Opening Prayers for the Birthday Celebrants (2022)

There are special days in the lives of every human. Birthdays are one of them. I mean it’s just a day in every 365 days so it definitely calls for a celebration.

Beyond the gifts, food and drinks for the celebration, prayers are very important as they stay with the celebrant even after the celebration is over.

No stress, you’re in the right place. Here’s 40 birthday celebration prayers carefully selected for you, your friends and loved ones. No thanks, it’s why we are here.

Here are powerful prayers you can pray for birthday celebrant as he or she is celebrating on a great day like this.

1. We are gathered here to celebrate with our friend and we pray that may we have more gatherings of celebration for you and everyone here in Jesus name.

2. Good God, we thank you for sparing our dear loved one for another year round and we pray that may we gather bigger and better subsequent years in Jesus name.

3. Thank you, Father, for teaching us to number our days, thank you for your blessings are however innumerable, we begin this celebration in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Amen.

4. Lord, you said in your words that as our days shall be so shall our strength be. In light of this, we thank you for adding to the days of our dear one, we celebrate and return all the glory to you.

5. Lord, we bless everything that we’ll eat and drink in celebration of our friend’s birthday, and we pray that we have much more to eat and drink in the coming year filled with love, Amen.

6. Spirit of God we bless you for your goodness. For you preserved us and the birthday celebrant, we pray that your banner of love over us shall never be uncovered, Amen.

7. Lord, we commit every of today’s activity in celebration of the birthday into your hands, take absolute control in Jesus name.

8. Father, we pray, that beyond the celebration here, you meet the birthday celebrant at the utmost point of need and open doors for more celebrations, Amen.

9. Lord, we pray, that this time next year, on the occasion of your birthday, may we never stand in a minute silence for you in Jesus name.

10. We pray for the family and friends of the celebrant, present or not, that may we always have cause to gather and celebrate each one of us, Amen.

Wonderful opening prayers to pray for a Birthday Party.

11. We pray Lord that the strength of the birthday celebrant is renewed from day to day. That he/she does not fall sick of any sort in Jesus name, Amen.

12. I pray Lord for everyone gathered here that has travelled any distance to celebrate this birthday, may we arrive safely at our various destinations in Jesus name.

13. Heavenly Lord, we ask that your presence fills this place that we do not experience any casualty during and after this party in Jesus name.

14. Gracious God, we thank you for the life of the birthday celebrant, we pray that we continually gather unto celebration and not sorrow in Jesus name.

15. Lord, we thank you for adding another year to the years of our friend, and we ask Lord that you add unto him/her many more years in sound health in Jesus name.

16. As we commence this birthday celebration today, may we gather in subsequent years for bigger celebrations in Jesus name.

17. I pray Lord for the birthday celebrant today that may he/she continue to grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding, in Jesus name.

18. Lord, I ask, that you add unto the birthday celebrate graceful ageing and every good thing that comes with growing up in Jesus name.

19. I pray Lord, that the family and friends of the birthday celebrant rejoice and bless this day for good every year in Jesus name.

20. Lord, we pray, that you replenish the pockets of today’s celebrant, that after this celebration, blessings shall roll in for him/her in Jesus name.

21. As we celebrate your birthday with you today, which is the beginning of a new year in your life, God Almighty would add new things to your life your life in Jesus name. Everything new, everything perfect, everything beautiful shall be added unto you in Jesus name, Amen.

22. As people have wrapped gifts to present to you on this occasion of your birthday, may God’s blessings, love, favour, mercies and goodness be unwrapped this coming year in your life in Jesus name. So much so that you get bigger and better yearly in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

23. I pray for you, that as we have gathered to celebrate your birthday with you this year may we never gather to mourn over you in Jesus name. That may we never have cause to weep over you and that you live many more years in more celebrations, Amen.

24. Gracious God the owner of all times and seasons, we bless you. We say thank you for keeping our friend and preserving his/her time to celebrate another beautiful birthday today. We ask Lord that you help our dear one in all wisdom to be forever grateful to you as your goodness is unending, we praise you for an awesome birthday celebration, Amen.

