The micro-teaching device operates on a six-step model:

The above six-steps are interrelated. Let us take them one after the other.

(i)      Exposition of a specific skill:

          Student-teachers are exposed to various skills required in micro-teaching. These skills are mastered one after the other till they are fully conversant with all of them. When they go to the class to teach, they disclose the skill to the pupils and make sure their pupils acquire the skill before going to the next one.

          For the student-teachers better understanding of the skills, video tape models of the skills should be shown to them. These they must closely watch in order to bring their own teaching styles closer to those of the models but not sacrifice the individuality and uniqueness of their own style of teaching.

(ii)     The Teach-Lesson: 

          After the beginning teacher or student-teacher has mastered each skill of micro-teaching or preferably all the skills, he organizes a micro-teaching lesson that will last for about ten minutes with a class of between 3 to 7 pupils. He then teaches a lesson that emphasizes only a particular skill already learnt. To be fully prepared for a full scale macro-teaching, the student-teacher must have taught may lessons that have empathized all the micro-teaching skills.

          In each lesson that empathizes a particular skill, the activities of both the teacher and the taught are recorded by the video-tape and the supervisor is there to watch these activities. When the lesson is over, the video-tape is replayed. Immediate feedback from the videotape supervisor and pupils is made available to the student-teacher.

(iii)   Immediate Feed Back 

          After the lesson, the video-tape is replayed and is watched by the teacher the pupils and the supervisor. The areas of strengths and weaknesses are without reservation identified and discussed. The student teacher is praised or reinforced for his strong points and suggestion on how to improve the weak points are given to him. If the weak points are many, the student-teacher needs to re-teach the lesson in order to incorporate the useful suggestions given to him.

(iv)    The Re-teach Lesson    

          After the feedback and it is discovered that the first lesson is about 50% and above poorly taught, there is a great need for a re-teach of the lesson. The student-teacher re-plans and reorganizes the lesson and re-teaches to another group of pupils or students. Then the playback of the re-teach lesson is analyzed to see what charges have been effected. With candid acceptance of the feed back with all the necessary corrections from the supervisor, students and video tape the student-teacher is mostly likely to do better in the re-teach performance. Such an assurance was supported by Olivero who in 1970 found that students who saw the video tapes of their lessons and discussed them with supervisors showed greater behaviour changes on the re-teach lesson than those having discussions with supervisors but not seeing video play backs.

(v)     The Mini-Lesson (Mini-Macro)     

          After learning and teaching or emphasizing individual skills, the student-teacher should make his teaching an organized activity that it is. He does this by bringing together all the skills in order to present a mini-lesson. Without bringing together in an organized form all or most of the teaching skills a student-teacher cannot be said to be a fully fledged teacher who has mastered the art of teaching.

          In fact mini-lessons or mini-macro teaching offer student-teachers golden opportunity to practice all the skills together. Constant practice in this regard will make the student teacher pedagogically and professionally qualified. Mini-lesson situation is not far from the real class-room situation expect that the group to be taught is a small one.

(iv)    Evaluation                                 

          Apart from the evaluation given to the teaching of an individual skill, the actual evaluation of micro-teaching performance of student-teachers is done at the end of mini-lessons. In such an evaluation judgment is given to the student-teachers ability to give adroit manipulation to all the teaching skills and combine them in an organized manner in a single lesson to make teaching and learning very effective. It is pertinent to reiterate that for effective learning very effective and teaching a student-teacher or a beginning teacher does not learn and teach all the skills are broken into specific ones and student-teacher learns and teaches a skill at a time. When he shows competence in the teaches them as an inter-related whole. In mini-lessons. With progressive competence and advancement in the manipulation of teaching skills the student-teachers are allowed to go for the real practice teaching in schools for weeks. Supervisors who are well qualified in teaching go round to supervise and evaluate their teaching practice and practical teaching. Student-teachers are therefore evaluated in the micro-teaching, mini-lessons and in teaching practice and practical teaching.

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