OKP Scholarships for RNTC Courses 2022 Application Portal Update

– OKP Scholarships for RNTC Courses –

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now accepting applications from suitably qualified students into their OKP Scholarships for RNTC Courses. It is a fully-funded scholarship for all domestic and international students.

About OKP Scholarships for RNTC Courses

The scholarships are administered by Nuffic, the Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education.

OKP stands for ‘Orange Knowledge Programme’ and these scholarships are available for 52 countries. Please check below whether you meet the criteria to apply for an OKP scholarship.


As of today, you can apply with a scholarship for the following courses:

1. Producing Media to Counter Radicalisation

2. Media Campaigns for Development and Social Change


University Of Oxford Rhodes Scholarships 

Colombian Government Masters & PhD Scholarships

E-Districts Scholarships 

OKP Scholarships for RNTC Courses Eligibility

OKP stands for ‘Orange Knowledge Programme’ and these scholarships are available for 53 countries.

Apart from the RNTC course admission requirements, you must meet the following requirements to be eligible for a OKP (formerly known as NFP) scholarship:

1. You are a national and live and work in one of the countries in the Nuffic OKP list, which you can find here;

2. You must not be employed by an organisation that has its own means of staff development. Organisations that are considered to have their own means for staff development are for example multinational corporations

(e.g. Shell, Unilever, Microsoft), large national and/or a large commercial organisations, bilateral donor organisations (e.g. USAID, DFID, Danida, Sida, Dutch ministry of Foreign affairs, FinAid, AusAid, ADC, SwissAid), multilateral donor organisations, (e.g. a UN organisation, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, IADB), international NGOs (e.g. Oxfam, Plan, Care);

3. You have an Employer’s Statement that complies with the format Nuffic has provided. All information must be provided and all commitments that are included in the format must be endorsed in the statement;

4. You have an official and valid passport;

5. You do not receive more than one fellowship for courses that take place at the same time;

 6. Check if you need to provide a Government Statement here. If required, you must have a Government Statement that complies with the format Nuffic has provided.

 7.N.B. The OKP program has no age limit.

8. For OKP scholarships make sure to check the OKP Country Focus , if you are nominated for a scholarship for an RNTC course, the Dutch embassy in your country will evaluate your application not only on its own merit but also on how it fits with the embassy’s country focus as described in this document.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: OKP Scholarships for RNTC Courses Portal are currently closed. Please Bookmark this page to stay Updated.

How to Apply for OKP Scholarships for RNTC Courses

The application is closed for now but will be open soon. Apply early as you will need to complete your application in two phases and the registration on our is just the first eligibility phase.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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