Old Friends are Better Than New Friends Quotes

Friends are one of the most important things to have in a person’s life. We meet them, talk with them and make plans that might change our lives even if they don’t know it’s going to.

And the end of one friendship doesn’t mean an end to all friendships, as long as you understand that nurturing these relationships comes with work and perseverance.

Friends are an important part of life. We all need to be appreciated, loved and cherished, and friends contribute a great deal in this regard. There will come a time when you have to choose – old friends or new ones?

New friends are nice, but old friends are better. The people you already know can be so enjoyable than those you just met.

In this world where people spend a lot of time and money meeting new people, we forget to cherish our old friends. Have you ever wondered why friends who have known you since way back are some of the best in your life?

There’s no need to fall in love with every new person you meet. So, don’t let your old friends slip away because they’re newer than your new friends.

And you might want to look at this post on old friends are better than new friends quotes, which will make you realize how good old friends are.

One of the best things about having an old friend is that you get to experience all of those wonderful memories repeatedly. Life goes by so quickly, but with a good friend by your side, it’s easy to slow down a bit and appreciate the little things in life.

1. Old friends are the best of friends. They don’t care how much you make or what kind of clothes you wear. All they care about is your friendship and loyalty.

2. A friend is someone you have that special connection with and is always there for you. You can have as many friends as you want, but an old friend is still the best no matter how many friends you have.

3. Old friends are forever. Friendships that have stood the test of time and last a lifetime are some of the most meaningful friendships.

4. You never need a reason to reach out to an old friend. Sometimes it’s just nice to catch up, even if you can’t remember the last time you spoke.

5. There is nothing like an old friend. Old friends are like new photographs; they store good times, treasured moments and beautiful memories.

6. Old friends are like old photographs. They might not be as exciting as the latest models, but they’re more reliable and familiar.

7. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you’ve ever had.

8. There’s nothing like the smell of old friends in the morning. Old friends are like treasured antiques- the older the friend, the more valuable.

9. Old friends are like old wine- the older the friend, the more valuable.

10. Old friends are better than new friends. Stay in touch with people you’ve known your whole life. They’ll keep you sane and help you remember who you are while doing your best to stay in touch with the world around you.

11. Friends are the most important part of our lives, so you need great friends. Friends keep you happy and healthy, even if they annoy you.

12. Having an old friend is like a secondhand book; you already know how it ends, but it’s comfortable and familiar.

13. There’s no substitute for a friend with a shared history. An old friend is like a good bottle of wine. The older the friend, the better he/she gets.

14. Old friends are like old photographs; they get noticed more than new ones.

15. Old friends are better than new friends because you can remember what they’re like when they were annoying. If you have friends that make you laugh until you pee and cry, hold on for dear life. They’re irreplaceable.

16. Old friends are like diamonds; they are more valuable than new ones.

17. Old friendships are like old photographs – they get better with time. They last longer, and it’s easier to look at them repeatedly.

18. Old friendships get better with time. Make friends and memories that last a lifetime.

19. Real friendships never die. They remain strong and get even closer with time. Old friendships are like old wine, and they get better with time.

20. Old friendships are like treasures. They can help you during hard times, give you support and guidance, and provide a shoulder to cry on when needed. The older the friendship, the more value it holds.

21. You don’t have to make new friends, you just have to find old ones.

22. Old friends are like old pictures; they bring good memories and make you laugh and smile.

23. An old friendship is a beautiful thing—you never forget those special people who have been with you through thick and thin.

24. No matter where you are or where you are going, it’s nice to know that you have friends who always have your back.

25. Old friends are like old pictures. You always keep them with you, and they never lose their value. The years may pass, but the memories linger.

26. Love and friendship are the glue that holds us together. New friends are just old friends you haven’t gotten to know yet.

27. Old friends are like old pictures. They stick with you through thick and thin, no matter what happens. They always have your back, and they always will.

28. Making old friends is like getting a sunset tattoo. No matter how many times you see that person in the streets, their face will always make your heart smile.

29. An old friend is like a timeless treasure that you can look back on with fondness and nostalgia.

30. The best friendships are like sunsets. Every moment is precious, and you take in every detail. They never go away, even though you move on.

31. Old friends are like beautiful sunsets. You’re always happy to see them each day, and they never fade away nor go out of style.

32. Time spent with friends is always time well-spent. Friendship is all about being together, being there for each other, looking out for one another and enjoying each other’s company.

