OAU Post UTME Past Questions 2022 & Answers PDF Download

– OAU Post UTME Past Questions –

Download OAU Post UTME Past Questions: Are you an aspiring OAU candidate? Are you currently searching the internet for OAU Post UTME Past Questions?

Search no more! OAU Post UTME past questions and answers are now available for download to all candidates that are about to write the screening examination.

Firstly, we have high accurate post UTME past questions and answers for the Obafemi Awolowo University. Also, we got this to aid your preparations for the upcoming Post UTME screening examination. Indeed, they are all you need to scale through the post UTME screening exercise with flying colors. 

This article will cover the following:

‣ About Obafemi Awolowo University

‣ What is Post UTME

‣ Reasons why you need OAU Post UTME Past Questions and Answers PDF

‣ OAU Available Courses

‣ How to Get FUNAAB Post UTME Past Questions

About Obafemi Awolowo University

Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) is a federal government owned university located in the ancient city of Ile-IfeOsun StateNigeria. The university was founded in 1961 and classes commenced in October 1962. 

It was firstly named the University of Ife by the regional government of Western Nigeria. This was led by late chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola. Furthermore, it was renamed Obafemi Awolowo University on 12 May 1987.

Also, this was done in honor of Chief Obafemi Awolowo (1909–1987). He was first premier of the Western Region of Nigeria, whose brainchild the university was.

What is Post UTME?

In the struggle to get into Nigerian universities, there are due processes to be followed. One of them is writing JAMB examination to qualify you for the university. However, it doesn’t stop there. After that there comes another examination given out by your choice of university.

This is the Post UTME examination which you will be required to take before the university can accept you. Also, getting into the university is not as easy as people think; it is very vying. You need to get in with a very good score.

Note that to do this you’ll need the help of past question and answers which is why we are here to help you. Get a copy of our Post UTME past questions and answers to assist you in the Post UTME examinations and screenings.

Why you need OAU Post UTME Past Question

Have you ever wondered why so many people apply for a particular position and only a few get selected? This is because only a few  were able to meet the required score or the cut off point. 

Overtime it has been discovered that the selected few studied with the past questions and answers. Not just any past question but a good and reliable past question. 

We have also discovered that there are a lot of scam sites on the internet who deceive candidates into paying for the past questions without actually providing them with the correct past questions.

Or worse still, don’t provide them with any past questions at all. This is all very wrong and we won’t like you to fall into the trap of such scam sites.

As a result of this, we have compiled the OAU Post UTME past questions for you. And we give you a 100% guarantee on the genuineness of our past questions.

Further Reasons You Need OAU Post UTME Past Questions

OAU is a highly selective institution. Hence, only a small percentage of students who seek for admission to the university get accepted. Note that, the aggregate scores of candidates are the key to selecting successful students.

However, studying with Past Questions and Answers is the secret of students who made it to the entrance list. The fact that you had a high score in jamb does not guarantee that your admission into OAU is secured. You still have the Post UTME exam to write.

It won’t be wise to stop studying until the Post UTME forms are released and the date to your Post UTME exams is getting closer. For this reason, we have made available Post UTME past question. This is to help you get prepared for the forthcoming examinations.

Also Note

A candidate may have with a high jamb score of 350 but ended up with a low Post UTME .  Surprisingly, he/she cannot gain admission into the Obafemi Awolowo University(OAU). However, a candidate with a JAMB score not below the cutoff mark and with a high Post UTME can gain admission.

Therefore, even if you score high in JAMB, don’t relax thinking your admission is sure. For this reason, you have to buckle up too in your post UTME to stand a chance of gaining admission into the Obafemi Awolowo University(OAU).

Furthermore, scoring  290 in your JAMB doesn’t mean you should relax. And, then 10 days to exams you prepare for the screening test. The reality is, you will get a bad result. However, the best choice is to get the complete set of the Post UTME past questions and start studying immediately after your UTME exams are concluded.

Benefits of OAU Post UTME Past Questions

1. However, it gives you useful insights into the nature of questions to expect and helps you avoid unpleasant surprises.

