One Day Someone Will Love You Quotes

Almost everyone wants to be loved. There is nothing better than being able to share life with someone and to have them love us back the same.

Being alone is one of the worst feelings in the world. It can be difficult to enjoy one’s own company and it can be an upsetting experience too.

There are times when you have some people in your life that you feel deserve to be loved. It could be that they are in love with you but it’s just unfortunate you don’t love them in return and you have to wish they find someone to love them.

Some other times, they could be friends and family that you feel deserve some love. You just wish someone loves them someday.

In situations like these, you need to encourage them to give them hope. Hope is very important in life. You have to help them hope for the best. When they live with this kind of hope – they will always see positive changes in their lives.

To make that quite easy, there is a list of, one day someone will love you quotes here. They have been written to specially serve this purpose. You will definitely find the one for that person you want to reach out to.

One day, someone will love you as the wind blows through the trees. The clouds will gather and the moon will shine. You will have complete joy and know that you have been loved by someone you are meant to be with.

1. You deserve someone who will treat you right, value your time, your love and your life. Someone who won’t just be in it for money or attention. You deserve someone who will put you first above all else. One day, someone will love you.

2. You deserve happiness. Someday, someone will walk into your life and be the one who makes you smile and feel everything is right in the world.

3. One day, someone will love you. That person will be truly blessed because of how amazing you are. I hope that day comes soon because although I love you, I can’t be that person for you.

4. The most important thing in life is all the people who love you. One day, someone will love you and make you feel special.

5. People all go through dark times in their lives. Some people never overcome them, others only get by in life, but for some people, it only makes them stronger and brighter. You are a strong person and I know one day, someone will love you.

6. You are the kind of person that overcomes everything life has thrown at you and came out brighter, happier and better than ever before. I know one day, someone will love you.

7. Never settle for someone that doesn’t treat you like gold because one day you will find the love of your life and they will treat you like the queen that you are.

8. I can see a million rainbows in the night sky, things that used to bring you down will make you smile, and I know that one day, someone will love you.

9. One day, someone will love you and the one that does will be very lucky. So love yourself first and don’t worry about the rest.

10. One day, you’ll be so special, you’ll be told you’re shining bright and you’ll know what you’re worth.

11. You are my best friend and I love it when we spend time together. Your smile is contagious, your voice soothes my soul, and your eyes hold me captivated for hours. It hurts that we can’t be but I know one day, someone will love you.

12. One day, someone will love you and you’ll be able to give them your heart the way you haven’t given anyone.

13. One day someone will love you, and bring you joy and love. You’ll never question why and you’ll always be there for that person too.

14. One day, someone will love you no matter what your past may have been, and they will give you the chance to fulfil your dreams.

15. One day someone will love you. That person will love you with everything he has. It might not be right now, but someday you’ll find your soul mate.

16. One day someone will love you and show you that your world will spin around you and life will be perfect and everything will be okay.

17. One day, you will be happy to be alive. In this world of beauty, you will definitely find someone who loves you.

18. One day someone will love you and you will love them the same. You’ll hold out your hand and let them slip in and say I love you too.

19. One day, someone will love you and remind you that you’re the best. You’ll find the happiness you were meant to have.

20. I may not be a princess but you are a girl who deserves to be loved, and one day, someone will see.

21. One day someone will love you, and you’ll know how it feels, and that person won’t look at you the same way others do.

22. One day someone will love you, love you each and every day, they will be your world and they will be the only thing above you.

23. One day someone will love you, you’ll find your prince. One day, the sun will rise and the wall will come tumbling down.

24. One day someone will love you, and you’ll feel a warm glow inside. You’ll know that you’re finally able to make that one day come true.

25. Someday someone will love you the way you deserve, you’ll wake up and find that you are loved. Someday love will find you, and there will be no doubt.

26. One day someone will love you, they’ll hold you up and make you whom you ought to be.

27. Enjoy every moment you have, for one day you will look back on all those moments and realize they changed your entire life. One day you will find your soulmate, and when that day comes, remember how precious every second was.

28. Someday, you’ll find a new kind of love, it’ll sweep you up, it’ll give you wings. I know it’s not today, but one day, someone will love you as you deserve.

