Effect of Seed Treatment with Synthetic Pesticides and CASSIA Alata Extract on Field Performance of Nsukka Yellow Pepper (Capsicum Annum)

Effect of Seed Treatment with Synthetic Pesticides and CASSIA Alata Extract on Field Performance of Nsukka Yellow Pepper (Capsicum Annum).

Table of Contents


In Nigeria, the English language is the language of everyday communication, especially in work places. To support this, most employers of labour expect a high level of proficiency in the language skills, from would-be employees.

However, probably because English is a second language in Nigeria, most Nigerians are yet to grasp its intricacies, they lack necessary linguistic capacity to express their feelings appropriately.

Many a time, required tact and courtesy expected in social interactions during service encounters are found wanting. This often causes a setback in communication. One of such work places where the above stated is exemplified is the university community, the haven of polished people.

The researcher’s focus in this study is, therefore, to show that everyday communication in the English language is to be peppered with linguistic politeness, demonstrate different ways in which communication could be face threatening and suggest how one could couch speeches and compositions with politeness strategies in order to sustain cooperative communication.

The choice of the non-teaching staff of the University of Nigeria was made considering the fact that they are the service providers to students, staff and even visitors to the university community. The expositions, discoveries and suggestions of this study are worthy of note.


Title Page — — — — — — — — — —i
Approval Page— — — — — — — — — —ii
Certification — — — — — — — — — —iii
Dedication — — — — — — — — — —iv
Acknowledgements — — — — — — — — —v
Abstract — — — — — — — — — —vi
Table of Contents — — — — — — — — —vii


1.1 Background of the Study — — — — — — — —1
1.2 Statement of the Problem — — — — — — — —4
1.3 Objectives of the Study — — — — — — — —5
1.4 Research Methodology — — — — — — — —5
1.5 Scope of the Study — — — — — — — —6
1.6 Significance of the Study — — — — — — — —6


2.1 Preamble — — — — — — — — — —7
2.2 Theoretical Framework — — — — — — — —10
2.3 The Politeness Theory of Brown & Levinson — — — — —12
2.4 Linguistic Politeness and Indirect Speech Act — — — — —21
2.5 Conclusion — — — — — — — — —25


3.1 Introduction — — — — — — — — —26
3.2 Research Design — — — — —- — — — —26
3.3 Area of Study — — — — — — — — —27
3.4 Population of Study — — — — — — — —27
3.5 Sample and Sampling Technique — — — — — — —27
3.6 Instrument for Data Collection — — — — — — —29
3.7 Administration of Instrument — — — — — — —29
3.8 Method of Data Analysis — — — — — — — —29


4.1 Presentation of Data — — — — — — — —31
4.2 Data Analysis — — — — — — — — —32
4.2. A Analysis and Interpretation of Section A — — — — —32
4.2. B Analysis and Interpretation of Section B — — — — —37
4.2. B (i) Descriptive Statistics and Interpretation — — — — —41
4.2. C Analysis and Interpretation of Section C — — — — —42


5.1Introduction — — — — — — — — —48
5.2 Discussion of Findings — — — — — — — —48
5.3 Summary of Findings — — — — — — — —49
5.4 Conclusion — — — — — — — — —50
5.5 Implications of the Study — — — — — — — —51
5.6 Recommendations for Further Research — — — — —53
Addendum — — — — — — — — — —54
Works Cited — — — — — — — — — —56


1.1 Background of the Study

The gift of language is the single human trait that marks us all genetically, setting us apart from the rest of life” — Lewis Thomas.

Language is one unique means of communication characteristic to man. This means that man has the ability to engage in and sustain interactions to a desired level. Language is also the vehicle of social interaction.

Consequently, in order to function well in everyday living, one needs to be functional in the language or languages of the given speech community. The human life is, in fact, interwoven with language and communication as language is not just part of us but defines us.

Moreover, speech remains the primary way humans express themselves through language (O’ Grady and Archibald 1).

In Nigeria, the English language as the recognized official language has come to stay as it is the language of instruction in educational institutions, the language of the government, the language of the mass media and the language of everyday use.

It has for well over a century continued to enjoy the pride of place in the nation. It was Ludwig Wittgenstein, a German philosopher, who taught that ‘the meaning of language depends on the context of use’.

In his opinion, language as used in ordinary life constitutes a language game, which means that the users of language follow rules for accomplishing verbal acts.


Akmajian, A., Demers, R.A., Farmer, A.K., and Harnish, R.M. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. Fifth edition. India; Asoke K. Gosh Prentice-Hall. 2001.

Alobo, Godwin Okebe. “Politeness Expressions in Igede Language: Some Sociolinguistic Strategies.” Journal of Nigerian Languages and Culture, Vol.10 No.1. (2008): 156-177 Print.

Arua, I.E. “Politeness in the Communicative Behaviour of staple commodity Sellers and Buyers at the Ile-Ife Main Market.” Papers in English and Linguistics, Vol.9. ISSN: 118-5902. (2008): 214-227 Print. The Linguistics Association, OAU, Ile- Ife, Nigeria.

Ayodabo, Joel Olatune. “Hedging: The Pragmatics of Politeness in English.” Online Lagos Papers in English Studies. Vol. 1. (2007): 257-270 Print. Ajayi Crowther University, Nigeria.

Blum-Kulka, Shoshana. “Politeness: The Pragmatic Perspective.” Discourse as Social Interaction. Edited by Teun A. Van Dijk. London SAGE Publications Ltd. 1997. Brown, P. and Levinson, S. Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage.Cambridge University Press, 1987.

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