2. In addition, it will be easy for you to recognize repeated questions and answer them with ease and speed.

3. Similarly, gives you knowledge on the number of questions given and allocated time.

4.Furthermore, it gives exposure to the marking scheme

Note that, scoring  290 in your JAMB doesn’t mean you should relax. And, then 10 days to exams you prepare for the screening test. The reality is, you will get a bad result. However, the best choice is to get the complete set of the Post UTME past questions.  Also start studying immediately your UTME exams are concluded.

Every applicant who passed with the cut-off mark must prepare thoroughly prior to the Post UTME screening exercise. Some students are constantly on the lookout for shortcuts. The truth is that if you want to succeed, you must study diligently for the examinations. 

About the Past Question

The OAU Post UTME Past Questions and Answers are questions that have been set over time for the sole aim of admitting students to universities after they have passed the JAMB examination.

Furthermore, it is a compilation of questions from each year since the genesis of the Post UTME in OAU. However, we have been able to compile a list of OAU Post UTME previous questions in order to assist prospective students into the institution.

After you acquire our Post UTME previous questions, we will provide you with suggestions and important updates to ensure that you get into OAU with ease.

Guidelines on Writing the Examination

1. Do not spend too much time on any questions. Thus, answer first, those possible questions which you know well as quickly as you can.

2. Also, always read a question carefully. Make sure that you understand exactly what is required before setting out to answer it

3. Furthermore, listen to all the instructions given by the Supervisor of the examination. And do exactly what he tells you to do. Also, start when he tells you to start and stop when he tells you to stop,

4. Also, plan how to answer questions as quickly and carefully as you can.

5. Furthermore, mark (or shade) your answers clearly on the answer sheet. If you find out you have made a mistake, erase your first mark completely then make a new mark.

6. Additionally, remember to fill in the details required on your answer sheet. And these are the examination, year, your name, your index number, and the subjec.  Note that, if you do not write your name or your index number you will not receive any credit for the work done.

7. Also, if you have more answer spaces than you need, just leave the extra spaces blank.

8. Additionally, when you have finished one page, go on straight to the next page without wasting time or waiting to be told.

9. Also, keep calm on the examination day. Your chance of doing well is high if you keep calm than if you are worried and restless.

Guidelines to Help You Study

‣ Try to concentrate

‣ Study with the Post UTME past question an answers

‣ Understand Post UTME formal and study its syllabus

‣ Create a good study environment

‣ Start studying on time. Do not wait until it is two weeks to the exam before you begin to study.

Hard Copy Achievable

However, you will need to spend a little amount to obtain accurate past questions and answers PDF.  Also, it can be print out in hardcopy if needed. This can go a long way to help you gain your admission.

Hard copies aid easy access too in situations of power shortage. Also, some students find hard copy materials easy to read. This is because the continuous staring at the phone or system screen can cause damage to the eyes.

Arrangements of our past questions for OAU

Concurrently, our past questions are well arranged. Get high scores by getting the complete set of our past questions for the Obafemi Awolowo University(OAU). For example, if you are writing to gain admission into the faculty of engineering. The courses needed are

‣ Mathematics


‣ Physics


Note: the subjects we will send to you depend on the course you are applying for and this depends on what you tell us!.

Sample Screening Past Questions and Answers 

In the questions below, choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s)

1. Jubril found that thieves had entered his house in his absence. He went to the police to report the…

(A) break out
(B) break up
(C) break-in
(D) break into


2. After the accused was found guilty by the court, his counsel… before the sentence was passed

(A) begged for mercy
(B) made a plea for mitigation
(C) made an ovation
(D) made a plea for litigation


3. Four persons accused of currency … are being held by the security agents.

(A) trafficking
(B) trafficking
(C) trafficking
(D) trafficking


4. Gone are the days when he… enjoy patronage.

(A) would
(B) will
(C) used to
(D) could


In the questions below, choose the correct answer.

5. Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in

(A) 1983
(B) 1987
(C) 2001
(D) 2000
(E) 1984


6. Victoria is the capital city of

(A) Somalia
(B) Morocco
(C) Seychelles
(D) Burundi
(E) Lesotho


1. Which of the following organs or cell components are common to both the sporophyte and the gametophyte of a fern?

(A) rhizoids
(B) roots
(C) chloroplasts
(D) leaves

2. In which of the following organisms does a single cell perform all the functions of movement, nutrition, growth, excretion, and photosynthesis?

