It hurts when you realize you aren’t as important to someone as you thought you were.

78. One needs to understand that one is not good enough for someone once life made it clear. There’s a need to move on with life but don’t seek sympathy from others.

79. Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t good enough. That is a lie they tell themselves so they don’t have to face the fact that no one is willing to invest in them.

80. Sometimes things happen that we don’t want to happen, and sometimes people leave you. Sometimes people make you feel like you’re not good enough.

81. Sometimes you have to be good enough for yourself before you can be good enough for someone else. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

82. Don’t be scared to feel the pain and sadness that comes with being not good enough. It will only make you better and stronger.

83. Let us not be satisfied with just being good for other people. Let us also be good enough for ourselves.

84. You can’t change who they are. You can’t change what they do to you. But you can choose how you see yourself.

85. Sometimes your feelings of insecurity can get the best of you. But everyone experiences those feelings at one point or another. Don’t let it get you down!

86. When you’re not being good enough for someone, it’s time to let go.

87. You are not good enough for someone, and that’s what makes it so hard to move on. This is where the rejection really hurts and digs deep into your mind. You might start to doubt if what you think of as good, is actually good enough for others.

88. You are not Good Enough for someone. You are FABULOUS, AWESOME and you are PERFECT!!!

89. You don’t need someone else to make you good enough, but it’s so easy to lose yourself in the ‘me versus them’ world that we live in today. Be good enough for you!

90. You are not being good enough for someone if you need things to be perfect and perfect all the time because of them. Do your best and let go of needing others’ approval so much. You’re amazing and that’s what matters most.

91. Never be good enough for someone? Raise your standards! Having problems with someone and feeling bad about yourself? You’re not good enough for someone? Get over it! You are no better than them.

92. You are not good enough for anyone or anything but you. You are enough and that is what is Important to Remember

93. The lack of certainty of not being satisfied with the current level of achievement, whether it be with respect to career or personal life. Has a guy ever said to you “You’re great, but I don’t think it will work between us” and you wonder if he’s right? Does it make you feel like you’re not good enough?

94. Sometimes you may feel like the one being rejected. You’re not alone; everyone feels this way sometimes. One needs to embrace the fact that one is not good enough for someone. No need to seek sympathy from others in order to move on with life.

95. Sometimes it feels like the only thing holding us back is our own doubts and fears. That’s when it’s time to remind ourselves that we can always be good enough for ourselves.

96. No matter how much you want to be, it’s not enough to please someone who doesn’t approve of you.

97. Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have. If someone doesn’t think you’re good enough for them, remember to not lower your standards to accommodate them.

98. It’s hard to stay motivated when you’re feeling like not enough. But remember: You are enough!

99. Sometimes it’s okay to not be enough for someone. Sometimes it’s not.

100. If someone doesn’t think you’re good enough for them, remember that just because it’s what they want, you don’t have to lower your standards to accommodate them. I’m not good enough. I don’t deserve true love or respect.

Not feeling good enough for someone is a feeling that could apply to almost every single man or woman. After all, we are all looking for someone who will make us feel good by their mere presence and in their company.

Searching for a partner, not wanting to feel rejected, we are all looking for the perfect way to measure up to someone or something. I just hope that with these not feeling good enough for someone quotes, you get to understand that while it’s normal to feel like that, it’s truly not okay to be like that.

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