Organizational Politics and Employee’s Performance

 – Organizational Politics and Employee’s Performance – 

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This study identified that organizational politics is an unavoidable part of organizations which forms the core upon the agitations for control and interest projections at work place.

This research work had as its core objective an analysis of organizational politics and employee’s performance in Nnamdi Azikiwe University. The literature was anchored on Pffeffor theory of organizational politics.

The survey research design was used for the study. Taro Yameni formula was used to arrive at a sample population of 148 respondents comprising of staff of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

A simple random sampling was used to sample the respondents and findings were presented in tables and simple percentages.

Findings show that that organizational politics exist in organizations because of workers personal and selfish interests, family and friend ties, ambition not matched with equal work, fear of deprivations and lack of trust.

It further shoed that there are lost hours of work which affects productivity and jobs are not properly executed and that organizational politics can be handled by advancement of team work, propagation of transparency at work place, dialogue and discussions and by avoiding partiality.


Over the years, the concept of organizational politics has become a subject of study by many scholars and practitioners within the field of management, due to its nature of controversy. Sequel to this, interplay of politics is inevitable because of its applications in every part of organizational life.

It is also common in most families, mostly used to achieve their individual goals. Politics involves human element and the relationship that come out of it is political which should be managed and handled with care, sincerity and maturity before escalating out of control (Krietner & Kinicki 2014).

Organizational politics is described as an activity that permits people in organization to accomplish goals without going through proper channels. Whether political activities assist or harm the organization depends on whether the goals of individuals are consistent with the goals of organization (Hochwarter, 2005).

It’s simply the perception of employees that how well the job provides those things that are important for them like benefits, promotional opportunities, supervision, coworkers, working condition and the work itself.


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