Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager in Your Interview 2022

– Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager –

Whenever you ask a hiring manager reasonable questions during a job interview, you are showing your professionalism, thoughtfulness, as well as commitment. Unfortunately, a lot of candidates trail off with questions to ask a hiring manager. I am here to help you if you fall into that category.

Questions You Should Ask Your Hiring Manager

Here are great questions you can ask your hiring manager at your next job interview. The first eight questions are questions about the role, and the second 10 are questions you shouldn’t ask your hiring manager.


1. What is the History of this Position?

This is an important question to ask in an interview because if you are offered the job, you will have to work in an environment affected and shaped by your predecessor.

Perhaps this opening was recently created to support company growth. Also, if that is the case, ask a follow-up question about who owned the responsibilities up to this point, and how the duties will be transitioned.

If you are interviewing for a position left vacant by someone’s departure, get a sense of what happened. Why did the predecessor leave the job?

Was he or she promoted or internally transferred? If the predecessor left the company, ask about the circumstances.

On the same note, it is usually fair game to clarify whether the company is considering internal candidates for the position.

2. How Does this Role Contribute to us?

It’s not terribly difficult to find a candidate that can execute a role. It is terribly difficult to find a candidate that can not only execute on their role but also understand how it fits into larger goals.

This includes being able to self-manage, prioritize high-value activities, and grow their role in a direction that aligns with the company’s growth.

 3. What Does Success Look Like Here?

A responsible and very smart open question that covers a lot of ground. Therefore, you’re inadvertently asking about how employees are treated, internal processes, future opportunities for promotion. The answer to this will tell you a lot.

4. What is the Company’s Approach to Failure?

While it may seem to be a dangerous question, every company has had to deal with things not going their way at some point. Therefore, the answer to this will tell you a lot about the company culture.

Those in ‘steady state’ businesses may react like they have something to hide. Listen for positive responses – anecdotes about transformation, agility, and flexibility.

5. What do you Enjoy Most About Working Here?

Knowing why someone enjoys working for the company can help you see the positive aspects of the company and get excited about working there.

If the interviewer does not have a strong answer to this question, then that may be a warning that the work experience is not enjoyable. Also, knowing this before taking a position can be beneficial in your decision making.

6. How did you get to Your Role?

Asking deeply personal or intrusive questions won’t get you high marks in the interview. However, most professionals enjoy sharing their career journeys.

Ask what first attracted the hiring manager to this company, and what the career progression has been like.


7. Where do People Usually Eat Lunch?

Do they take the time to go out? Do people bring lunch but eat in groups? However, do folks normally eat at their desks because they’re too busy to socialise?

Asking this question serves as a great way to find out a little bit about the company culture. Additionally, Plus, this is a more lighthearted question that might relax a stiffened atmosphere or lead to a conversation about shared interests.

8. How do you deliver negative feedback?

If you would work with the person interviewing you, this is another tough question that can give you some insight into how the team works.

It pushes the hiring manager to think about how he or she would handle an uneasy situation while showing your level of maturity, in that you (realistically) expect to receive tough feedback sometimes.

Questions You Shouldn’t Ask

Some questions can leave a negative impression on your interviewers. Here are some questions you should avoid asking.

1. How do I Schedule Days Off?

This question can make you look like you do not really care about the work, but are more interested in the time off. This does not send a positive message to the employer. Therefore, they will usually discuss information like this during orientation.

2. Can I Work From Home?

If this position were one that allowed you to work from home, it likely would have said so in the job description. Unless stated otherwise, it is wise to assume that this position will require you to report working every day.

3. What Does this company do?

Before the interview, you should research the company to find out general information. However, you can start by browsing the company website. You should have a comprehensive idea of what the company does before arriving at your interview.

4. How Long Will it Take to Get a Promotion?

Although this may show that you are ambitious, it can also show that you are not interested in the position being offered. Instead, show that you are excited about the current position. Also, you will find out more about promotions as you work in the company.


5. What Type of benefits are offered?

It should discuss once benefits I have offered them the position. After they offer you the position, but before you accept, you can ask about insurance and holiday and sick days. Asking about it too soon can send the impression that this is all you are interested in.

6. Will I Have to Take a Drug Test?

Asking about a drug test can send a negative message to your employer.

Your employer may believe that you asked this because you will have a difficult time passing the drug test. The company will inform you if this is a requirement when offering you the position.

7. What Will my salary be?

This is also something that you should discuss after the company offers you the position.

Salary can often be a sensitive subject and should be discussed only at the time. If the salary is not desirable, then this can be discussed and negotiated before accepting the position.

8. How Late Can I be to Work?

Being late to work should never be an option. Asking this sends the message to the employer that you do not value being prompt.

This can also translate to meeting deadlines on projects and other details that make you a valuable employee.

9. Are There any Perks to the Job?

Although the job may have perks, it is not a good idea to ask about them at first.

This can send the message to an employer that you only care about the perks of the job and not the job itself. As an employee, you will learn about the perks of the job when you are hired.

10. How Many warnings do you get?

We often discuss details about discipline during orientation. This can make the employer think that you have had a problem in the past with discipline or that you don’t plan to follow guidelines.

Need more help prepare for your next job interview? Don’t worry, just make sure you keep in touch with Current School News for more.

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