Organizational Politics and Employee Performances: A Review and Theoretical Model

 – Organizational Politics and Employee Performances: A Review and Theoretical Model –

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Organizational Policies (OP) refers to the influence activities organizational members resort to in order to maximize their interest and goals in the work place.

This paper has two main goals: (1) to review major studies which have discussed op in the recent years and thereby (2) to propose a theoretical model for the relationship between op and employee performance.

While so far most studies have concentrated on op’s negative outcomes, this paper argues that, under certain conditions op may have positive effects valuable born to organizations and their members.

The models used a contingency approach which is in much contingency with Ferris and Kacmar’s (1992) recommendation of a more balance perspective toward organizational powers.

In this research work, we have used both primary and secondary data. It is an evaluative research design within depth analysis on the modus operandi of organizational politics in both industrial and service sector.

Organizational Politics queues from the politics of daily  experience  as the desire to acquire power over others.Powers itself is the ability to influence others to do something whether or not the followers likes it.

In the organization, it takes many forms, but not with the bickering that follow political officers, but with the scheming that lead themselves to the quest to outwit the incumbent occupant of a post.


Organizational Politics [OP] represents a unique domain of interpersonal relations in the workplace. Its main characteristics are the readiness of people to use power in their efforts others and secure their interests, or alternatively avoid negative outcomes within  the organization (Bozeman, Perrwe, Kacmar, Hochwarter, & Brymer, 1996).

As such, OP has become during the past decade a topic of prime importance in the management literature. In the late 1950s Lasswell claimed that politics is important since it represents the secret of “Who gets what, when, and how” in a social system (Lasswell, 1958).

However, until the 1970s, policies in organizations received little or no attention. Only with the recognition that, as in the national arena. Organizations too have to deal with conflicts, resource sharing  processes, and power struggles among their members and units, op began to attract growing attention.

In the late 1970s some studies established a theoretical framework for the inquiry of policies at the workplace (Mayes a& Allen, 1977); Bacharach & Lawier, 1980; Pfeffer, 1981; Mintzberg, 1983).


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