29. One day, someone will love you the way you deserve, you will be strong enough to smile.

30. One day someone will love you, and your heart will say, “oh my love, I have found you”, and you’ll know that it is true.

31. One day someone will love you, they’ll tell you that they love you and you’ll be sure that they love you too.

32. You’re the fire that burns in the night, the sun that shines your way, you’re the laughter and the joy you bring, one day someone will love you for who you are.

33. There’s a time for dreaming and a time for living, one day, your time for living will come and someone will love and bring your dreams to pass.

34. One day someone will love you, golden and shining, just as your heart has always dreamed.

35. One day someone will love you and you’ll know you’ve found the one. You’ll find the right one and he or she will make you complete.

36. One day someone will love you and from that day on, your world will never be the same.

37. One day someone will love you, you will be in perfect hands and you will be happy and blessed.

38. Someday, someone will walk into your life and love you the way you’ve always wanted. You will feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. You will want to spend every waking moment with that person, and you won’t be able to get them out of your mind.

39. One day someone will love you and you’ll be happy. If you’re thinking of someone special, then it’s time to try, to make that day a reality.

40. One day someone will love you the way you deserve to be loved and don’t forget that it could happen tomorrow or anytime soon.

41. One day someone will love you the way you deserve. In your dreams, you’ll know it’s true. You will find that special someone who sees you as their own.

42. One day someone will love you and when that day comes, appreciate them because they made your dreams come true.

43. You are very easy to love. I hope that one day someone will love you the way you deserve to be loved. You deserve the best in life, and I hope one day you will realize that.

44. One day someone will love you. You deserve love. You deserve the best. Don’t settle for anything less than being happy.

45. I want someone to be there for you and make you feel wanted. Someone to text at night, call when they’re away and just be able to talk about anything and everything with.

46. You deserve the world, my love. You deserve someone who will bring you flowers every day, chocolate, and just sweep you off your feet.

47. One day someone will love you. You deserve someone that will spend every waking minute making you feel loved.

48. That one special person who knows all your flaws, weaknesses and mistakes and still thinks that you are extraordinary and wonderful. One day, you will find her.

49. I can’t wait until the day you’ll love yourself and have the confidence to face this world without my help, without me. One day your heart will have enough space to love someone else besides me.

50. There are many people who love you and will support you through the hardest days. Someone cares about you always and loves you deeply for who you are, not for what you do or achieve. One day, you will find him.

Don’t rush life. Take your time and enjoy each moment. The right person is out there for you and you could be just one second away from finding them. Never give up on love, it’s worth it! You will find that special someone when you least expect it! One day you will find your soulmate.

51. One day you will find your soulmate. Wait for it, wait until you are older and can appreciate the person. They may not be perfect, but don’t give up on them

52. One day you will find your soulmate and you will be swept off your feet. You will know it was right as soon as it happens.

53. One day you will find your soulmate, but for now enjoy the journey. Don’t give up hope and live every day to the fullest.

54. One day you will find your soulmate. You’ll find someone who will love you unlike any other. Someone who will listen to you and give you the advice that only they can offer.

55. One day, someone will love you. Your love will shine through the sky, and make all of our dreams come true.

56. I know someday you will find your soulmate, and it won’t be me. Sometimes we think we know what is best for us, but when it comes to matters of the heart, our own hearts don’t always know best.

57. Thank you for loving me more than I ever thought was possible and thank you for giving me the greatest gift in the world. I know someday, someone will love and cherish you.

58. One day someone will love you the way you deserve. One day you’ll find the person who makes your life complete and that person will feel just like it does with me. You’ll love them back in a way no one else can and it will be perfect. I love you.

59. One day someone will love you the way you deserve! You are a beautiful and special person. You have so much to offer a relationship and make someone very happy.

60. You deserve so much more. Someone will love you the way you deserve. Ever since I met you my life has been a love story.

61. Don’t give up on love, one day you will find the love of your life. You will be so in love with him that you won’t even be able to believe it.

62. One day someone will be lucky enough to love you. They will be lucky enough to appreciate everything you bring to the table because they will realize that you are one of a kind.

63. One day someone will love you. They will love the way you make them feel when they are with you and how good they feel after a long day at work or something simple like just being able to sit next to you.

