NTI PGDE Past Questions and Answer PDF Free Download Study Pack

 – NTI PGDE Past Questions –

Download NTI PGDE Past Questions and Answers: Are you online searching for National Teachers Institute (NTI) PGDE past questions and answers in PDF files or any other file format of your choice? If yes, then search no more.

This article makes available the NTI past PGDE questions and answers. And they are made for all the students doing the postgraduate diploma in education. Also, it covers courses in any of the National Teachers Institute study centers nationwide.

Also, these past questions and answers have been carefully prepared for all departments. And they are for all the courses with the answers gotten directly from the marking schemes that the school had set and compiled into a year-by-year reference book.

Importance of NTI PGDE Past Questions and Answers

NTI PGDE’s past questions and answers guide enlightens you on the scope of the examination. Also, through it, you won’t be in the dark about questions to expect in the examination. Furthermore, you won’t need support rather you’ll be confident in yourself.

Additionally, the past questions and answers guide has a great advantage towards preparing for the examination like Helping you overcome examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from.

Additionally, the past questions and answers guide equips you beforehand. Also, it guides you on how to answer exam technical questions. Furthermore, it helps you avoid unfortunate and unwanted eventualities.

Also, it is expedient that a student prepares himself well for the examinations. Thus, we are here to help you prepare well. And we have carefully put together a compilation in PDF format of the past questions for the National Teachers Institute, NTI.

Benefits of the Chevron Scholarship Past Questions

  • It enlightens you on the scope of the examination
  • Hence, you won’t be in the dark about questions to expect in the examination.
  • Therefore, you won’t need support rather you’ll be confident in yourself
  • You won’t develop examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from.
  • Equips you beforehand.
  • Guides you on how to answer exam technical questions

Important Tips about Writing the Examination

  1. Do not spend too much time on any question. Thus, answer first, those questions which you know well as quickly as you can.
  2. Also, always read a question carefully. Make sure that you understand exactly what is required before setting out to answer it
  3. Furthermore, listen to all the instructions given by the Supervisor of the examination. And do exactly what he tells you to do. Also, start when he tells you to start and stop when he tells you to stop,
  4. Also, plan how to answer questions as quickly and carefully as you can.
  5. Furthermore, mark (or shade) your answers clearly on the answer sheet. If you find out you have made a mistake, erase your first mark completely then make a new mark.
  6. Additionally, remember to fill in the details required on your answer sheet. And these are the examination, year, your name, your index number, and the subject If you do not write your name or your index number you will not receive any credit for the work done.
  7. Also, if you have more answer spaces than you need, just leave the extra spaces blank.
  8. Additionally, when you have finished one page, go on straight to the next page without wasting time or waiting to be told.
  9. Also, keep calm on the examination day. Your chance of doing well is high if you keep calm than if you are worried and restless.

Guidelines to Help You Study

  1. Try to concentrate
  2. Study with the Postgraduate past question and answers
  3. Understand exam format and study its syllabus
  4. Create a good study environment
  5. Start studying on time. Do not wait until it is two weeks to the exam before you study.
  6. Do not just read to pass but read to understand
  7. Study past questions. Try to answer them yourself. Score yourself also.

Samples NTI PGDE Past Questions and Answers

This compilation of NTI PGDE’s past questions and answers is comprised of the questions from the previous years’ examinations. And it is for both the first and second semesters.

Also, it is a complete guide you should not miss as you cannot find this elsewhere. Below are some sample NTI PGDE past questions:

1(a). Briefly explain the three (3) modes of philosophy

(b). Distinguish between common and technical science and relate each to philosophy and Science.

(c). Compare and contrast Philosophy and Science.

2(a). What is Metaphysics?

(b). State any four (4) basic issues of metaphysics.

3(a). Explain the meaning of Axiology.

(b). Differentiate between Ethics and Aesthetics

How to Download NTI PGDE Past Questions and Answers

The cost of the recent NTI PGDE past question and answer is ₦2,000 only.

In order to get the material delivered to your mail box, you are entitled to make a bank deposit of 2,500 naira to United Bank for Africa (UBA) @ TMLT PRO SERVICES with Account Number 1022564031.
Once payment is made, a link will be sent to your email address. Simply click on the link to download your past question.

Also, after downloading your past question successfully, kindly leave a review and rating behind. We respect your reviews. And it helps in the improvement of our services to our customers.

Payment Procedure for the Past Questions and Answers

The payment procedure for our NTI PGDE past questions and answer are as follows:

  1. Make payment to the bank account above, either by bank deposits slip or online transfer
  2. After payment, the candidate is expected to:

Send FULL NAME ON TELLER or BANK ACCOUNT NAME which the payment was made from + AMOUNT PAID + PAST QUESTION IN DEMAND, as mail to or SMS to +2348082284439.


  1. Name of the teller or bank account you transferred from. For instance – Vickie Paul
  2. Past question type: NTI PGDE past questions and answers.
  3. Email Address or WhatsApp Number.

The PDF Past Question and Answers will be sent to your email address once payment is confirmed. You can reach-out to our customer care service before placing an order.

For any questions or inquiries, contact us @ [email protected]

To get the complete and updated version of the NTI PGDE past questions and answers material, kindly follow the steps above.

Also, the above steps will help you purchase or get your copy easily. Note that this material is in PDF version. And as such, will be sent to your email address after successful payment.

Also, understand that the main purpose of this past question and answer guide is to reveal the nature and scope of the examination. Additionally, it is to help you gain confidence before the examination.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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