NYSC PPA – How To Influence Your Posting to Anywhere

– NYSC PPA Posting –

 After completing a twenty-one (21) day orientation program at the NYSC camp. You will be allocated to a Place of Primary Assignment (PPA). In your PPA, you will be required to provide selfless service to your country.

However, https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/graduates often worry about where they will be posted for their PPA. For https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/graduates who worry about how to cope in their places of primary assignment (PPA), the best thing to do is to influence their posting to their PPA from camp.

Below are different ways that you can guarantee yourself a PPA that will be suitable for you.

Influencing Your PPA From Camp

Also, if a Corp Member is active in the camp, they could be favoured by camp instructors. Active CMs are assigned to good PPAs. They don’t seem to be any more active than others. They just joined one group and stayed in that group the entire time.

They will be recommended for special PPA if they are always in a group and the group inspector, who is a camp official, notices the zeal that such a CM brings to the group.

Below are things you can engage in to guarantee a better and conducive PPA.

1. Permanent Home Address 

First, the address you pick will determine where you will be posted. You will be requested to enter your current and permanent home addresses during registration.

NYSC sends CMs to a PPA near their home address. So, if you want to work in a specific location, include the area’s home address. If you don’t live in the region, create one. 

2. Letter Of Request

A letter of request is the simplest way to obtain a good PPA.

It’s straightforward. If you enjoy working in a company, you can apply to work there for a period. They may send you a request letter if they like you.

The request letter must include the company’s letterhead, your full name, your NYSC call-up https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/number, and a place for the state code. The state code will be provided to you at camp and should be read carefully.

3. Joining Groups And Making Friends

Being an active member of a group in camp will secure you a spot in an excellent posting.

You may easily make friends with soldiers, the man o’war, the civil defence, the police, and other officials if you know how to make friends.

Although this may not guarantee you a higher position, you never know, these people may help you influence your posting.


4. Joining The OBS For A Better PPA

Moreso, Working for three weeks in the Orientation Broadcasting Service (OBS) is the most effective way to earn a good PPA.

The OBS is in charge of looking after the camp’s sound equipment, disseminating https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/information, and organizing social activities.

Interestingly, When it comes to posting to the principal assignment location, Corp members who join the OBS frequently receive preferential treatment.

5. Becoming A Platoon Leader

Platoon leaders are members of the Corps who are in charge of directing their platoons of fellow Corp members. They also plan and supervise various social activities for Corp members.

Also, When it comes to posting Corp members to PPA, they are likewise given priority consideration. Many of them are assigned to good establishments, particularly in the state capital.

6. Joining A Religious Group

In the camp, there are three approved religious gatherings. These gatherings attract many camp authorities.  Active CM in these groups can be assigned to religious https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/organizations that require their assistance.

Furthermore, The National Christian Corper’s Fellowship (NCCF), the National Association of Catholic Corpers (NACC), and the Nigerian Muslim Corpers Association (MCAN) are the three religious https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/organizations recognized in the camp.

7. Becoming A Member Of The Band Group

For people who are talented at playing musical instruments, the NYSC band is a good fit. The camp band provides live entertainment for the marching corps members during the camp parades.

They play at Independence Day parades and other important festivals throughout the state when sent to major towns and cities.


8. Becoming A Member Of The Quarter Guard

The quarter guard is a small detachment of corps members who serve as a ceremonial guard at the camp entrance to greet important visitors.

And, to join this group, you must arrive at camp early on the first day. On the day of the swearing-in, their first task is to greet dignitaries. You can get an excellent posting from here.

9. Excos Of The Platoon Get Good PPAs

Platoon executives and others are entitled to excellent PPA based on the recommendations of their platoon officers, this is advisable too.

10. Want A Good PPA? Contest For Mr Macho

If you are brave enough to contest and you win the contest, be rest assured that you will get a good PPA added to the prizes you will get as the winner.

However, being positively minded will help you in getting a good PPA, having and maintaining good relationships with camp officials, you never can tell who has connections.

In conclusion, be prayerful, be honest in your dealings with everyone you come across, exhibit good manners, and be patriotic.


Additional Information About NYSC PPA

This is the location where you will be required to serve for 12 months in Nigeria as a member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

This is the second stage of your NYSC service year, following the 21 days spent at various orientation camps across the country during the first stage.