64. There is someone out there who will love you like no other, care for you and treasure you every day. You will be so happy together, treat yourself to all you deserve, smile and laugh more, just enjoy life with the one who feels like home.

65. To the person that is never upset and always in a good mood. You are always there for me and we have great conversations. You are so smart and mature, I’m sure you’ll find someone who will love you as you deserve.

66. You are so amazing. Everything you’ve ever dreamed of is waiting for you and it’s closer than you think. You just have to believe that it can happen and keep moving ahead with your life. The right person is coming soon.

67. You deserve someone who sees your beauty, someone who doesn’t mind spending some alone time with you because they know that no one else matters.

68. Seeking a home for life, a loving companion for every day, to hold in your arms, a friend to share your tasks and goals. One day Someone will love you.

69. One day someone will love you. Someone who will make laugh, smile and gives you a reason to always be happy.

70. If you haven’t found someone who loves you the way you deserve, then keep looking. Don’t stop until you find them and remember that they’re worth waiting for.

71. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it never will. Don’t give up, you will find your soulmate one day.

72. One day, you will find your soulmate. All you have to do is keep believing. There is someone out there for you, even if it takes a while.

73. There is only one person in the world that can make you truly happy. One day you will find your soulmate and you will no longer have to be searching. To be loved by someone who truly cares for you will make the rest of the journey so much sweeter.

74. One day someone will love you. Someone whom your love will bring excitement and peace into their life.

75. One day, someone will love you. Knowing that you will be there for them will always make them feel safe and secure.

76. One day someone will love you as you deserve. It will be almost like a dream knowing that you will choose them from your heart as the one and only love of your life.

77. You deserve to be loved, adored and pampered. You will find the right one for you someday.

78. You may have had a hard life so far, but you will find your soulmate one day. You are a beautiful person inside and out, and it breaks my heart to see you putting yourself through agony. But when you do finally meet someone that cares for you, life will be worth living again.

79. Thank you so much for your friendship and love. I feel like the luckiest person in the world. You are my favourite person to make laugh. I am so glad you’ve become a big part of my life, and I hope you will find your soulmate one day.

80. You deserve the best in life. Be brave, be strong. One day you’ll find your “soulmate” but until then never settle for anything less than the best!

81. Today you are single, but that is just for this moment. One day you will marry, and it will be forever.

82. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about those who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason. One day someone will love you.

83. One day someone will love you. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

84. I hope you know how much I love you. One day, someone will come along and make you as happy as you make me.

85. You deserve happiness. You deserve to be loved and cared for by someone who truly appreciates you. Give the person who can bring those things to your life a chance because they are seriously missing out if they don’t.

86. Don’t lose hope! Years from now you will find the love of your life. Don’t ever settle for less than what you want!

87. You deserve someone amazing, someone, strong to hold your hand through life. You will that person someday.

88. One day, you will find your soulmate. Someone who will love you unconditionally and make you feel loved every day.

89. One day someone will love you, every day with you will feel like heaven on earth. You will laugh and smile together while holding each other so close.

90. I know you have been through a lot of bad relationships, but there’s someone out there for everyone. Your life will change when you meet your soulmate. You probably don’t even realise it yet, but I promise it will happen someday.

91. One day, your soulmate will walk into your life. You will recognize her by the feeling that she gives you, a feeling of being home and also a feeling of being loved unconditionally.

92. Don’t give up on love. You will find your soul mate one day! Days can be long and lonely, but love will find you sooner than you think!

93. You won’t be single forever. There is someone out there looking for you, and when they do…Marry them!

94. One day you will find your soulmate. The one who completes you and makes your life whole.

95. One day you will find your soulmate. One day you will feel the warmth of the sun on your face, and the pain of heartache will fade away.

96. One day someone will love you. Someone who will adore you and always make you happy.

97. Your soulmate will find you one day. Everything you went through in your past helps shape the person that you are today.

98. It’s not easy to find your soulmate. But in the end, I promise it will be worth it. Your true soulmate will make you a better person like you were meant to be.

99. Every day goes by, more and more quickly. You never know what tomorrow will bring. One day you will find the right one for you.

I hope these best one day someone will love you quotes can bring a smile to someone’s face. They are amazing quotes to reach out to those who deserve someone to love them.

I am sure you found one or more to reach out to him or her. Don’t hesitate to use them.

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