33. You can’t just make new friends; sometimes, you need to reconnect with old friends. Old friends are like old pictures; you never forget them.

34. Old friends are like a moment frozen in time, a treasure you can always look back on.

35. An old friend is like an old picture. You keep them close, and they never lose their value. The happiest memories I have are of my friends.

Friends are worth their weight in gold. They’re there for you during the highs and lows, and they’re your family away from family. True friendship is a gift, so take the time to appreciate your friends.

36. When you’re feeling low, rekindling an old friendship can be a mental boost. Even if a friend is hundreds of miles away, they’ll still be willing to lend an ear when needed.

37. Old friends are like old jeans. They’re comfy and dependable, you’ve worn them a million times, but they’re still good for many more.

38. Old friends are precious. They’re the people who have been with you through tough times, and they’ll always be there for you.

39. Friends are important. They’re a part of us. They help us grow, and they inspire us to be better. Old friends are the best because they’ve seen you at your worst and love you anyway.

40. Old friends are the best! They’re the people who had stuck with you when you needed them. And you can always count on them!

41. Old friends are great. They’re the people you always want to be around, and they’ll always be there for you.

42. Friends are the family you get to choose. Old friends are always better than new friends, but new friends can become old friends.

43. Old friends are precious. They’re the people who have been with you through good times and tough times, and they’ll always be there for you.

44. Old friends are some of the closest people in your life. They’re the family you choose, and like any family, they’ll always be there for you.

45. Old friends are special. They’ll be there for you through the good and bad times, always offering a shoulder to cry on.

46. Old friends are some of the most important parts of your life. They were there when you were younger, they remind you who you used to be, and they’ll always be in your life.

47. Old friends add something special to our lives, from supportive to fun. They’re a comfort in good times and a shoulder to cry on when things get tough. They will always be there for you.

48. Old friends are like gold. You cannot replace an old friend; they are irreplaceable, with you forever.

49. New friends are silver and old friends are gold, but the rarest of all is a true friend who has known you since birth.

50. Making friends is easy – keeping them that’s hard. But friendships worth keeping are worth fighting for. Keep your besties close and your frenemies closer.

51. Some new friends are silver, and some are gold. I’ve learned one thing that never changes, and that’s true friends are always worth it!

52. Old friends are gold, and new friends are silver. Gold will endure any trial, any test of time—silver: not so much.

53. Old friends are something no one can get away from. They’re always there when you need them, and they’re always with you.

54. New friends are silver and old friends are gold, but the best kind of friends are the ones who are like a good bottle of wine—they only get better with age.

55. Old friends are something no one can get away from. They’re always there when you need them, and they’re always with you. No matter how many years pass by, your friends will always be there by your side.

56. Old friends are there to listen when you’re in need, they make time when they can, and they’re always in your corner.

57. Old friends are always there when you need them. Old friends are priceless, whether you’re celebrating a birthday, having a wedding, or hanging out together.

58. Old friends are like magnets. You’re never alone with them, they’re always there when you need them, and they stick around forever.

59. Old friends are like a second family. They’re always there for you, and you’ll never forget them.

60. There is nothing better than an old friend. Someone you can be completely yourself with, who will always have your back and has a million memories attached to them.

61. Friendship is an important part of life. You can’t get away from it because it’s always there with you.

62. Friends are a blessing. Treat them well, and they will return the favour. No matter what happens, you can count on your old friends. They will always be there for you no matter what.

63. Friends are the family you choose. When you’re searching for a special friend for life, you can’t go wrong with the family.

64. True friends are like family. You may not always see them, but you know they will always be there for you.

65. People come and go, but true friends are always in our hearts. Friendships remind us who we are. They keep us grounded and motivated, and they never leave us when times get tough.

66. Friends are like family. They will always be there for you, and the value of a true friendship is priceless.

67. Real friends are there for you through it all. They’re always ready to celebrate your achievements and pick you up when you’re down.

68. Friends are like photos. Take lots of them, share them with many people, and always have plenty to look back on.

69. Making new friends is sometimes difficult, but when you do, they are forever. New friends are great, but nothing beats an old friend.

70. True friends are like family. You can lean on them when in need, and you know they’ll be there for you when the chips are down.

Old friends give you a sense of security, understand you, and know all your stories. New ones excite you because they don’t have a history with you yet. They are just getting to meet the person you have become in life.

71. Meeting new friends is great, but don’t forget about the old ones. As time goes by, your old friends will always be there for you. Friends are also one of the most important things in life.