The orientation camp is the most important part of your NYSC, and you’ll realize just how memorable it is after you’ve been through it.

They want you to be on your guard while interacting with the locals and learning from them, as well as making a lasting impression on the people who cross your path.

1. Why Corpers Change Their PPAs

As a result of various factors, they may decide to change their primary assignment location for reasons best known to them (PPA).

It could be due to insecurities at the location like what is happening in Jos, or it could be for a more personal reason as well.

People who dislike teaching, for example, may be forced to seek a change of PPA if they are posted to a school.

2. How To Apply For Another PPA If Rejected

If you are rejected from your PPA, then you have to write a letter to the state coordinator using the sample below.

Your address




The State Coordinator,

NYSC Secretariat,



The Local Govt. Inspector

Kosofe Local Government

Dear Sir,


I ______________ with state code no _____________ wish to apply for reposting. However, I was rejected from ___________ because _____________________________________________________ .
I hereby wish to be posted to where my service is needed.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


Full name.

Phone no

3. Benefits Of A Good PPA

There is so much that one can benefit from a good PPA, if you serve in a bank, for example, you get to add your role in your CV, which will definitely give you a boost when searching for jobs after you are discharged.

Some PPAs pay handsomely, if you add that to your monthly https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/allowance it will go a long way for your upkeep.

4. What Is Expected Of Employers At PPAs

For the corp member, the employer should provide a comfortable chair, table, and bed. However, if this is not possible, the employer should give the employee some money so that they can rent an apartment.

While this may have been true in the past, https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/employers in Nigeria today will tell you that you will have to pay for everything on your own. That’s unfortunate, but it’s the way things are.

While it’s not required, https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/employers should reimburse employees who live in far places.

Employees need to be kept busy all the time by their bosses as well. Idleness of any kind should not be tolerated.


Frequently Asked Questions


1. In The NYSC Scheme, What Are The Possible Locations Of PPA?

For example, you may be assigned to a school or a hospital. You may also be assigned to a government ministry or parastatal.

2. Why Would I Be Rejected By A PPA?

Many factors can lead to a rejection from a place of primary assignment (PPA).
However, the most common ones are lack of accommodation, lack of space, too many Corp members, lack of facilities, not enough money to pay, and so on.

3. In what way is rejection beneficial?

Although it may sound negative, there are several advantages.
This gives you the opportunity to look for a more favourable PPA on your own. Undoubtedly, one with a higher salary, too. Your options are wide open if you reject the offer.

 4. What if I want to change my PPA  after being accepted?

You certainly can. But it isn’t as easy when you’ve been rejected completely.
A genuine and important reason and excuse must be provided by you to NYSC in order for you to be changed in this situation.

5. Is it possible to switch to a different local government?

Certainly, you can, but it can be a lot of work. In order to open a file at the new local government, you may have to report to your current local government after they have given you permission to do so. However, it’s easier said than done though.

6. Does my PPA provide me with any rights or privileges at all?

You have rights at your PPA. According to the letter you received from the NYSC camp, you should be addressed as a staff member.
Because of this, you have all the rights of a full-time employee, no matter where you’re assigned.

7. Is it possible that my PPA won’t let me go after I’ve been with them for a while?


Speak to NYSC about changing your PPA. If they do nothing about it, keep complaining to them in writing.
Your PPA will be changed before you sent four (4) letters. There’s no substitute for perseverance.

8. My NYSC PPA has been denied. What should I do?

Then, after receiving your rejection letter, look for a good place on your own. Also, get an acceptance letter from your local government after negotiating terms with them. From there, they’ll continue.

9. My PPA is treating me unfairly. What can I do?

Alternatively, you have two options: you can report the case to your LI or LGI, or you can stand up and fight for yourself.
As long as it’s urgent, you can https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/contact the state coordinator. It’s not a good idea to go through your LI and expect that the situation will be resolved quickly.

10. Can I move my PPA to a different state?

Obviously, that’s not possible.

Finally, Sincere thanks for taking the time to read how to influence your posting to your NYSC PPA. You can use the comment box below to let us know if you have any https://innaija.com.ng/articles/nysc-ppa/questions or concerns.

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