25. Lord, we ask, that as we commence this birthday celebration, that your goodness over the celebrant is renewed from year to year. That your mercies over him/her are timeless and your grace endureth in all seasons. Blessed be your Holy name sweet Jesus, Amen.

100 Happy Birthday Prayers for Mum (Mom)

26. We thank you, Lord, for life, for family and friends and for your unending love over the birthday celebrant. We thank you for teaching him/her to number his/her days and celebrate your love and presence. We, therefore, declare increase on all sides upon them celebrant, that celebrations may never cease in his/her life and family, Amen.

27. Every form of disaster, likely to befall people after celebrations, Lord we cancel it permanently in the life of the birthday celebrant today in Jesus name.
Instead Lord, after now may better things happen that the world may see that you’re God. That all the glory may be unto your Holy name, that we may continue to gather in celebration, all unto you in Jesus name, Amen.

28. Lord, we pray, that as we extend hands of blessings and gifts to the celebrant today, we ask that you extend your hand of goodwill to him/her in Jesus name. That your eyes shall not pass over him/her and that your presence dwells in his/her life forever and ever. Beyond human reasoning, bless him/her so much so that every birthday would be a mega reminder of your blessings this day and ever, Amen.

29. As it is all about you on your birthday today, I pray that you continue to shine as light. I declare that you forever show forth the glory of God for all of the mankind to see. That every time people are gathered like this to celebrate you, we shall celebrate the light of God that shines too bright for the world to see, in Jesus name, Amen.

30. On this day, the year you were born, it was filled with celebrations. Today is another anniversary of your birth and we are gathered to celebrate God’s blessing in this family. We pray that may you always be a blessing and your life a testimony of God’s blessings in Jesus name. That the glory of God is made evident in your life, Amen.

31. As we gather here to celebrate your birthday, may the Lord scatter and destroy every gathering of the enemies over your life in Jesus name. May the Heavenly Father destroy every finished work of the wicked over your life in Jesus name, Amen.

32. As you step into a new year in celebration of your birthday, so shall new doors open for you unto favour, success, protection, sound health, an abundance of blessings in Jesus name. All through this new year may you have the wisdom required to seek God, ask God, and follow God, Amen.

33. Beyond this birthday celebration today, I pray for you, that every blessing and gift, associated with your name shall locate you in Jesus name. You receive your new year gift of blessings money cannot purchase in Jesus name. And that in the midst of all these you’re safe and secured to celebrate many more years, Amen.

34. For our dear loved one we pray, that on this occasion of your birthday, you walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.
That you take pride in doing good and bringing good tidings to yourself and family this new year in Jesus name, Amen.

35. As we gather to celebrate with you today, may the hosts of heavens and saints of the earth gather to celebrate your seed and generation.
Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, human understanding cannot comprehend what God shall do in your life and generation through you, that the day of your birth may continually be a day of celebration in Jesus name, Amen.

38. As you celebrate the day of your birth today, may every good thing be added unto you in Jesus name. May you increase and never decrease, may you go forward and never backward.
Good things happen to you now and forever in Jesus name.

39. As you add another year to your years today, the wisdom of Solomon is added unto you. You do not only grow up but also grow old beyond every obstacle and limitations.
That every year gets bigger and better for you in Jesus name. That lines fall unto you in pleasant places, Amen.

40. As you celebrate your birthday today, may you be blessed like the 12 tribes of Israel. May your generations live long after you, may you not live after them.
In the mighty name of Jesus may you not suffer reproach or disgrace any day of your life. You are honoured and blessed on all sides and areas of your lives in Jesus name, Amen.

As you celebrate your 80th birthday today, may you celebrate the remaining years of your life in all the goodness that God can readily give. Happy birthday to you sir/ma.

Want some more opening prayers for 80th birthday party,? Kindly read this collection of prayers to pray for a celebrant at 80.

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