NTCI Mathematics Competition Review 2020 See All You Need to Know

NTCI Mathematics Competition Review 2020 See All You Need to Know.

NTCI Mathematics Competition: First Surat Group is a company whose main investment is in the area of education and health,

and whose objective is geared towards building human resources and raising responsible individuals who are equipped with necessary skills and knowledge of the contemporary world.

The company is well aware of the importance of education in transforming individuals and societies for a brighter future.

This is also one of the main agenda of the Federal Government of Nigeria. Since the company and Federal government are sharing the common goal on this ground, the advancement and growth of the company have been exceptional.

Meanwhile, the company has consistently employed quality staff and placed a meticulous emphasis on molding the students to excel both in academics and morals.

Thus, the outcome of the efforts has blossomed into many success stories. All these fruits have resulted in admiration and acceptance by the public in the years passed.

The company started its activities in a rented building with only fourteen students in Abuja in 1998. Following its nonprofit making policies with a view to growing better human and modest life standards of its administrators, in only 19 years of her existence, the company has grown into a formidable enterprise with the following branches:

Nigerian Tulip International Colleges, Galaxy University Preparatory Center, Nile University, Nizamiye Hospital, Vefa Tourism, and NTIC Foundation.

NTIC has been awarded as the best and top school by the National Mathematical Centre (NMC) and the Ministry of Education in Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Information Communication Technology (ICT).

The CEO of NMC, Prof. Solarin together with the State Minister of Education awarded NTIC as the best and top school of 2013 and 2014 in Science and Maths subjects.

The State Minister of Education commended the NTIC community on their outstanding achievements in Nigeria. Prof. Solarin expressed his joy in collaborating with NTIC.

Format for the Competition

  • The competition is open only to primary 5&6 from any public or private school on the country
  • Age limit is 12 years old
  • All students are to sit for the exam in states where their schools are registered

Type and Number of Question

Both stages of this competition is objective type. Involving 72 questions distributed as follows, 35 algebra, 15 geometry, and 25 aptitudes. The question is prepared according to Nigeria primary school Syllabus but in harder level

Duration of Exam           

A total of 120 minutes allotted to answer the entire question

Date and Venue of the Stages and Giving Ceremony

  • 1st stage 1ist December 2018
  • 2nd stage: 3rd April 2019
  • Award Giving ceremony: 4th April 2019

1st Stage (State Level)

The first stage of the annual competition holds simultaneously in the 36 states of the federation including FCT. All primary 5&6 public from public or private schools may participate in this competition. There’s no restriction on the number of students who can participate in this competition.

Each participant must come with a copy of the examination card filled out completely to the exam hall (a detached copy from school ministries procured at 500 hundred naira).

The best five students from each public school can access the exam registration form without payment. Public school is to decide their 5 best public from for free entry for the competition

2nd Stage (Final Level)

Thee five winners of each state will be given call(on the number provided in the examination form) to be informed about the final stage.

It is the winner’s responsibility to check and learn about the result on time from the website. In the case where a winner does not come for the final stage for whatsoever reason, he or she cannot claim to proceed to the final stage. But he or she will be awarded a reward gotten from the first stage

Award and Prizes

  1. The best five pupils from each state will receive an invitation to participate at the Zonal level
  2. The best five public from each state will be rewarded a reasonable amount of money
  3. The best public from each state will obtain a 100% tuition scholarship
  4. The 2nd public from each state will obtain a 75% tuition scholarship
  5. The public from 3rd to 5th position from each state will benefit a 50% tuition scholarship

Zonal Level Prices

  1. 3 gold, 4 silver, and 5 bronze medals will be given in each zone
  2. The best seven public from each zone will get a 100 % scholarship (this including tuition, feeding, and hostel)
  3. The pupil from 8th to 12th position from each zone will get a 100 % scholarship of tuition
  4. The best twelve from each zone will receive a cash price as indicated below.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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