(A) paramecium
(B) euglena
(C) amoeba
(D) spirogyra

3. In which of the following organisms would glycogen be stored?

(A) spirogyra
(B) clamydomonas
(C) Rattus
(D) magnifera

4. The most successful group of animals in terms of diversity of species is

(A) Mollusca
(B) Arthropoda
(C) mammalian
(D) playthehelminthes

5. Flame cells are the

(A) excretory system of the worm
(B) excretory and respiratory system of earthworms
(C) excretory system of flatworm
(D) excretory system of flatworms


1. Starting from rest a car of mass 1000kg accelerates steadily to 20m/s in 10 sec, what is the average power developed?

(A) 0.2kw

(B) 4.0kw

(C) 10kw

(D) 15kw


Ans: E

2. A gun of mass 0.1kg has a bullet of mass 0.1kg , the bullet leaves the piston when fired at a velocity of 200m/s , find the final velocity

(A) 20m/s

(B) 23m/s

(C) 30m/s

(D) 45m/s

(E) 15m/s

Ans: A

3. Which of the following pairs has one vector and one scalar quantity?

(A) displacement, acceleration

(B) potential energy, work

(C) speed, power

(D)kinetic energy, force

(E) velocity, momentum

Ans: D

4. If p is the momentum of an object, then the expression P2/m has the same units as

(A) acceleration

(B) Energy

(C) force

 (D) impulse

(E) power

Ans: B

5. A ship floating in the clear water of density 1000kg moves to sea-water of density 1050kg where it floats, the upthrust on the ship then

(A)stays constant

(B) decreases

(C) increases

(D) increases by 0.05 times

(E) decreases by 0.05 times

Ans: A


1. As a general rule, ___ is the best measure of central tendency because it is more precise

(a) Mean

(b) Median

(c) Mode

(d) Range

2. The most frequently occurring number in a set of values is called the

(a) Mean

(b) Median

(c) Mode

(d) Range

3. A rectangular box with a square base and no top has a volume of 500 cm, the dimensions of the box that require the least amount of material are

(a) 10x10x5cm

(b) 4x5x25cm

(c) 50x5x2cm

(d) 25x10x2

(e) 10x50x1

4. The roof of shelter is made from a piece of corrugated iron 2.3m long inclined at 18º to the horizontal. How far from the wall does the roof stick out?

(a) 0.7m

(b) 2.2m

(c) 1.1m

(d) 1.2m

(e) 2.1m


5. A ladder 20m long rests against a vertical wall so that the foot of the ladder 9m from the wall. The height (correct to 1 decimal place above the ground at which the upper end of the ladder touches the wall is

(a) 19.7m

(b) 18.1m

(c) 18.7m

(d) 17.1m

(e) 17.9m

How to Get OAU Post UTME Past Questions

The price is Two thousand naira only ₦2,000

Bank Name: United Bank for Africa (UBA)


Account Number: 1022564031.

After which, the material delivered will be delivered to your mailbox.

Payment Procedure for the OAU Post UTME Past Questions 

Payment to the following bank account sent to your SMS or Whatsapp Number, either by bank deposits slip or online transfer

After payment,

Send FULL NAME ON TELLER or BANK ACCOUNT which the payment was made from + AMOUNT PAID + PAST QUESTION IN DEMAND +FACULTY of COURSE, as mail to or SMS to +2348082284439.


Name on Teller or Bank Account You Transferred From.- Frank Andrews

School e.g: UNIZIK

Faculty or Course E.g: AGRICULTURE

Email Address or Whatsapp Number


Successes as you get into the exam hall and come out smiling with excellence. Stay updated with OAU Post UTME results and also how to Check the OAUAdmission List. We will keep you fully updated with OAUAdmission News.

DISCLAIMER! The Content on this page is solely written to meet the needs and to guide aspirants of the Obafemi Awolowo University(OAU).
This article was written on good intentions and does not mean to cause any disturbances. If you feel any infringement of content or copyright, please kindly contact us privately.

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