72. Don’t forget the people who have always been there for you. Don’t forget to show them how much they mean to you, and don’t forget about old friends; new ones won’t be around for as long.

73. Friendship never forgets old friends, but will always remember to be there for new ones.

74. New friends are good, but old friends are better. You’ll always remember the people you’ve met when you were younger or the places you’ve been together.

75. People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.

76. New friends are great, but it’s always good to have an old one to remember why you got along in the first place.

77. For good friends, life is a long, shared journey. You can go through it all together: the good and the bad, the ups and downs, and all the wonderful things.

78. Be kind to everyone you meet—you never know when they might become an old friend.

79. Friends are family you choose for yourself, and friendship isn’t about the memories you share but the memories you create.

80. True Friendship is like sound health; in this hectic and confusing life, don’t forget to cultivate the best friendships.

81. Friendship is the most important thing to have in life, and it’s something that only gets better with age.

82. Best friends are the people that remind you that you’re never boring, and the most beautiful thing about friendship is that it gives you someone to miss when you’re apart.

83. There is no friend as loyal as an old friend, and there is no memory like the ones you have forgotten.

84. Friendship is the spice of life. It is the joy of living and being in company with the ones you love and cherish. Friendships never die. They take new forms, develop and broaden or change with time.

85. A true friend overlooks your failures and encourages you to live up to your potential. Old friends will always be there for you no matter what.

86. Friends with good memories are the ones you can call at 3 am. I’m here for you as long as you are here for me. It’s a deal sealed with a fist bump and never to be broken.

87. Remember that people come and go, but if you find the right ones, they will stay with you no matter what. Don’t forget the old friends who’ve always been there for you.

88. New friends are like cotton. Old friends are like denim: there’s nothing better. You can always depend on old friends. New friends? Not so much.

89. Going back to the old friends is better than going forward to the new ones. Old friends are like comfortable slippers; they fit so well.

90. Old friends are like family: always there for you, day and night, in good times and bad. You’ll never find a better friend than an old friend.

91. The best things in life are the people you love, the places you go, and the memories you make. Friends that have been around forever never go out of focus.

92. Great friends are like bras: close to your heart, supportive, and always there for you. Friendship like this doesn’t come around very often.

93. The best friends are the ones who lift you up and never drag you down. They’re always there for you and never go away. All your friendships are important, but you’ll never forget the great times with your oldest friends.

94. Friends are the family you choose. They are your brothers and sisters in a world filled with different people. Friendship is not a big thing; it’s a million little things.

95. When you think of friends, what comes to mind? Friends are the family we picked because they’re the family we like. The friendships you’ve had throughout your life are wonderful, and you should cherish them.

96. Old friends are always better than new friends, but you can make old friends with new friends.

97. Old friends are incredibly important. They are like great pictures; they always bring out a smile. There are no better friends than old friends, but that doesn’t mean new friends can’t become some of your best buddies.

98. Familiarity is underrated. The old friends that know you well make the best new friends. New friends are the best, but old friends are the greatest.

99. Friends are like stars, you don’t always see them, but you know they are always there. New friends are always helpful, but old friends can help make new friends.

100. Making new friends is great, but the ones you’ve had since childhood are priceless, and they will always be there for you. Old friends are the best gifts. They’re there when you need them, and they know you like no one else.

101. There are many different relationships in life: best friends, lovers, colleagues, and more. However, my favourite kind of relationship is when it’s a mix of everything.

102. Friendship is the foundation of happy families. It is a bond that is stronger than anything else in this world.

103. Friends are like family. You’re there for them through good times and bad, they celebrate your successes with you, and there’s no better way to celebrate your friendships than by getting together and creating a lifetime of memories.

104. Friends are like boomerangs: You always get them back. And old friends are like a priceless heirloom, a treasure you keep deep inside your heart.

105. The best moments in life are with the people you’ve known since childhood. Friends are there for you through thick and thin. They support you, uplift you, and give you strength.

I hope anyone reading this post on old friends are better than new friends quotes is still lucky enough to have a few close friends they’ve known since childhood. The fact remains that when it matters, we will always lean on the people who have been with us through thick and thin than on a new acquaintance.

It’s human nature to want to bond more with old friends than with new ones; although it is not easy, it is worth the effort. Make some time today for an old friend of yours, and you won’t regret it!

P.S. Kindly please share the quotes that you love in the comments below, and remember to share this amazing post with your friends and loved ones.

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